Thursday, 22 February 2018


Every sense of topics in melody-malice compatibility and perversity by located, so men keynote-rancor subjugated by Karma not because they both humans enemy .'- Gita. Such as the eyes, ears are subject-see, सुनना.रागद्वेष see, hear add to live compatibility, perversity to लेकर.राग friendly in happens, malice adverse happens! But these compatibility, perversity comes where is? It's all our body, mind to combine the we body add located ego featured in the US असंग spirit as in the body in residence, which should real है.आत्मा रागद्वेष the hand in do not but if we body in the ego featured in so we see, hear in living रागद्वेष to tame add to become and torture's round start gets we own hand in do not the way it to know that I am who I am? I असंग soul am on it for all the senses, such as the eyes, ears, etc. see, hear in which रागद्वेष his hand add to be close पडेगा.यह if possible when compatibility, perversity of recognition be discarded जाय.जो a friendly he other adverse है.जो in adverse is the second-friendly if the body, mind the demands of seriously not taken should be so रागद्वेष the hand in do not be possible है.वश add to be means them circulated होना.उनके tame add to make the compatibility, perversity question of serious gets if we रागद्वेष the hand in do not so compatibility, perversity no importance not है.राग not be so friendly not engaged, malice not be so adverse not लगे.भ्रम it is that friendly, adverse due to रागद्वेष while रागद्वेष due to friendly, adverse है.रागद्वेष original and we her hand in do not be है.रागद्वेष our view, listen add to use the subject Quote from है.
मै see, I hear am etc. But we see or hear wears so direct subject Quote from joining do not need to पडती.क्यों we see anything wears so we रागद्वेष to tame add to visit? See, hear मे'बनना 'है.दिखाई, hear falling मे'होना' है.आंखों to appear wears so it is natural है.आंखें only इसीलिए.कानों to hear wears so it is natural है.कान only इसीलिये.सवाल within who sat-अहंबुद्धि or understand? अहंबुद्धि body, mind linked so it रागद्वेष of power in bound to be, understanding of the body, mind linked not होती.उसे body, mind compatibility, perversity reveals but रागद्वेष the problem होती.यह freedom .इसलिए'ज्ञानी your passion-द्वेषरहित pure nature of the action does है.परंतु man your passion-द्वेषयुक्त contaminated nature according to work out, so right actions to in his hand does not. "Gita सर्दीगर्मी, सुखदुख tolerance for says her body, mind with respect to add accepted can be here रागद्वेष the hand in do not possible to be the problem occurs when रागद्वेष regards other men would है.सर्दीगर्मी appear for there is it OK but humans appear falling in our which is react he considerable है.वहां our रागद्वेष to tame add to be the harmful then we other freedom in the baffle become it captivate negative is positive may also है.संतों said-वसीकरन one mantra TJ give word कठोर.केवल harsh words sacrifice is sufficient, sweet word speaking need नहीं.मीठे word speak artificial may be, adulation may है.इससे किसीको satisfaction not होता.लेकिन if a harsh words to speak closes, it yourself in restorative gets है.उससे no fear not रहती.भले he sweet word not say but sometimes it hard behavior not be certainty come only is it big success is your आपमे be otherwise your amok add to try to stay a struggle of not less." Healthy: "he form to get out managed है.समाज in every one of the highest target be चाहिए.हर man its nature to get any of रागद्वेष किसीका violation not करे.चूंकि all people रागद्वेष the hand in do so each other freedom encroachment keep it freedom is the same with love and support flowers Bloom हैं.रागद्वेष of power in the recurring so पराधीन and पराधीन individual freedom of unsuccessful attempts only रागद्वेष free person right meaning in freedom enjoy experience able to है.पराधीन freedom ego clash of becoming leaves है.इसलिये the right thing to understand add to come should be the same to follow qualified even though the tough engaged, even if the same time engaged. इंद्रियस्येन्द्रियस्यार्थे रागद्वेषौ व्यवस्थितौ.तयोर्न वशमागच्छेत्तौ ह्यस्य परिपन्थिनौ..वह patience today aging in rare has to be. Vain him we lost. Hey brhmachari Muni thinking do that विभ्रमवश as I today lost patience! My body like these wives body too meats, blood, pus, विष्टा, urine, muscle, मज्झा bone, etc. impact are the same. However me सुखकारक made are! I have your body soil water - the most clean keeps am still it be purified was it. It's just sad and अहनीय same. My like these wives your body is also not clear at heart! Them I well understand that indirection without how can be? Woman योवनारम्भ who macro out tits are they just are like disease suffering from the गाँठें out of it. However मोहवश Pleasant appear. In fact woman breasts and male नितंबो a खाश difference not and the rest of the body so both - one of which only. कामवेग live the bodies in the difference looks is, velocity out once consider the difference not. पायु and vaginal both holes are the same, both in no distinction. So can say that स्त्रीशरीर two पायुछिद्र while पुरुषशरीर the same! Thus पुरुषशरीर like that स्त्रीशरीर it, I feel that" it's well "is it wrong is the same. Female also in the heart so guy as is located. {Because Bhagwati Shruti the" old "all the bodies prevalent in told}. So guy from ग्राम्यधर्म {= intercourse} while I shame why does not? नारीशरीर links also सुखप्रद may not, कामनासुख a खाश sense depends only on: the bodies of the relationship of creatures कामसुख would be a deal or young son of their young mother of affection embrace while or her daughter of their young father of affection of time - bar embrace while कामुकप्रसिद्ध well why not get? Mutually love having young brother - borne also embrace it well why not find? Who husband - wife together malice has they if for some reason embrace when they each why not? {So this सुखरहित body about a mental expressions - the wish - the same woman - male together well away. Heigh! संमोहवश I नारीरूप नरकभूमियों in just drop - take such as the ghosts of आविष्ट people you. Very wonder? My heart ज्योतियों of eternal flame, अद्वय, Bliss as it soul always ऱहता is. Your business, always most beloved, beneficial, all animals mother - father this आनन्दरूप soul except well left behind I नारीरूप hell has reached! Your parents of murder to any me more sinful will not because I have ignored this सर्वात्मा killing laid. {Great person defiance of the same हत्यातुल्य is. Spirit of the great is. Films for high soul misconceptions about the diameter etc. has all the sins of संपिंडितरूप said.}
I पामरों - the temporal, fools - from also अपकृष्ट am because अद्वय soul knowing extrovert has to be, they poor the Lord don't know. Heigh! They Palmer too old to be on the elderly woman per have no longer known while I here old man was am बुढौती made bebas have my wives also like me aged, the dry Wood like to be added to his stomach drum - from बेढंगे be gone, breast also swinging are, breasts shirt children P. have now दीखने they bad only takes; but still my mind these shall Circuit is it a आश्चर्यमय mystery of the same." Hey benign! "Muni thinking do that big nostalgia of that मण्डलवर्ती my master those God Aditya me command was पुत्रोत्पादन and community run for {but then I in the world as spends time for} around the Vedas great community me प्रवृत happened. Millions of my disciple, प्रशिष्य and also the disciple to are. So disciple be also I have your home fastening did not because I thus think looking for: my Dear wives here in the Forest lives, I them up go so my his fascination of them without me sad will. So I see some time well by प्रत्युपकार you shall, after their welfare of the work done you will. Some time I thus spend given. Then I thought that if they sons produced without I went to my disconnection must सन्तप्त will be. So soon I children born takes am, son of be generated will then your time कर्मत्यागपूर्वक आत्मचिन्तन in लगाऊँगा. Son of the so I thought these जातकर्म etc. Rite so the same shall! Thus I ages to spend the. Their values were so I thought that I have knowledge that they teach shall. Then thought in front of me as their marriage to go. Boys like girls marriages efforts out looking for. All child marriage were then grandson - grandchildren view will be added! Because wish, trend, etc. it aforesaid manner of the nature and me कुबुद्धि of mind also the running is therefore it is certain that the fourth ashram go looking for with the most sin. I like knowledgeable same with due to the plight has been received. The Brahman हाथमें placed आँवले - which direct her ever someone with no should. Especially men women of them, too young women's with downright not to be. Female two feet on the run मूर्तिमान hell as stated. युवतीरूप hell अतिबलवान् is
. Contained scholars even if the hell may be your Salvation can't. Future's scholarly I yajnavalkya as it स्फुट parable become because युवतीरूप hell your Salvation unable to looking for. It is certain that योगारूढ scholars also संगके the degenerate is because I knowledgeable while this नारीरूप hell I had am. The Salvation of route walk on whether it female body in every way to avoid be because it is the hell is called the village of the same way. संन्यासरूप way of Salvation and go looking for the biggest fear that which नारीदेह from occurs. Snake, Tiger, thief, King, water, poison, fire, mental disease, body disease, the deity, ghost more of them fear no need the official retirement by Salvation try to get in engaged. Female and especially young women to leave any of them are not afraid. Women remember come from a wish occurs between impatient to your their philosophy, conversation and स्पर्शपसे wish not cause how it is possible. Who fourth ashram assumed he if your welfare whether it mind, body and नेत्रादि senses of women's with no should. Like fire closely ghee melt is just female intercourse of male patient fully is destroyed. In the world नारीरूप snake venom to avoid the same way that they see आदिका a behavior not and be remember not. {Which childhood to retire to दीखी be their memory is likely to remember not. There are only letters - पत्रिकादि in the picture, description, plot etc. not see - read so अन्यान्य true - false women रूपादि the Rite lying.} संगवान् while I here accommodation the stick so it's not possible that they दर्शनादि not do. So now for ever नारीसंग fully leave because it is not so with the देहान्तर to find your destruction of the same to बनूँगा. That the subject of lust is he dreams in the same subject watches. Dreams like die time वासनानुसार he body people seemingly who die after भिलना is. कामियों and कामिनियों with the male Kami becomes. Wish going to be angry, grasping and Mohi also must happens. Job - क्रोधादि the intercourse mind faux gets. Born knowledge faux in mind stop not finds, expires, so faux in mind knowledge generated may not what doubt. Mind pure without आत्मानुभव rare. Job - wrath, etc. the thought living Supreme deprived of the will and worship and Karma routes from corrupted by" die - Xiao "third on the way the wandering will. Third on the way it virtue and lore {= उपासनाबल} devoid of the reach so insect, and the flesh anticipates the hell quick out not be able to. {पुण्यादि for also स्त्रीलंपटता etc. avoid is imperative that sense} virtually मोक्षमार्गी the context is he पुण्यादि route except विचारमार्ग on the run, if it is corrupt then पुण्यादि support without degenerate will it means. Quietness to साधनता legislation in the mean so जन्मान्तरीय पुण्यादि help etc. question can not afford.} AUM consoles.

Monday, 19 February 2018


 Composition: - parmanand sarswati स्वामिशिशुविदेहानन्द सरस्वति तिवारीमहाराज of minion disciple, Uttarakhand,  as late read, listen and understand, better late wisdom wake lives, but the same "dhak three steel" gets. This problem is often every ज्ञानपिपासु feel is. One of Saints Mr. स्वामिशिशुविदेहानन्द सरस्वति living ashram out big - capitalized written it'll "please knowledge giving here not come". Everyone surprised to be, because knowledge to disease very common and everyone knowledgeable. Ashram स्वामिशिशुविदेहानन्द live नामक् Saint question has been what these impractical don't think that knowledge giving here not come? He said, chef! Which knowledge will him somewhere wander do not need, because he where will the ashram become will and the knowledge will not be her knowledge to give the right to be, therefore, both conditions knowledge, who then really here is no need not only. Large as beautiful thing that Swamiji has we said and I don't think it after hearing for anyone knowledgeable and knowledgeable of appearances to the difference would be difficult. Good books and inspiring episodes to read a lot of people feel good and Yes also common problem knowledge - पिपासुओं look to get some time to these things motivational discourses of great factored lives, but slowly - slowly we then said natural life to your take. Now just above the two things you Adde you these references to bring together to better understanding of be able to. Discover the truth of those for a motivational thing to listen or read the importance of the world of his approach for verification is. You knowledgeable of erotic arouse and true to research in moving go. They have different - separate deliberation also is. We other literature creation of there is no need anymore, but eternally new knowledge of books composition indiscriminately is being and their readers of any reduction are not. Until misguided will knowledge of thirst US similar घुमाती will we others knowledge consent so expressing will they we are very attractive also take; but we have our own part of life not be able to. Knowledge words, not to contemplate to his primary level, but practical knowledge, only will receive. We some of these things even if the behavior take come these knowledge within our permanent and be your whole world to see the approach also knowledge of the perfect will be the same. Work will become. The knowledge is it really external - knowledge does not require leaves and ignorant he is currently lives to true to prove that knowledge to break - torsion your account to create take and then own life for example by others on knowledge attributed to start. If you knowledge want to get this knowledge आजमाइए too. Just truth to speak practice do, early rise of practice do, towards others generously of practical life bring, excessive race hell of the door it "Maharishi yajnavalkya" said is. You will read, listen and narrates also, but never play around too? If your answer is Yes {self} you automatically knowledge acquisition will you knowledge to wander not required. Elementary education to discover the truth of the teachers need to life in the lives. Different - different topics for different - different teachers are. Teacher to write a much knowledge of their teaching the quality of the decide is. The teacher to own a subject of the best knowledge of his disciples to also that on the subject OK OK - not give finds. Truth am at the same principle applies. If the truth of the search for a पाखण्डों you bound is it good teacher may not be. Ultimate भाग्यवन्त प्रातःस्मरणीय Mr. owner शिशुविदेहानन्द GK across the country in the disciple, but they always your life say that the master of becoming mourning people to the truth takes off. Ranked Brahman made, but their idea Amar and still many of their discipleship accept. Master the same can be who you the truth of philosophy get know. Owner Mr. शिशुविदेहानन्द live by in a row master define the said that your past and future tell you what your master. This line of meaning break - मड़ोकर present can be done, but the truth is that true to know your current familiar with by your nature and personality, ie your ghost can tell. The truth are obtained they know the truth overcome obstacles how to be, so they सत्यान्वेषी future to tell you. It I his disciple Bliss Muse am writing. One thing to take care: true master he who will guide you through long does are, as long as you the truth of course not find. Truth of the right path and truth in search of the difference. You way said to be, but that walk you have. Many also blessed great man are looked at this way to your followers of later he is also true of receipt made of. There master be, which is your hands holding the truth of the way you look forward to it big सोभाग्य and may not be. Therefore, it is said to master his disciples of selections own this. They know that which is really the truth of thirst and who truth on its way to proceed looks set. Gurudev without knowledge you will not be possible, However, such as water filter drink, master even knowing will make. You have these things heard so much, but understand how is just consider this course excuse. Truly the God of you all properties are given, which is a master must be in; but error we false things caught ceased. Around the world in many Saints are, which a master did not. Physical master not even when nature, books, the world, own experience like many things which are automatically discover the truth poised to do. Truth to search for important his am need to अन्तर्मन from to experience. Master and guide you get the same will be. Master of refuge go to you lie things as with do you have a special benefits made no. Discover the truth of the travel in you words and their effects limited to stay instead of life various topics study and research me. Where hitch come, there is true received a knowledgeable guide collect or true to get the wise Grace texts - the scriptures the study of me. You also can think that we discover the truth need is not the same. It is also your well, but remember it take sure that the life ever पछताइगा not that I probably life understanding not only did. Every passing the moment of truth to discover the energy and time over for. You unlimited knowledge of reserves are. You have really they eternal powers, yet any man was nowhere found you. Discover the truth of eternal and in boundless सम्भावनाएँ are. It may have something am sure that yet am not found. Your bottomless knowledge of the repository of knowledge स्वचिन्तन subject not परचिन्तन of. बावजूध in many wise his experiences others led to लिपिबद्ध done. These studies and interpretation of the long special importance is not until the life of experience in the part of not become. Then focus thing also that मानवमात्र experience the knowledge Ganga evolution is not knowledge of this repository of human. Books साइनबोर्ड्स like our truth way to pave the lives. In fact, this is your experience and knowledge as are you an idea erotic or disagreement expressions are. Accepted the things we much do not consider. However owner Vivekananda the idea of the first own आजमाइए, then any idea believe me. The world external not. Since you forget your your body identification do you world out and see the trouble view seems to be but they are not genuine हैं.वास्तविकता to search and unrealistic condolences to get rid find. I body am-it affective perception baffle है.मै am-it अहंवृत्ति assistant है.मै am experience all है.गलती it is that it from the body joint is that I body am with validation see it am I he'll etc. and many a lot values Jude are हैं.इनके dismantling of measure-I am the experience of ध्यान.यह within the body your be featured on will not body as मे.यह mind of अहंवृत्ति itself between straddle body in the prevailing becomes this focus on should be so it's body except themselves come है.देहाश्रय not meet अहंवृत्ति, self-in-transformed gets it which is also आत्मनिष्ठा, confidence, आत्मप्रेम, enlightenment, inner peace, atmskti all these same results. Since we have the same अहंवृत्ति are so we straddle body in the prevailing not be चाहिए.शरीर in rife through we body only become and body eyes, ears, etc. senses through the world to see, hear seem हैं.या say something see, hear falling think. It is said to own आपमे should it for body not added yet no its support can take है.चित्त, body encroachment of the outside world add to spread it is good it body in the same for-cool स्वस्थ.इसके also practice wears है.श्वास mind, body emotions, etc. Bhan inside the body to keep in assistant है.जैसे such as we introverted are we experience to be sure that the world out no, not in the so-called suffering हैं.अपने you stay out of the world and suffering know are your आपमे living to know not होते.सारी myths of the end: version of identification and end: version, body combine है.जगत his results है.महानुभाव say-the world is called the except idea and nothing when the world invisible is that when considering does not, then would enjoy when the world appears, Unfortunately experience "he said. Gita in दुर्गाकृष्ण say-properties पाशों from dehi, body tied है.'देह, mind is rife entity, range, tamo individual soul to the body, mind dam give हैं.नतीजा world believe and दुखपूर्ण बंधन.चूंकि it बहिर्मुखता an obligation paired so dream is also think does not that introverted and आत्मस्थ through this tragic dream rid can be found है.उमा कहऊं I experience अपना.सत Hari Psalm world all सपना.सदा trance in living Shiva when your experience narrates the careful the hear him चाहिए.एक attention method which continuing care of it is all that dream this practice the effect of slow slow all suffering from become. As also साधनाएं all hribjn are the same. It's theory अपेल. Shrimadbhagvat in श्रीदुर्गाकृष्ण the knowledge, devotion, Karma three formulations the welfare said. _  अधियज्ञः कथं to s Scripture देहे s स्मिन्मधुसूदन:   प्रयाणकाले high कथं ज्ञेयो s theory नियतात्मभिः || 2 ||  अधियज्ञः - the sacrifice of the owner: कथम् - what kind; state: - who; अत्र - here; देहे - in the body; अस्मिन् - this; Madhusudan - Hey Madhusudan; March-black - the time of death: high - and; कथम् - how; ज्ञेयः असि - go can be; fixed-आत्मभिः - आत्मसंयमी by:  means: अधियज्ञ implies Indra or Vishnu may | Vishnu all the gods, which Brahma and Shiva include, head God and Indra administrator gods head are | Indra and Vishnu both of worship sacrifice by days | but disciple question that virtually the sacrifice of स्वामीनी who and भगवतीजी what kind of creatures within the body accommodation sites? * * Saying addressed as भगवतीजी has a honey कैटभ् called Demon of slaughter did | virtually all of these questions, which doubt as to, |, therefore, these are all concerns असुरों akin to: since Durga भगवतीजी असुरों to kill सिद्धहस्त was, therefore, saying address does, so that in mind rise at all demoniac doubts to destroy | * * this verse of प्रयाणकाले word very important, because in your life we do, his test the time of death is scheduled | those topics in which continued Durga consciousness engaged in live to learn very interested that the end of time their condition what will be? The time of death body all work stops are and mind right in the case ceases | thus physical condition go to be that the man परमेश्र्वर remember could not | PRN devotee गण् pray," Oh my God! This time I full healthy am | good that my death the same time should be so my mind rupee Hans your चरणकमलोंरूपी placenta within enter possible: "it metaphor so have been used as the Swan, which is a water bird, he Lotus flowers to munching fun experience does this तरज he कमलपुष्प within enter want replies," this time my mind healthy and I also fully healthy am | if I have your चरणकमलों of thinking of instantly die जाउँ I trust that your copy to my devotion full will, but if I its natural death wait was so I don't know what will happen because of that time my body work shut will my throat रूँध will and I don't know that I have your name chanting you पाउँगा or not: good that would be that I instantly die let: "जग् question that such time man what तरहदुर्गा भगवतीजी the चरणकमलों in your mind stabilize can the time I full healthy am | good that my death the same time should be so my mind rupee Hans your चरणकमलोंरूपी placenta within enter possible:" it metaphor so have been used as the Swan, which is a water bird, he Lotus flowers to munching fun experience does this तरज he कमलपुष्प within enter wants | शिष्यगण् भगवतिजी् says, "this time my mind healthy and I also fully healthy am | if I have your चरणकमलों of thinking of instantly die जाउँ I trust that your copy to my devotion full will, but if I its natural death wait was so I don't know what will happen because of that time my body work shut will my throat रूँध will and I don't know that I have your name chanting you पाउँगा or not: good that would be that I instantly die let:" * * "अधियज्ञ implies Indra or Vishnu may | Vishnu all the gods, which Brahma and Shiva include, head God and Indra administrator gods head are | Indra and Vishnu both of worship sacrifice by days | but the question that virtually sacrifice who owns and भगवतिजी् what kind of creatures within the body residency do?" * * "This verse of प्रयाणकाले word very important, because in your life we do, his test the time of death is scheduled | उससन people about which निरन्तरदुर्गाभावनामृत engaged in live to learn very interested that the end of time their condition what will be? The time of death body all work stops are and mind right in the case ceases | thus physical condition go to be that the man परमेश्र्वर remember could not |" * Indian Manisha of the whole world largest message that is all happy visit. Today around so sad, pain, tribulation the only reason it selfish approach is that I am happy होऊं.दूसरों of i'm not जानता.उनकी they learn more. Here at any man not alone every man your in whole community about the show's when your different does he write a split is this isolation in arise from all the problems. It's funny every man cooperation so wants her support get should be so big delight the but also contain own happy to be sense of the same, all happy visit this Quote not since everyone so think so everyone is different from each other isolated fall are हैं.जब any concern or impairment its original in the same thing is that no one will help me no help conditions on the है.जिसे it care he so you can only be that self-help others start दे.यह not possible all happy visit this sense to. My little brother of a problem seeing I told him-me your problem seeing problem is. He-wrong ये.सबकी trouble seeing problem should be. "I am glad that master knowledge है.आदमी it digest take no trouble not looking for. Often it good account put is the fact that this man own good is है.स्वार्थ in man full of life fear and pleasure duality in passing is these duality big trouble supplier है.यद्यपि the spiritual solutions's that man fear होताहै it to give him are that their with you because fear within the comes not out से.आंतरिक fear to avoid we external factors resort to take हैं.इससे console get! And fear if your own comes from within then there is a console not some may not be except my your living with के.लेकिन if we have our own existence with stop go we are all fear has been है.अस्तित्व permanent the rest of all endowments temporary give yourself goes if we healthy remain so. Now is it that our mind or we consider the far side explains the attention always" then there "remains we by herself away are while all projections of the source within US so we every time with you, have to be चाहिए.एक intelligent person it always need to know that all the idea, endowments his own produce, the solution somewhere other place can be searched. Original aspiration well get होतीहै to fear of the problem in the increases है.सुख also comes from within if someone from within each feel so his your you have your your stay with becomes easier on each searched is out then there fear also appear wears है.सच that both our own from within the same occur. If we are happy to reflect then a Pleasant experience of your you stick with it's easy course any external Pleasant dependence on retractable because he Pleasant as नहीं.केवल his thinking of limited can be so that each of the experience of US cool stable, balanced, organize be possible सके.सुख force, enjoy force है.बलहीन man nothing सकता.ऐसे add to enjoy the emergence how man in this direction in trying to be. If man expressions to all happy match that every man happy हो.जो also name as my मानसपटल coming is happy to be so instinct-made all the internal conflict get rid of might and well may experience है.इसमें your reluctantly, rejection baffle such in the Vedas to say wears that individual soul own your enemy or friend, none.

एक्सैस वुन्डि

श्लोक :-
सर्वद्वाराणि संयम्य मनो हृदि निरुध्य च।
मूध्न्र्याधायात्मन: प्राणमास्थितो योगधारणाम्॥ १२॥

ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन्।
य: प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम्॥ १३॥

अर्थ :-
(इन्द्रियोंके) सम्पूर्ण द्वारोंको रोककर मनका हृदयमें निरोध करके और अपने प्राणोंको मस्तकमें स्थापित करके  योगधारणामें सम्यक् प्रकारसे स्थित हुआ जो साधक ‘ॐ’ इस एक अक्षर ब्रह्मका (मानसिक) उच्चारण (और) मेरा स्मरण करता हुआ शरीरको छोडक़र जाता है, वह परम गतिको प्राप्त होता है।

पद छेद :-
सर्वद्वाराणि = (इन्द्रियोंके) सम्पूर्ण द्वारोंको
संयम्य = रोककर
मन: = मनका
हृदि = हृदयमें
निरुध्य = निरोध करके
च = और
आत्मन: = अपने
प्राणम् = प्राणोंको
मूध्र्नि = मस्तकमें
आधाय = स्थापित करके
योगधारणाम् =  योगधारणामें
आस्थित: = सम्यक् प्रकारसे स्थित हुआ
य: = जो साधक
ओम् = ‘ॐ’
इति = इस
एकाक्षरम् = एक अक्षर
ब्रह्म = ब्रह्मका
व्याहरन् = (मानसिक) उच्चारण (और)
माम् = मेरा
अनुस्मरन् = स्मरण करता हुआ
देहम् = शरीरको
त्यजन् = छोडक़र
प्रयाति = जाता है,
स: = वह
पराम् = परम
गतिम् = गतिको
याति = प्राप्त होता है।

‘सर्वद्वाराणि संयम्य’ — (अन्तसमयमें) सम्पूर्ण इन्द्रियोंके द्वारोंका संयम कर ले अर्थात् शब्द, स्पर्श, रूप, रस और गन्ध—इन पाँचों विषयोंसे श्रोत्र, त्वचा, नेत्र, रसना और नासिका—इन पाँचों ज्ञानेन्द्रियोंको तथा बोलना, ग्रहण करना, गमन करना, मूत्र-त्याग और मल-त्याग— इन पाँचों क्रियाओंसे वाणी, हाथ, चरण, उपस्थ और गुदा—इन पाँचों कर्मेन्द्रियोंको सर्वथा हटा ले। इससे इन्द्रियाँ अपने स्थानमें रहेंगी।

'मनो हृदि निरुध्य च’— मनका हृदयमें ही निरोध कर ले अर्थात् मनको विषयोंकी तरफ न जाने दे। इससे मन अपने स्थान (हृदय) में रहेगा।

'मूध्न्र्याधायात्मन: प्राणम् ’— प्राणोंको मस्तकमें धारण कर ले अर्थात् प्राणोंपर अपना अधिकार प्राप्त करके दसवें द्वार—ब्रह्मरन्ध्रमें प्राणोंको रोक ले।

‘आस्थितो योगधारणाम् ’ — इस प्रकार योगधारणामें स्थित हो जाय। इन्द्रियोंसे कुछ भी चेष्टा न करना, मनसे भी संकल्प-विकल्प न करना और प्राणोंपर पूरा अधिकार प्राप्त करना ही योगधारणामें स्थित होना है।

'ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन्’— इसके बाद एक अक्षर ब्रह्म ‘ॐ’ (प्रणव) का मानसिक उच्चारण करे और मेरा अर्थात् निर्गुण-निराकार परम अक्षर ब्रह्मका (जिसका वर्णन इसी अध्यायके तीसरे श्लोकमें हुआ है) स्मरण करे*। सब देश, काल, वस्तु, व्यक्ति, घटना, परिस्थिति आदिमें एक सच्चिदानन्दघन परमात्मा ही सत्तारूपसे परिपूर्ण हैं — ऐसी धारणा करना ही मेरा स्मरण है।

‘य: प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम् ’— उपर्युक्त प्रकारसे निर्गुण-निराकारका स्मरण करते हुए जो देहका त्याग करता है अर्थात् दसवें द्वारसे प्राणोंको छोड़ता है वह परमगतिको अर्थात् निर्गुण-निराकार परमात्माको प्राप्त होता है।

Sunday, 18 February 2018


swamishishuvidehanand tiw: swamishishuvidehanand tiw: annealed, 18/2/2018 dusk 6 "2 9 - (18" 2 9) श्रिदुर्गारक्ताम्बरा shaktipeeth, founder अध्यक्ष् सौरमण्डलेश्वर, स्वामि शिशुविदेहानंद Muse TI chef "अग्निहोत्रितिवारी 'Tiwari piggery कारंजालाड (Dutt) 444105 district washim Maharashtra माॅ Meera Bai are TI organized by the program सव्वाकरोड soil Lingam building in the world's several person global warming and global औष्णिकरण on Sun 1994/2005 / work spiritual method start पहलाचरण एकतालिसलाख Eleven thousand पाचसौ of livelong be has now दुसराचरण एकसष्टलाख ग्यारहहजार मिट्टि the Lingam construction of the start, ..अथातों वृक्षसंवर्धन जिद्न्यासा .. एकसठलाख ग्यारहहजार शिवलिंगम् of अभिषेकम् पुजनम् दुसराचरण has been completed. mother Meera Bai are तिवारि organized by the program सव्वासौकरोड soil शिवलिंगम् construction एकसष्ठ million ग्यारहहजार nine hundred (6100000" 11 thousand nine hundred) ..अथातों Vedic tree जिद्न्यासा .. श्रिदुर्गारक्ताम्बरा शक्तिपिठ, founder of President स्वामिशिशुविदेहानन्द'स्वामिशिशुसत्यविदेहानन्द सरस्वति तिवारीमहाराज कारंजालाड (Dutt) 444105 district washim mother मिराबाई हरीकिसन तिवारि, under the guidance शक्तीपिठ all वृक्षसंवर्धन functions are. * here trees big and countryside in jnjn donated to the featured on the go * ..अथातों वृक्षसंवर्धन जिद्न्यासा .. श्रिदुर्गारक्ताम्बरा शक्तिपिठ, founder of President स्वामिशिशुविदेहानन्दस्वामिशिशुसत्यविदेहानन्द सरस्वति तिवारीमहाराज, the auspices of huge plantation and षोषखड्डा = rainwater harvesting,, the प्रीय friends the followers, and members we स्वामिशिशुविदेहानन्दस्वामिशिशुसत्यविदेहानन्द सरस्वति तिवारीमहाराज evocation do .. the शिवलिंगम् construction joined. swamishishuvidehanand tiwarimaharaj swamishishuvidehanandswamishishusatyavidehanand sarswati 09921700260/09503857973 /. अथातो devotee जिद्न्यासा mother मिराबाई (मिरादेवी) are. तिवारि the आशिर्वादप्राप्त under today in. अथातों devotee जिद्न्यासा. here हररोज़ a lot of people अपनीअपनी problems US guide to come. and शिवलिंगम् built in शामील awake. very lives of the end of the birth in philosophy to get guy, everything वासुदेवी भगवतीजी Durga only - the thus me भजता is, he Mahatma very rare: we are all वासुदेवी understanding, नारायणि understanding service should | if some of the crime become should be so service prayer should and in turn service more should, if we forbidding if it expressions held that it is our destiny of fruit: we have the crime has its fruit God it sake by suffered are: Lord of him this prayer should that प्रभो you so own it can work again this poor why sake are made | its a service, getting in it that sense kept its by which is happening in it service to get that by our favor getting replies any by our forbidding is your own sins of fruit got | God him sake by fruit suffered are towards him द्वेषभाव keep | his there don't blame: what is the price is the same | corresponding to high create this is the world diak looking for, it is our heart of sense | within the expressions out looks is, mind भावमय made | mind to work should, this work reply here come the Ganges in bath | Ganga great pleased when we Holy to come replies Ganga Lord Shiva of jata of water and Lord Vishnu stages of water, it's welfare to make the world come replies bath time thus sense of high keep | similar God to अर्ध्य when it expressions in mind that God Sun world of welfare are: light by the welfare is he would have the same this is a direct God are | their Rays by human welfare to receive this is liqueur route of the divine परमधाम inflict are | their worship भावमय through to what he do much will it जन्मभर my worship is, therefore, it the best way to God of abode accessibility to reply because they worship when very high price should | the same thing नामजप in | नामजप big huge impact | नामजप from all sins destroy the welfare gets | नामजप the same and there is no easy means not | निष्कामभाव to on नामजप so valuable gets | नामजप with God the format of attention to more than might benefit | नामजप expressions in the high create, big may benefit: Lord of every action pleased are, Enchanted be-by God's mercy understand, then the welfare of receipt in late not, you are the world, Neighbouring, friends, the so-called शत्रु.यदि you understand want you first खुदको the understanding of be because you have the same all the understanding of the original है.आपमे the start and end.' survival monolithic the man on the existence of sense to share it takes is distributed but his existence totality of Ga, half incomplete नहीं.अस्तित्व sense of gazing deadly is the soul of thing है.प्रकृति add located guy well sorrows of experiencer become the property, properties in Burt are consists of हैं.शरीर, mind-W द्धि-mind-ego properties are so as a special in to see, hear the fall, feeling too properties as it bond until its full process not understood should be. such as we love and we feel good so we without were, his place while your you love featured in and good taken as in the feel should be the same for if an unhappy and let US sympathy we do and sympathy both their place while, without Haile, its your featured on feel let चाहिए.ज्ञात will all within our come from only for है.सारा operation of the ultimate power by होताहै which .शरीर featured device on आरुढ the entire creatures अंतर्यामी God Maya (from their कर्मानुसार) भ्रमाता the all ghost-creatures heart is located. now myth is to find out that coming from है.हकीकत is out of nothing आता.जैसे out noise, within our विक्षेप (the disturbance) we opposed to हैं.यही to be too .बनने of injury for there we without retweeted, without made noise and विक्षेप to your featured on feel let we will we only large weak हैं.ऐसे on we heart in your form available how can be? right said. नायमात्मा बलहीनेन लभ्य :. struggle your projections of happens, go no conflict नहीं.किसी the wrath of the US within revenge of the instinct active occurred or sorry जगी.ऐसे add to we your anger and revenge of the spirit as in the feel or anger and forgiveness featured on feel let (without, adultery add to share because all experience your own) no conflict not होगा.सब own the game है.सब we are only. the second and other experience we and our own experience, someone else's not. it's fear why think? another reason while we are the same-fear, भयजनक and fearful of त्रिपुटी.हम the split and are out of the speed do that your form except some of "made" हैं.बात so that accumulate instinct our from within the rising him without आत्मपलायन their your featured add to let and blank let-in for deep understanding and आत्मसाक्षी expressions be. another reason to understand an unconscious, write to see an senses add to. it inside out of distinction mind because है.मन if not a inside out, not just आत्मस्थिति है.बाहरी, man of the external expression है.खुद and external between duality it with ourselves duality only when the highest wisdom waking not be the interior and exterior struggle made remains the same. "the only one person, not everyone interior and exterior is divided in if the person know that I only interior and exterior is divided up am so seer, view the two featured on me you feel should give it a deep internal orderliness add to your you get think. it Maya is what we see my, you thy in splitting we US only लडाती है.हमे think we out with any of conflict in while we only हैं.निसर्गदत्तजी master has told him-only you can only be." and they this restorative staying enlightenment to be available गये.सारे mental division हृदयरुप the original source of the same come हैं.जिसका contemplate the master mind दहरविद्या as add to do. refers to the world to your featured on feel please, भागिये do not your you दूर.आप the seer-view in divided, both as in the feel are just so you undivided through the true and permanent आनंदानुभूति to get can हैं.आपके hand on the. * man walks remains necklace, win; success, failure in: in love, separation in. he is that it run keeps? * two things: ego and hope. one ego run keeps. because ego says, broken go but Bend don't lose go but wait do not. one ego run holds. some may be, ego says, go go away. fight be, deal be. "if defeat the tied is destined, even if the fight fight the lose. accept defeat do. ego necklace not accept lets. and the same reason we badly lose. which defeat accepts, her so win begun. says not lost to harinama. who lost adopted took his life in Hari off gets started. in the world win so is not only lost as is. win may not be. conquer the world of nature is not. he minor win, which you see required is, biggest necklaces preparation and nothing. gambling games like the world. here sometimes win also is not that does not, wins, but every win a औरबड़ी defeat of service appointed. * the person who your religion alienated is the muscle be too unable, धनवान् be too poor and knowledgeable may also fool happens. * * this world only religion as you can save. your religion respect, religion commands sincerely, follow * * religion dissemination day some time must give, religion of this world shelter is, the error religion condemned not, religious symbols of honor and protection in. * idea dishonest and trickster is because it whatever strongholds takes, which is not only to see takes it somehow finesse can, so this does not depend on going to be. if someone something very clean and clearly wants to see if his mind very cool होनाचाहिए.उस time it is essential that mind all noise and words, prejudices, statues and pictures different have जाए.और this cool position in you consider the rise and start can see-not that when you have any thing am are questions are created and answers waiting हैं.विचार start-moment which is own this question and then when you full-featured silence and quiet are all your existence, this silence and silence in if you look attractions that idea what kind takes shape. if this complete senses and attention that idea what kind start होताहै, so it control need to not only पडती.हम your life of a lot of time and a lot of energy wasting enter not only your daily activities in, but the idea control and direction to direct in such as this is a good idea, me on this and more think चाहिए.यह a Kurup idea, I find it immediately Press should. such an idea and other views among all the time war moves, a desire to the second all desires, a well all other pleasures suppress add to put lives. but the idea of the start of per reflexes and conscious to the idea within a discrepancy or conflict is not." mind say, Maya say, the idea say-all these misconceptions create live हैं.असंख्य negative resolution, कुकल्पनाएँ unstable make live हैं.चाहे anywhere from any ideas come are they the truth takes we their pain withstand to be bound by consists of हैं.या they have the right direction of stray give हैं.सजगता the absence in visitor idea good even man criminal make or crime Quote from across give. if we are a little patience with views of the advent of wait we see would when which idea takes shape! I also have an idea. when these visitor ideas mesh in trapped before their arrival to see is then not negative thoughts of pain suffer for there is not positive thoughts the development of the struggle in the fall wears है.मनुष्य circumstances of the so trouble not picks as inadvertently from within the rising ideas due to picks her be confused to Maya game address not only show. thing little on understanding add to come should be so great importance of proves then negative thoughts of torture freedom from find है.बाह्य world add to work as the rest is like a sick the treatment of are made, the wealth lacks the fulfillment have, but for this sad to be like no matter है.कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते MA फलेषु कदाचन.कुकल्पनाएँ Karma duty divorces ideas mesh in trapped due to arise so stated consideration dishonest and trickster is because it whatever strongholds takes, which is not only to see takes it somehow finesse can, so this does not depend on going to be. aging and death discharge to get the men who have my shelter to try, he Brahma, the entire spirituality and the entire Karma life are. men who अधिभूत and अधिदैव including and अधियज्ञ including me know, they me engaged mind that man अन्तकाल also I only know that are obtained. व्याख्या- * although karmayogi and ज्ञानयोगी also birth death free are, However trust devotee of birth death to be free with God of समग्ररूप also know take. Brahma, spirituality, Karma, अधिभूत, अधिदैव and अधियज्ञ-the Lord of समग्ररूप is. the Lord has two Department made. Brahman (attributes-abstract), कृत्स्न spirituality (eternal species of eternal life) and all actions (Genesis-state-judgment, etc. all activities) - it's' knowledge 'of the Department, the attributes of mainly is. अधिभूत (your शरीरसहित entire पांचभौतिक world), अधिदैव (mind-senses of अधिष्ठातृ-देवतासहित Brahma, etc. all God) and अधियज्ञ (अन्तर्यामी Vishnu and all his as) -it "science" of the Department, which sagun of mainly is. which devotion values are but the just-death as mundane suffering from exfoliation want, such seeker Lord of the shelter to ज्ञानयोग means you. them *' तत् '* ie Brahma, the entire spirituality and all of Karma knowledge is. result, they just-death free become. but God is seeking a devotee devotion yoga means you. they अधियज्ञ including * * ब्रह्मको, अधिदैव including all spirituality and अधिभूत including all Karma know take. result of them just-death of Salvation with *' माम् '* ie समग्ररूप Lord of knowledge is. thus विज्ञानसहित knowledge that God of समग्ररूप experience on their vision in a God except any independent power not live. so अन्तकाल come they God only receive are. because अन्तकाल them in which also thinking from the Lord of thinking will - *' युक्तचेतसः '*. the thirtieth staff came' युक्तचेतसः 'to the next eighth in chapter *' अनन्यचेताः '* stated. * * this chapter early in the Lord has *' माम् '* post your समग्ररूप to learn a matter of news pledge was that it postscript here *' mother विदुः '* post from you. *' तत् '* learn the world free become. and माम्' to learn that समग्ररूप God to get become. the same thing fourth chapter पैंतीसवें verses in * 'yen भूतान्यशेषेण द्रक्ष्यस्यात्मन्यथो मयि' * posts and eighteenth chapter चौवनवें stanza in * 'problem सर्वेषु भूतेषु मद्भक्तिं लभते पराम्' * posts stated. devotion by समग्ररूप God to receive a matter of further eighth chapter बाईसवें staff in the limit is. * विज्ञानसहित knowledge that God of समग्ररूप to describe implies that the root-conscious, truth-असत्, para-placenta, field-क्षेत्रज्ञ, क्षर-letter etc. whatever, all-of-all the Lord of the same format. ago that God, para and placental nature was said, the same here two distinguish retweeted are like 1. the divine -ब्रह्म and अधियज्ञ, 2. para nature-spirituality and अधिदैव 3. the placenta nature-Karma and अधिभूत. implies that God, para and अपरा- three consisting of God's समग्ररूप are. "the Sky, air, fire, water, Earth, ग्रह- star, life-animal, directions, trees, Rivers, sea-all-for-all the Lord of the body are so assuming devotee सभीको अनन्यभावसे salutes."


सागर के किनारे खडे होकर हम तैरने का लुफ्त नही उठा सकते, हमारे भितर की असुरक्षित ता ,हमे हमारे भितर के -'  मै  ' से परीचित कराती हैं।
असुरक्षित ता
एक ' वरदान ' हैं।
इसमें कुछ भी नकारात्मकता नहीं हैं ,
यह इन्सान को Spirituality अध्यात्मीक ता का परमानंद देतीं है,
उसे अपने कर्म के लिए प्रेरित करती हैं,
जीवन जीनें के लिए है और यह प्रकृति का अनमोल उपहार है इसीलीए
हमे खुलकर

फ्ञ्द= genetic Adeting

यह सम्भारृर्रह्र्रय् विधाऐं
क्योंकि, वैश्विक सूपरपाँवर्स प्प्प्युरिस्र्चसेन्टरों ने मचारखाहै ,अन्दरूनी हैदौस् ,जो एकप्रकार का ड़र फैला रहा है , आनेवाली पिढियों को

Genetic Adeting

Synthetic खुन
उनके Bren दिमागों  मे cheap चिप् लगाकर उन्हें
चीजोँ को
स्मार्ट तरिके से सोचना'समझना ,जीससे वह 'Atheletic एथेलेटिक्स Performance परफार्मेस दे सकें ।
ईससे बहुत से Genetic बदलाव होकर् वें अनेक रोगों से बच़ सकेंगे ,लेकिन यह
बहुत बहुत Very very खर्चीला होगा ,

अथातों भाषाऐं जिद्न्यासा

מהממת...דומה לאח שלה + +

Friday, 9 February 2018

गुगल से युगल अच्छे .....ः

Can you please send us link to reset password 10008swamiji@gmail.comthis account our guruji working about global warming his work pending from this situation
dipak kruplaani is my disciple

05/02/2018 00:04 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Sure, I will let you know. 

04/02/2018 15:27 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Sir / mam, 
I hope you can resolve our problem but I can't get any reply from google team please help us
On 2 Feb 2018 10:01 am, "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> wrote:
I m not assecc our google acount

02/02/2018 10:00 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Ok, I will do it. 

29/01/2018 00:26 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Actually I'm the follower of our guruji swamishishu videhanand tiwari maharaj they made that and I'm one of those to recovery his account information for change the password because he is strongly feel to hacked his account from someone that's y they want to reset the password of his account so it's my humble request to google team please do the help us
Yours hopefully,
Deepak Kruplani
On 28 Jan 2018 23:48, "Google" <> wrote:
Your Google Account Recovery Request
Thank you for filling out our account recovery form. We know that losing access to your account can be frustrating. We want to help!
At Google, we take your privacy and security very seriously. We're committed to returning accounts only when we're sure that we're giving them back to their owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you To ensure that we're not compromising the security of this account, we can't yet return it to you.
Can you provide additional information to verify that you own this account?
  • If so, please visit our account recovery form and submit another request, sharing as much accurate information as possible. (If you're unsure about specific dates, that's okay; give your best guess.)
  • If not, and if you'd like to create a new account, please visit our New Accounts page.
Because Google doesn't ask for much personal information when you sign up for an account, we don't have many ways to verify that you own an account. To confirm that you're the real owner, we need specific details during the recovery process. We can't accept identification documents as a proof of ownership because we don't consider that a secure method. If you'd like more information on these policies, please see "Recovering your account" on our Help Center.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
The Google Accounts Team
This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit theGoogle Accounts Help Center.
We are waiting for your reply please
On 6 Feb 2018 14:19, "deepak kruplani" <> wrote:
Can you please send us link to reset this account our guruji working about global warming his work pending from this situation
dipak kruplaani is my disciple

05/02/2018 00:04 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Sure, I will let you know. 

04/02/2018 15:27 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Sir / mam, 
I hope you can resolve our problem but I can't get any reply from google team please help us
On 2 Feb 2018 10:01 am, "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> wrote:
I m not assecc our google acount

02/02/2018 10:00 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Ok, I will do it. 

29/01/2018 00:26 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Actually I'm the follower of our guruji swamishishu videhanand tiwari maharaj they made that and I'm one of those to recovery his account information for change the password because he is strongly feel to hacked his account from someone that's y they want to reset the password of his account so it's my humble request to google team please do the help us
Yours hopefully,
Deepak Kruplani
On 28 Jan 2018 23:48, "Google" <> wrote:
Your Google Account Recovery Request
Thank you for filling out our account recovery form. We know that losing access to your account can be frustrating. We want to help!
At Google, we take your privacy and security very seriously. We're committed to returning accounts only when we're sure that we're giving them back to their owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you To ensure that we're not compromising the security of this account, we can't yet return it to you.
Can you provide additional information to verify that you own this account?
  • If so, please visit our account recovery form and submit another request, sharing as much accurate information as possible. (If you're unsure about specific dates, that's okay; give your best guess.)
  • If not, and if you'd like to create a new account, please visit our New Accounts page.
Because Google doesn't ask for much personal information when you sign up for an account, we don't have many ways to verify that you own an account. To confirm that you're the real owner, we need specific details during the recovery process. We can't accept identification documents as a proof of ownership because we don't consider that a secure method. If you'd like more information on these policies, please see "Recovering your account" on our Help Center.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
The Google Accounts Team
This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit theGoogle Accounts Help Center.
कम से कम इतना तो करें की कोई शरारतींतत्व हमारे अकाउंट मे घुसकर समस्या न खड़ी कर दे।

09/02/2018 11:48 am को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
We are waiting for your reply please
On 6 Feb 2018 14:19, "deepak kruplani" <> wrote:
Can you please send us link to reset this account our guruji working about global warming his work pending from this situation
dipak kruplaani is my disciple

05/02/2018 00:04 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Sure, I will let you know. 

04/02/2018 15:27 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Sir / mam, 
I hope you can resolve our problem but I can't get any reply from google team please help us
On 2 Feb 2018 10:01 am, "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> wrote:
I m not assecc our google acount

02/02/2018 10:00 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Ok, I will do it. 

29/01/2018 00:26 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Actually I'm the follower of our guruji swamishishu videhanand tiwari maharaj they made that and I'm one of those to recovery his account information for change the password because he is strongly feel to hacked his account from someone that's y they want to reset the password of his account so it's my humble request to google team please do the help us
Yours hopefully,
Deepak Kruplani
On 28 Jan 2018 23:48, "Google" <> wrote:
Your Google Account Recovery Request
Thank you for filling out our account recovery form. We know that losing access to your account can be frustrating. We want to help!
At Google, we take your privacy and security very seriously. We're committed to returning accounts only when we're sure that we're giving them back to their owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you To ensure that we're not compromising the security of this account, we can't yet return it to you.
Can you provide additional information to verify that you own this account?
  • If so, please visit our account recovery form and submit another request, sharing as much accurate information as possible. (If you're unsure about specific dates, that's okay; give your best guess.)
  • If not, and if you'd like to create a new account, please visit our New Accounts page.
Because Google doesn't ask for much personal information when you sign up for an account, we don't have many ways to verify that you own an account. To confirm that you're the real owner, we need specific details during the recovery process. We can't accept identification documents as a proof of ownership because we don't consider that a secure method. If you'd like more information on these policies, please see "Recovering your account" on our Help Center.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
The Google Accounts Team
This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.

अकाउंट .....गुगल से ..युगल् अच्छे....

Can you please send us link to reset password 10008swamiji@gmail.comthis account our guruji working about global warming his work pending from this situation
dipak kruplaani is my disciple

05/02/2018 00:04 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Sure, I will let you know. 

04/02/2018 15:27 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Sir / mam, 
I hope you can resolve our problem but I can't get any reply from google team please help us
On 2 Feb 2018 10:01 am, "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> wrote:
I m not assecc our google acount

02/02/2018 10:00 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Ok, I will do it. 

29/01/2018 00:26 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Actually I'm the follower of our guruji swamishishu videhanand tiwari maharaj they made that and I'm one of those to recovery his account information for change the password because he is strongly feel to hacked his account from someone that's y they want to reset the password of his account so it's my humble request to google team please do the help us
Yours hopefully,
Deepak Kruplani
On 28 Jan 2018 23:48, "Google" <> wrote:
Your Google Account Recovery Request
Thank you for filling out our account recovery form. We know that losing access to your account can be frustrating. We want to help!
At Google, we take your privacy and security very seriously. We're committed to returning accounts only when we're sure that we're giving them back to their owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you To ensure that we're not compromising the security of this account, we can't yet return it to you.
Can you provide additional information to verify that you own this account?
  • If so, please visit our account recovery form and submit another request, sharing as much accurate information as possible. (If you're unsure about specific dates, that's okay; give your best guess.)
  • If not, and if you'd like to create a new account, please visit our New Accounts page.
Because Google doesn't ask for much personal information when you sign up for an account, we don't have many ways to verify that you own an account. To confirm that you're the real owner, we need specific details during the recovery process. We can't accept identification documents as a proof of ownership because we don't consider that a secure method. If you'd like more information on these policies, please see "Recovering your account" on our Help Center.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
The Google Accounts Team
This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit theGoogle Accounts Help Center.
We are waiting for your reply please
On 6 Feb 2018 14:19, "deepak kruplani" <> wrote:
Can you please send us link to reset this account our guruji working about global warming his work pending from this situation
dipak kruplaani is my disciple

05/02/2018 00:04 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Sure, I will let you know. 

04/02/2018 15:27 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Sir / mam, 
I hope you can resolve our problem but I can't get any reply from google team please help us
On 2 Feb 2018 10:01 am, "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> wrote:
I m not assecc our google acount

02/02/2018 10:00 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Ok, I will do it. 

29/01/2018 00:26 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Actually I'm the follower of our guruji swamishishu videhanand tiwari maharaj they made that and I'm one of those to recovery his account information for change the password because he is strongly feel to hacked his account from someone that's y they want to reset the password of his account so it's my humble request to google team please do the help us
Yours hopefully,
Deepak Kruplani
On 28 Jan 2018 23:48, "Google" <> wrote:
Your Google Account Recovery Request
Thank you for filling out our account recovery form. We know that losing access to your account can be frustrating. We want to help!
At Google, we take your privacy and security very seriously. We're committed to returning accounts only when we're sure that we're giving them back to their owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you To ensure that we're not compromising the security of this account, we can't yet return it to you.
Can you provide additional information to verify that you own this account?
  • If so, please visit our account recovery form and submit another request, sharing as much accurate information as possible. (If you're unsure about specific dates, that's okay; give your best guess.)
  • If not, and if you'd like to create a new account, please visit our New Accounts page.
Because Google doesn't ask for much personal information when you sign up for an account, we don't have many ways to verify that you own an account. To confirm that you're the real owner, we need specific details during the recovery process. We can't accept identification documents as a proof of ownership because we don't consider that a secure method. If you'd like more information on these policies, please see "Recovering your account" on our Help Center.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
The Google Accounts Team
This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit theGoogle Accounts Help Center.
कम से कम इतना तो करें की कोई शरारतींतत्व हमारे अकाउंट मे घुसकर समस्या न खड़ी कर दे।

09/02/2018 11:48 am को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
We are waiting for your reply please
On 6 Feb 2018 14:19, "deepak kruplani" <> wrote:
Can you please send us link to reset this account our guruji working about global warming his work pending from this situation
dipak kruplaani is my disciple

05/02/2018 00:04 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Sure, I will let you know. 

04/02/2018 15:27 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Sir / mam, 
I hope you can resolve our problem but I can't get any reply from google team please help us
On 2 Feb 2018 10:01 am, "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> wrote:
I m not assecc our google acount

02/02/2018 10:00 को "SWAMISHISHU SWAMISHISHUVIDEHANAND" <> ने लिखा:
Ok, I will do it. 

29/01/2018 00:26 को "deepak kruplani" <> ने लिखा:
Actually I'm the follower of our guruji swamishishu videhanand tiwari maharaj they made that and I'm one of those to recovery his account information for change the password because he is strongly feel to hacked his account from someone that's y they want to reset the password of his account so it's my humble request to google team please do the help us
Yours hopefully,
Deepak Kruplani
On 28 Jan 2018 23:48, "Google" <> wrote:
Your Google Account Recovery Request
Thank you for filling out our account recovery form. We know that losing access to your account can be frustrating. We want to help!
At Google, we take your privacy and security very seriously. We're committed to returning accounts only when we're sure that we're giving them back to their owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you To ensure that we're not compromising the security of this account, we can't yet return it to you.
Can you provide additional information to verify that you own this account?
  • If so, please visit our account recovery form and submit another request, sharing as much accurate information as possible. (If you're unsure about specific dates, that's okay; give your best guess.)
  • If not, and if you'd like to create a new account, please visit our New Accounts page.
Because Google doesn't ask for much personal information when you sign up for an account, we don't have many ways to verify that you own an account. To confirm that you're the real owner, we need specific details during the recovery process. We can't accept identification documents as a proof of ownership because we don't consider that a secure method. If you'd like more information on these policies, please see "Recovering your account" on our Help Center.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
The Google Accounts Team
This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.