Veda general introduction:
(1) the rig Veda branch: Maharishi पतञ्जलि according to the rig Veda 21 branches, but five only branches name are available: --- (1) शाकल (2) बाष्कल (3) आश्वलायन (4) शांखायन (5) माण्डूकायन currently only शाकल branch is available only! Rig Veda Brahmin ============= (1) ऐतरेय Brahmin (2) शांखायन Brahmin rig Veda the आरण्यक =============== (1) ऐतरेय आरण्यक (2) शांखायन आरण्यक rig Veda the upanishads =============== (1) ऐतरेय upanishad (2) कौषीतकि upanishad rig Veda God ============ तिस्र Yew देवताः ITI नैरुक्ताः! (1) fire (पृथिवी local) (2) Indra or air (space local) (3) the Sun (द्यु local) rig Veda multi-use verses ================ (1) Gayatri, (2) उष्णिक् (3) अनुष्टुप्, (4) त्रिष्टुप् (5) बृहती, (6) develops, (7) line, the rig Veda the mantras three Department =================== (1) प्रत्यक्षकृत mantra (2) परोक्षकृत mantra (3) spiritual mantra rig Veda division of ============== (1) अष्टक order: ---- 8 अष्टक 64 chapter 2006 square (2) मण्डलक्रम: --- 10 board 85 अनुवाक 1028 sukta 10580 - 1
yajurveda general introduction: yajurvवेदाacrifice Karma useful for Granth is. गद्यात्मक part of the "यजुः" it is said. यजुुस् preponderance of due to it "yajurveda" it is said. यजुष् other अर्थः --- (1.) यजुर्यजतेः (निरुक्त - 7.12) (sacrifice affiliate mantras to यजुष् says.) (2.) इज्यते अनेनेति यजुः. (Who mantras to sacrifice done them यजुष् says.) (3.) अनियताक्षरावसानो यजुः. (Who mantras in पद्यों like letter-number set is not, they यजुष् are.) (4.) शेषे यजुःशब्दः. (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.37) (पद्यबन्ध and गीति devoid of मन्त्रात्मक composition यजुष् says.) (5.) एकप्रयोजनं साकांक्षं पदजातमेकं यजुः. (A reason to say the साकांक्ष a post-group यजुः say.) The Vedas two traditions are: --- Krishna and Shukla. Shukla yajurveda pure as mantra just compiled, but Krishna yajurveda in mantras with Brahmin mixed. Branches: --- ======= Maharishi पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य in yajurveda of 101 branches described is, but availability is low. (1) Shukla yajurveda: --- ============= its total 16 branches told are, but currently 2 the branches are available --- (1.) माध्यन्दिन (वाजसनेयी) branch, (2.) काण्व branch. माध्यन्दिन-branch of the main Sage yajnavalkya are. These mithila residents were. His father वाजसनि were so yajnavalkya वाजसनेय called. Their name of this yajurveda to वाजसनेयी branch also says. Yajnavalkya Rishi the Aditya Sage it a day in the Central part had received, so it माध्यन्दिन branch has been said. This is a branch of the most promotional answer in India. काण्व Sage's father बोधायन were. काण्व master yajnavalkya were the same. काण्व-branch of the most promotional Maharashtra are in. (2) Krishna yajurveda: ---- ============ its total 85 branches told are but currently 4 branches only available --- (1.) तैत्तिरीय code, (2.) मैत्रायणी -संहिता, (3.) step-code, (4.) कपिष्ठल code, Shukla and Krishna yajurveda differences in: --- ===================== (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेद =========== (1.) it Aditya community of representatives Granth is. (2.) the sacrifice I used to mantra is. (3.) it is purely is, that is only mantra is a mixture is not. (4.) this Granth the realization Aditya from occurred. Aditya Shukla is, therefore, the name Shukla-यदुर्वेद placed. Accuracy of the reason it Shukla stated. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part no, that is purely is. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ========== (1.) it Brahman-community of representatives Granth is. (2.) it mantras with Brahmin also mixed, so mix due to Krishna said. (3.) Aditya light in contrast to be than it Krishna said. (4.) it disorganized. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part, namely purely is not unclean is mixed. Mantra: --- ===== (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेदः --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद of वाजसनेयी-branch in total --- 40 chapters, 1 9 75 mantra are. वाजयनेयी code in the letter 2,88,000 (two million, अट्ठासी thousand) are. काण्व-branch in 40 the chapters, but mantra 2086 are. अनुवाक --- 328 are. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेदः-- ========== तैत्तिरीय-branch in total 7 Canto, the 44 प्रपाठक are, 631 अनुवाक are. मैत्रायणी-branch in total 4 Canto, the 54 प्रपाठक are, 3144 mantra are. काठक (step) code in total 5 section, the locale 40, the word of 13 to 53 subsection, the 843 अनुवाक are, 3028 mantra are. कपिष्ठल incomplete is available as. There are 6 अष्टक is available only, 48 chapter on the end is. Brahmin: --- ========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद ------ शतपथ Brahmin कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय Brahmin, मैत्रायणी, step and कपिष्ठल four codes in which Brahmin part, the same कृष्णयजुर्वेद Brahmin is. आरण्यक: --- ========== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- बृहदारण्यक कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय आरण्यक upanishad: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- ईशोपनिषद्, बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद्, प्रश्नोपनिषद्. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय upanishad, महानारायण, मैत्रायणीय, कठोपनिषद्, श्वेताश्वरोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र: --- ========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, हिरण्यकेशी (सत्याषाढ), Bhardwaj, वैखानस, वाधुल, human, मैत्रायणी, warah. गृह्यसूत्र: --- ======= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, सत्याषाढ, वैखानस, step. धर्मसूत्र: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- no. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- वसिष्ठ-formula. शुल्वसूत्र: --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana. कृष्णयजुर्वेद --- बोधायन, आपस्तम्ब, human, मैत्रायणी, warah a
Sama: general introduction: ==
Vedic वाङ्मय I Sama the location of the most important. Gita (10.22) in Krishna himself for Sama said --- the "वेदानां सामवेदो s स्मि." The Vedas the importance of this is greater than that Sama to द्यु stated, while the rig Veda to पृथिवी said --- the "material or असौ द्युलोकः, ऋगयम् भूलोकः." (ताण्ड्य-Brahmin - 4.3.5) Sama Vedas essence. All the Vedas juice or abstract Sama the --- the "सर्वेषामं or एष वेदानां रसो यत् material." (शतपथ --- (गोपथ-Brahmin - 2.5.7) Sama for गीतियुक्त must --- the "गीतिषु samakya." (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.36) the rig Veda and Sama of the integral relations are. Sama without sacrifice does not --- "नासामा यज्ञो भवति." (शतपथ - that guy "material" knows, the Vedas the secret life finds --- the "सामानि Yo वेत्ति session Veda तत्त्वम्." (बृहद्देवता) "material" literally means --- the gods are pleased to anthem. Sama light Aditya Sage heart in. Acharya सायण according to the rig Veda the sung to mantras to "material" says --- "ऋच्यध्यूढं material." Ie hymns on the same material dependent is. Sama worship of the Vedas is. (1.) Sama's Sage --- Aditya, Sama the Sun and Sama the mantra of the Sun Rays are --- "(आदित्यस्य) अर्चिः सामानि." (शतपथ - (2.) Sama singer ऋत्विज् --- उद्गाता, (3.) Sama God --- Aditya. Sama the origin of the Sun was. It is the Sun-son. The Sun power --- the "सूर्यात् सामवेदः अजायत." (शतपथ --- (4.) Sage diameter of Sama study made --- जैमिनि to. जैमिनि the Sama education your son सुमन्तु to, सुमन्तु the सुन्वान् and सुन्वान् his son sukrma given. Sama expand the same sukrma Sage has had. Sukrma two disciples were --- हिरण्यनाभ कौशल्य औ पौष्यञ्जि. हिरण्यनाभ of pupil integrated was. Integrated by Sama 24 kinds of anthem vowels of enforcement did. Integrated lots of आनुयायी in. They follower samvedi Masters to "कार्त" called ---- "चतुर्विंशतिधा yen प्रोक्ता global सामसंहिताः. स्मृतास्ते प्राच्यसामानः कार्ता नामेह सामगाः." (मत्स्यपुराणः --- 4 9 .67) (5.) branches --- Sage पतञ्जलि according to Sama of 1000 thousand branches Suzanne --- "सहस्रवर्त्मा सामवेदः" (महाभाष्य). Currently its three branches समुपलब्ध --- the (a) कौथुम, (II) राणायणीय, (III) जैमिनीय, कौथुम branch according to Sama two parts --- (a) पूर्वार्चिक, (2.) उत्तरार्चिक. (A) पूर्वार्चिकः ---- there are a total of four Canto are --- (a) igneous, (II) ऐन्द्र, (III) पावमान (D.) आरण्य-Canto. Appendix as 10 mantra महानाम्नी आर्चिक are. पूर्वार्चिक 6 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 650 are. प्रपाठकों in chapter, chapters in section are that "दशति" called, blocks in mantra are. It प्रपाठकों different name. In which the God of the primacy is, the same name. Such as --- (a) the first प्रपाठक name - "igneous-festival" are, because it fire affiliate mantra are. In God fire is the same. It has a total of 114 mantra are. (II) II fourth प्रपाठक name --- "ऐन्द्र-festival", as these Indra of स्तुतियाँ were you. In God Indra the same. There are 352 mantra are. (III) पञ्चम प्रपाठक name ---- "पवमान-festival", because it Mon praise have been. In God Mon the same. It has a total of 11 9 mantra are. (D.) sixth प्रपाठक name --- "अरण्यपर्व", because it अरण्यगान of the mantra is. In God Indra, fire and Mon are. It has a total of 55 mantra are. (ङ) महानाम्नी आर्चिक --- this Appendix are. In God Indra are. It has a total of 10 mantra guest. Thus overall पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra in. It means that the first to पञ्चम प्रपाठक up mantras the anthem villages in may. Therefore, they are "ग्रामगान" says. सामगान four kinds --- (a) ग्रामगेय anthem - it "प्रकृतिगान" and "वेयगान" also says. It's village or public places rhymes was. (II) आरण्यगान or आरण्यक गेयगान --- it forests or Holy places rhymes was. It "रहस्यगान" also says. (III) उहगान --- "Ooh" means --- the विचारपूर्वक configuration. It सोमयाग or special religious opportunities rhymes was. (D.) उह्यगान or रहस्यगान --- mystical due to the public places not rhymes was. (II) उत्तरार्चिक ---- there are a total of 21 chapter 9 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 1225 are. It has a total of 400 sukta are. पूर्वार्चिक in hymns of meter gods according to, while उत्तरार्चिक in sacrifices according. पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra, while उत्तार्चिक in 1225 mantra are. Both together 1875 in. पूर्वार्चिक of 267 mantras the frequency of उत्तरार्चिक occurred. 1504 mantra rig Veda the input is. सामवेदस्थ सामगान mantras 5 part ---- (a) offer --- the anthem "presenter" called ऋत्विक् does. It "I am ओग्नाइ" from the beginning of. (II) उद्गीथ --- it material of the principal ऋत्विक् उद्गाता sing is. It "AUM" from the beginning of. (III) pratihara ---- the anthem "प्रतिहर्ता" called ऋत्विक् does. It's two mantras to add as link is. Finally "AUM" said is. (D.) nuisance ---- the anthem उद्गाता as possible. (ङ) died ---- the anthem three Ritwik the --- presenter, उद्गाता and प्रतिहर्ता. (6.) Sama total mantra ---- 1875 are. Rig Veda the input mantra - the 1771 Sama your mantra - the 104 = 1875 rig Veda compiled from 1771 mantras in the than 267 mantra पुनरुक्त are. Sama your 104 mantras of 5 mantra पुनरुक्त guest. Thus पुनरुक्त mantras number of 272 is. सारांशतः --- Sama in ऋग्वेदीय mantra 1504 + पुनरुक्त 267 total of = 1771 Sama your mantra - 99 + पुनरुक्त 5, thus total of = 104 both together total mantra of --- 1771 + 104 = 1875 Sama in the rig Veda from the most mantra rig Veda the 8th and 9th board of. 8th board 450 mantra were, 9th system of 645 mantra for the day. 1 ranked system of 237 mantra for the day. 10th system of 110 mantra for the day. Sama total letter 4000 * 36 = 1,44,000 (a million, चौवालीस thousand (you. Sama 450 mantras the anthem may not, namely the lyrical not. कौथुम branch in total mantra 1875, the while जैमिनीय branch in 1687 mantra is the same. Thus जैमिनीय-branch 188 mantra is low. जैमिनीय branch songs of 3681 are as follows, while कौथुमीय only 2722 are the same, namely जैमिनीय-branch 9 5 9 anthem-type more. जैमिनीय-branch code, Brahmin, श्रौतसूत्र and गृह्यसूत्र all are available, but कौथुमीय not. ब्राह्मणः-- पञ्चविंश (ताण्ड्य) महाब्राह्मण, षड्विंश, सामविधान, आर्षेय, देवताध्याय, seed, जैमिनीय, तलवकार. आरण्यक no. Upanishad --- छान्दोग्य, केनोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र --- खादिर, लाट्यायन, द्राह्यायण. गृह्यसूत्र ---- खादिर, गोभिल, Gautam. धर्मसूत्र --- Gautam. शुल्वसूत्र no. Sama three major teachings get --- (a) समत्व a sense of wake up to. (II) coordination of the spirit. Spouse to collect. Society collecting. Everyone mix. A different do not. (III) material life is. In life प्राणशक्ति of the major importance. Creature same won.: Atharva Veda a general introduction:
atharva Veda the meaning of - अथर्वों the Vedas, in the Vedas अन्यतम atharva Veda a onerous specification containing. Atharva Veda means --- अथर्वों the Vedas (knowledge), and अङ्गिरों the knowledge that अभिचार mantras related knowledge. (1.) अथर्वन् --- stability with yoga. निरुक्त (11.18) according to "थर्व" metal it here is made, which means --- the speed or try. Therefore, "अथर्वन्" word - the stability. It means that the Vedas stability or चित्तवृत्तियों the निरोधरूपी sum of teaching is, he अथर्वन् Veda --- the "अथर्वाणो s थर्वणवन्तः. थर्वतिश्चरतिकर्मा, तत्प्रतिषेधः." निरुक्त (11.18) (2.) गोपथ-Brahmin according to --- proximal soul your in to see or Veda he which soul your in view of the lore of preaching to be. Ancient times in अथर्वन् words priests emblematic of the. Another name ======= अथर्वाङ्गिरस्, अाङ्गिरसवेद, ब्रह्मवेद, भृग्वाङ्गिरोवेद, क्षत्रवेद, भैषज्य Vedas, छन्दो Vedas, महीवेद main Sage --- अङ्गिरा, ऋत्विक् --- Brahma creator Brahman by the Vedas knowledge of the first अङ्गिरा Sage given. Branches ===== Sage पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य the Vedas 9 branches told you, namely thus --- the (1.) पैप्लाद, (2.) तौद, (स्तौद) (3.) मौद, (4.) शौनकीय, (5.) jajl, (6.) Nimbus, (7.) ब्रह्मवद, (8.) देवदर्श, (9.) चारणवैद्य. These currently only 2 branches available are: - शौनकीय and पैप्लाद. Remaining Muslim आक्रान्ताओं not deleted. Nowadays all India year शौनकीय-branch of the prevalent and that atharva Veda is. (1.) शौनकीय-branch =========== Canto --- 20, sukta --- 730, mantra --- 5 9 87, (2.) पैप्लाद -शाखा --- it is incomplete. The circulation पतञ्जलि the time. उपवेद --- अर्थर्वेद ========= गोपथ-Brahmin (1.1.10) in the five उपवेदों describe the --- the सर्पवेद, पिशाचवेद, असुरवेद, इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद. शतपथ-Brahmin ( in these उपवेदों name came --- the सर्पविद्यावेद, देवजनविद्यावेद, (रक्षोवेद or राक्षसवेद), मायावेद (असुरवेद or जादुविद्यावेद), इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद Sage diameter of the knowledge सुमन्तु has Brahmin --- गोपथ-Brahmin आरण्यक --- no upanishad --- मुण्डकोपनिषद्, माण्डूक्योपनिषद् श्रौतसूत्र --- वैतान गृह्यसूत्र --- Kaushik, धर्मसूत्र --- no. शुल्वसूत्र --- no. अथर्वा Sage great scientist were. He defeats-Dham on the first fire was invented. He अरणि-मन्थन of fire and water मन्थन from aqueous-power was invented --- (1.) "अग्निर्जातो अथर्वणा" (ऋग्वेदः --- 10.21.5) (2.) "अथर्वा त्व प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda - 11.32) (3.) अथर्वा Sage the only exploration by पुरीष्य fire (natural gas ie, oil and natural gas) invented - the "पुरीष्यो s theory विश्वभरा अथर्वा त्वा प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda --- 11.32) (4.) we the fire by sacrifice do the fire in the first अथर्वा the sacrifice did --- "यज्ञैरथर्वा प्रथमः पथस्तते." (ऋग्वेदः --- 1.83.5) अथर्वा Sage spiritualism first promotional were. अथर्वा Sage approach comprehensive was. He lives in each field work did. Atharva Veda the sukta =========== (1.) पृथिवी-sukta, other name --- land sukta (12.1) total 63 mantra. (2.) celibacy-sukta --- (11.5) total 26 mantra. (3.) time-sukta --दो sukta are --- 11.53 and 11.54, total mantra 15 (4.) marriage sukta --- meet the 14 th Canto. There are 2 sukta 13 9 mantra are. (5.) व्रात्य-sukta --- 15 Canto 1 18 up to सूक्तों 230 mantra is, all of these व्रात्य sukta are. (6.) मधुविद्या-sukta --- 9th Canto the sukta 1 24 mantras it sukta is. (7.) theosophy-sukta --- atharva Veda many सूक्तों in theosophy detailed description. Vedic civilization and culture detailed knowledge for atharva Veda around the Vedas in the most useful. Atharva Veda social and political status of the most beautiful illustration does. Atharva Veda a type of encyclopedia. It सार्वजनीन Veda is. It has all the characters and all ashrams detailed description. This is one Vedas which is a temporal and otherworldly both areas describes the. || चत्वारो वेदाः ||: rig Veda general introduction: ================== (1) the rig Veda branch: ================== Maharishi पतञ्जलि according to the rig Veda 21 branches, but five only branches name are available: --- (1) शाकल (2) बाष्कल (3) आश्वलायन (4) शांखायन (5) माण्डूकायन currently only शाकल branch is available only! Rig Veda Brahmin ============= (1) ऐतरेय Brahmin (2) शांखायन Brahmin rig Veda the आरण्यक =============== (1) ऐतरेय आरण्यक (2) शांखायन आरण्यक rig Veda the upanishads =============== (1) ऐतरेय upanishad (2) कौषीतकि upanishad rig Veda God ============ तिस्र Yew देवताः ITI नैरुक्ताः! (1) fire (पृथिवी local) (2) Indra or air (space local) (3) the Sun (द्यु local) rig Veda multi-use verses ================ (1) Gayatri, (2) उष्णिक् (3) अनुष्टुप्, (4) त्रिष्टुप् (5) बृहती, (6) develops, (7) line, the rig Veda the mantras three Department =================== (1) प्रत्यक्षकृत mantra (2) परोक्षकृत mantra (3) spiritual mantra rig Veda division of ============== (1) अष्टक order: ---- 8 अष्टक 64 chapter 2006 square (2) मण्डलक्रम: --- 10 board 85 अनुवाक 1028 sukta 10580 --- 1/4 yajurveda general introduction: yajurveda sacrifice Karma useful for Granth is. गद्यात्मक part of the "यजुः" it is said. यजुुस् preponderance of due to it "yajurveda" it is said. यजुष् other अर्थः --- (1.) यजुर्यजतेः (निरुक्त - 7.12) (sacrifice affiliate mantras to यजुष् says.) (2.) इज्यते अनेनेति यजुः. (Who mantras to sacrifice done them यजुष् says.) (3.) अनियताक्षरावसानो यजुः. (Who mantras in पद्यों like letter-number set is not, they यजुष् are.) (4.) शेषे यजुःशब्दः. (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.37) (पद्यबन्ध and गीति devoid of मन्त्रात्मक composition यजुष् says.) (5.) एकप्रयोजनं साकांक्षं पदजातमेकं यजुः. (A reason to say the साकांक्ष a post-group यजुः say.) The Vedas two traditions are: --- Krishna and Shukla. Shukla yajurveda pure as mantra just compiled, but Krishna yajurveda in mantras with Brahmin mixed. Branches: --- ======= Maharishi पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य in yajurveda of 101 branches described is, but availability is low. (1) Shukla yajurveda: --- ============= its total 16 branches told are, but currently 2 the branches are available --- (1.) माध्यन्दिन (वाजसनेयी) branch, (2.) काण्व branch. माध्यन्दिन-branch of the main Sage yajnavalkya are. These mithila residents were. His father वाजसनि were so yajnavalkya वाजसनेय called. Their name of this yajurveda to वाजसनेयी branch also says. Yajnavalkya Rishi the Aditya Sage it a day in the Central part had received, so it माध्यन्दिन branch has been said. This is a branch of the most promotional answer in India. काण्व Sage's father बोधायन were. काण्व master yajnavalkya were the same. काण्व-branch of the most promotional Maharashtra are in. (2) Krishna yajurveda: ---- ============ its total 85 branches told are but currently 4 branches only available --- (1.) तैत्तिरीय code, (2.) मैत्रायणी -संहिता, (3.) step-code, (4.) कपिष्ठल code, Shukla and Krishna yajurveda differences in: --- (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेद =========== (1.) it Aditya community of representatives Granth is. (2.) the sacrifice I used to mantra is. (3.) it is purely is, that is only mantra is a mixture is not. (4.) this Granth the realization Aditya from occurred. Aditya Shukla is, therefore, the name Shukla-यदुर्वेद placed. Accuracy of the reason it Shukla stated. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part no, that is purely is. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ========== (1.) it Brahman-community of representatives Granth is. (2.) it mantras with Brahmin also mixed, so mix due to Krishna said. (3.) Aditya light in contrast to be than it Krishna said. (4.) it disorganized. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part, namely purely is not unclean is mixed. Mantra: --- ===== (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेदः --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद of वाजसनेयी-branch in total --- 40 chapters, 1 9 75 mantra are. वाजयनेयी code in the letter 2,88,000 (two million, अट्ठासी thousand) are. काण्व-branch in 40 the chapters, but mantra 2086 are. अनुवाक --- 328 are. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेदः-- ========== तैत्तिरीय-branch in total 7 Canto, the 44 प्रपाठक are, 631 अनुवाक are. मैत्रायणी-branch in total 4 Canto, the 54 प्रपाठक are, 3144 mantra are. काठक (step) code in total 5 section, the locale 40, the word of 13 to 53 subsection, the 843 अनुवाक are, 3028 mantra are. कपिष्ठल incomplete is available as. There are 6 अष्टक is available only, 48 chapter on the end is. Brahmin: ---
========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद ------ शतपथ Brahmin कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय Brahmin, मैत्रायणी, step and कपिष्ठल four codes in which Brahmin part, the same कृष्णयजुर्वेद Brahmin is. आरण्यक: --- ========== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- बृहदारण्यक कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय आरण्यक upanishad: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- ईशोपनिषद्, बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद्, प्रश्नोपनिषद्. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय upanishad, महानारायण, मैत्रायणीय, कठोपनिषद्, श्वेताश्वरोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र: --- ========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, हिरण्यकेशी (सत्याषाढ), Bhardwaj, वैखानस, वाधुल, human, मैत्रायणी, warah. गृह्यसूत्र: --- ======= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, सत्याषाढ, वैखानस, step. धर्मसूत्र: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- no. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- वसिष्ठ-formula. शुल्वसूत्र: --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana. कृष्णयजुर्वेद --- बोधायन, आपस्तम्ब, human, मैत्रायणी, warah and वाधुल.
Sama: general introduction:
Vedic वाङ्मय I Sama the location of the most important. Gita (10.22) in Krishna himself for Sama said --- the "वेदानां सामवेदो s स्मि." The Vedas the importance of this is greater than that Sama to द्यु stated, while the rig Veda to पृथिवी said --- the "material or असौ द्युलोकः, ऋगयम् भूलोकः." (ताण्ड्य-Brahmin - 4.3.5) Sama Vedas essence. All the Vedas juice or abstract Sama the --- the "सर्वेषामं or एष वेदानां रसो यत् material." (शतपथ --- (गोपथ-Brahmin - 2.5.7) Sama for गीतियुक्त must --- the "गीतिषु samakya." (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.36) the rig Veda and Sama of the integral relations are. Sama without sacrifice does not --- "नासामा यज्ञो भवति." (शतपथ - that guy "material" knows, the Vedas the secret life finds --- the "सामानि Yo वेत्ति session Veda तत्त्वम्." (बृहद्देवता) "material" literally means --- the gods are pleased to anthem. Sama light Aditya Sage heart in. Acharya सायण according to the rig Veda the sung to mantras to "material" says --- "ऋच्यध्यूढं material." Ie hymns on the same material dependent is. Sama worship of the Vedas is. (1.) Sama's Sage --- Aditya, Sama the Sun and Sama the mantra of the Sun Rays are --- "(आदित्यस्य) अर्चिः सामानि." (शतपथ - (2.) Sama singer ऋत्विज् --- उद्गाता, (3.) Sama God --- Aditya. Sama the origin of the Sun was. It is the Sun-son. The Sun power --- the "सूर्यात् सामवेदः अजायत." (शतपथ --- (4.) Sage diameter of the Sama study made --- जैमिनि to. जैमिनि the Sama education your son सुमन्तु to, सुमन्तु the सुन्वान् and सुन्वान् his son sukrma given. Sama expand the same sukrma Sage has had. Sukrma two disciples were --- हिरण्यनाभ कौशल्य औ पौष्यञ्जि. हिरण्यनाभ of pupil integrated was. Integrated by Sama 24 kinds of anthem vowels of enforcement did. Integrated lots of आनुयायी in. They follower samvedi Masters to "कार्त" called ---- "चतुर्विंशतिधा yen प्रोक्ता global सामसंहिताः. स्मृतास्ते प्राच्यसामानः कार्ता नामेह सामगाः." (मत्स्यपुराणः --- 4 9 .67) (5.) branches --- Sage पतञ्जलि according to Sama of 1000 thousand branches Suzanne --- "सहस्रवर्त्मा सामवेदः" (महाभाष्य). Currently its three branches समुपलब्ध --- the (a) कौथुम, (II) राणायणीय, (III) जैमिनीय, कौथुम branch according to Sama two parts --- (a) पूर्वार्चिक, (2.) उत्तरार्चिक. (A) पूर्वार्चिकः ---- there are a total of four Canto are --- (a) igneous, (II) ऐन्द्र, (III) पावमान (D.) आरण्य-Canto. Appendix as 10 mantra महानाम्नी आर्चिक are. पूर्वार्चिक 6 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 650 are. प्रपाठकों in chapter, chapters in section are that "दशति" called, blocks in mantra are. It प्रपाठकों different name. In which the God of the primacy is, the same name. Such as --- (a) the first प्रपाठक name - "igneous-festival" are, because it fire affiliate mantra are. In God fire is the same. It has a total of 114 mantra are. (II) II fourth प्रपाठक name --- "ऐन्द्र-festival", as these Indra of स्तुतियाँ were you. In God Indra the same. There are 352 mantra are. (III) पञ्चम प्रपाठक name ----
"पवमान-festival", because it Mon praise have been. In God Mon the same. It has a total of 11 9 mantra are. (D.) sixth प्रपाठक name --- "अरण्यपर्व", because it अरण्यगान of the mantra is. In God Indra, fire and Mon are. It has a total of 55 mantra are. (ङ) महानाम्नी आर्चिक --- this Appendix are. In God Indra are. It has a total of 10 mantra guest. Thus overall पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra in. It means that the first to पञ्चम प्रपाठक up mantras the anthem villages in may. So they "ग्रामगान" says. सामगान four kinds --- (a) ग्रामगेय anthem - it "प्रकृतिगान" and "वेयगान" also says. It's village or public places rhymes was. (II) आरण्यगान or आरण्यक गेयगान --- it forests or Holy places rhymes was. It "रहस्यगान" also says. (III) उहगान --- "Ooh" means --- the विचारपूर्वक configuration. It सोमयाग or special religious opportunities rhymes was. (D.) उह्यगान or रहस्यगान --- mystical due to the public places not rhymes was. (II) उत्तरार्चिक ---- there are a total of 21 chapter 9 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 1225 are. It has a total of 400 sukta are. पूर्वार्चिक in hymns of meter gods according to, while उत्तरार्चिक in sacrifices according. पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra, while उत्तार्चिक in 1225 mantra are. Both together 1875 in. पूर्वार्चिक of 267 mantras the frequency of उत्तरार्चिक occurred. 1504 mantra rig Veda the input is. साममवेदस्थ सामगान mantras 5 part
(a) offer --- the anthem "presenter" called ऋत्विक् does. It "I am ओग्नाइ" from the beginning of. (II) उद्गीथ --- it material of the principal ऋत्विक् उद्गाता sing is. It "AUM" from the beginning of. (III) pratihara ---- the anthem "प्रतिहर्ता" called ऋत्विक् does. It's two mantras to add as link is. Finally "AUM" said is. (D.) nuisance ---- the anthem उद्गाता as possible. (ङ) died ---- the anthem three Ritwik the --- presenter, उद्गाता and प्रतिहर्ता. (6.) Sama total mantra ---- 1875 are. Rig Veda the input mantra - the 1771 Sama your mantra - the 104 = 1875 rig Veda compiled from 1771 mantras in the than 267 mantra पुनरुक्त are. Sama your 104 mantras of 5 mantra पुनरुक्त guest. Thus पुनरुक्त mantras number of 272 is. सारांशतः --- Sama in ऋग्वेदीय mantra 1504 + पुनरुक्त 267 total of = 1771 Sama your mantra - 99 + पुनरुक्त 5, thus total of = 104 both together total mantra of --- 1771 + 104 = 1875 Sama in the rig Veda from the most mantra rig Veda the 8th and 9th board of. 8th board 450 mantra were, 9th system of 645 mantra for the day. 1 ranked system of 237 mantra for the day. 10th system of 110 mantra for the day. Sama total letter 4000 * 36 = 1,44,000 (a million, चौवालीस thousand (you. Sama 450 mantras the anthem may not, namely the lyrical not. कौथुम branch in total mantra 1875, the while जैमिनीय branch in 1687 mantra is the same. Thus जैमिनीय-branch 188 mantra is low. जैमिनीय branch songs of 3681 are as follows, while कौथुमीय only 2722 are the same, namely
जैमिनीय-branch 9 5 9 anthem-type more. जैमिनीय-branch code, Brahmin, श्रौतसूत्र and गृह्यसूत्र all are available, but कौथुमीय not. ब्राह्मणः-- पञ्चविंश (ताण्ड्य) महाब्राह्मण, षड्विंश, सामविधान, आर्षेय, देवताध्याय, seed, जैमिनीय, तलवकार. आरण्यक no. Upanishad --- छान्दोग्य, केनोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र --- खादिर, लाट्यायन, द्राह्यायण. गृह्यसूत्र ---- खादिर, गोभिल, Gautam. धर्मसूत्र --- Gautam. शुल्वसूत्र no. Sama three major teachings get --- (a) समत्व a sense of wake up to. (II) coordination of the spirit. Spouse to collect. Society collecting. Everyone mix. A different do not. (III) material life is. In life प्राणशक्ति of the major importance. Creature same won.: Atharva Veda a general introduction:
atharva Veda the meaning of - अथर्वों the Vedas, in the Vedas अन्यतम atharva Veda a onerous specification containing. Atharva Veda means --- अथर्वों the Vedas (knowledge), and अङ्गिरों the knowledge that अभिचार mantras related knowledge. (1.) अथर्वन् --- stability with yoga. निरुक्त (11.18) according to "थर्व" metal it here is made, which means --- the speed or try. Therefore, "अथर्वन्" word - the stability. It means that the Vedas stability or चित्तवृत्तियों the निरोधरूपी sum of teaching is, he अथर्वन् Veda --- the "अथर्वाणो s थर्वणवन्तः. थर्वतिश्चरतिकर्मा, तत्प्रतिषेधः." निरुक्त (11.18) (2.) गोपथ-Brahmin according to --- proximal soul your in to see or Veda he which soul your in view of the lore of preaching to be. Ancient times in अथर्वन् words priests emblematic of the. Another name अथर्वाङ्गिरस्, अाङ्गिरसवेद, ब्रह्मवेद, भृग्वाङ्गिरोवेद, क्षत्रवेद, भैषज्य Vedas, छन्दो Vedas, महीवेद main Sage --- अङ्गिरा, ऋत्विक् --- Brahma creator Brahman by the Vedas knowledge of the first अङ्गिरा Sage given. Branches ===== Sage पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य the Vedas 9 branches told you, namely thus --- the (1.) पैप्लाद, (2.) तौद, (स्तौद) (3.) मौद, (4.) शौनकीय, (5.) jajl, (6.) Nimbus, (7.) ब्रह्मवद, (8.) देवदर्श, (9.) चारणवैद्य. These currently only 2 branches available are: - शौनकीय and पैप्लाद. Remaining Muslim आक्रान्ताओं not deleted. Nowadays all India year शौनकीय-branch of the prevalent and that atharva Veda is. (1.) शौनकीय-brCanto --- 20, sukta --- 730, mantra --- 5 9 87, (2.) पैप्लाद -शाखा --- it is incomplete. The circulation पतञ्जलि the time. उपवेद --- अर्थर्वेद ========= गोपथ-Brahmin (1.1.10) in the five उपवेदों describe the --- the सर्पवेद, पिशाचवेद, असुरवेद, इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद. शतपथ-Brahmin ( in these उपवेदों name came --- the सर्पविद्यावेद, देवजनविद्यावेद, (रक्षोवेद or राक्षसवेद), मायावेद (असुरवेद or जादुविद्यावेद), इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद Sage diameter of the knowledge सुमन्तु has Brahmin --- गोपथ-Brahmin आरण्यक --- no upanishad --- मुण्डकोपनिषद्, माण्डूक्योपनिषद् श्रौतसूत्र --- वैतान गृह्यसूत्र --- Kaushik, धर्मसूत्र --- no. शुल्वसूत्र --- no.
अथर्वा Sage great scientist were. He defeats-Dham on the first fire was invented. He अरणि-मन्थन of fire and water मन्थन from aqueous-power was invented --- (1.) "अग्निर्जातो अथर्वणा" (ऋग्वेदः --- 10.21.5) (2.) "अथर्वा त्व प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda - 11.32) (3.) अथर्वा Sage the only exploration by पुरीष्य fire (natural gas ie, oil and natural gas) invented - the "पुरीष्यो s theory विश्वभरा अथर्वा त्वा प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda --- 11.32) (4.) we the fire by sacrifice do the fire in the first अथर्वा the sacrifice did --- "यज्ञैरथर्वा प्रथमः पथस्तते." (ऋग्वेदः --- 1.83.5) अथर्वा Sage spiritualism first promotional were. अथर्वा Sage approach comprehensive was. He lives in each field work did. Atharva Veda the sukta
(1.) पृथिवी-sukta, other name --- land sukta (12.1) total 63 mantra. (2.) celibacy-sukta --- (11.5) total 26 mantra. (3.) time-sukta --दो sukta are --- 11.53 and 11.54, total mantra 15 (4.) marriage sukta --- meet the 14 th Canto. There are 2 sukta 13 9 mantra are. (5.) व्रात्य-sukta --- 15 Canto 1 18 up to सूक्तों 230 mantra is, all of these व्रात्य sukta are. (6.) मधुविद्या-sukta --- 9th Canto the sukta 1 24 mantras it sukta is. (7.) theosophy-sukta --- atharva Veda many सूक्तों in theosophy detailed description. Vedic civilization and culture detailed knowledge for atharva Veda around the Vedas in the most useful. Atharva Veda social and political status of the most beautiful illustration does. Atharva Veda a type of encyclopedia. It सार्वजनीन Veda is. It has all the characters and all ashrams detailed description. This is one Vedas which is a temporal and otherworldly both areas describes the
yogeshwar anandji Narayan! Gurudev God says - in my celibatajnavalkya King of the parent to explain: Hey Rajan! It's soul आनन्दरूप ultimate guy आत्मदेव "अन्तर्ज्योति" is. Shruti did said. घटादि objects publisher of the light is called them other which substance तैजस are not them "अज्योति" considered. Soul "light" so Shruti said that he all publishers - the सूर्यादि ज्योतियों also and घटादि अज्योतियों also. चेतनरूप of this all जडवर्ग the singular is. Soul light not only "अन्तर्" said: it is secret: out of the body which आदित्यादि ज्योतियाँ he such items to publish the whose power those ज्योतियों of power for absolute is. आत्मरूप light such not. He all विवर्तोपादान or अधिष्ठान is, therefore, all of the "within the" is. He which publishes his power आत्मसत्ता than the summer. {Other light प्रकाश्य out of staying her published by the atmprkash प्रकाश्यों within staying them published by the sense. अधिष्ठान to अध्यस्त the "within the" so say factor is अनुस्यूत happens.} Not only आत्मरूप light not only others, but yourself also publish the others ज्योतियाँ such, not because of its accomplishment for them चित्प्रकाश need persists. स्वप्रकाश of external light from the absolute soul values in the light is, therefore, it too "light" not saying "अन्तर्ज्योति" said. Shruti who soul "अन्तर्ज्योति" said her that means. Hey Rajan! Shruti the soul "guy" said, it means also conveys this light soul Shruti the "old" so that the light of the same and inanimate world is full. {Turquoise gem test stated is that the net cow's milk to enter the whole milk gem color दीखने think.
There are literally not gem splashed is not milk deteriorated, the only so believe there is. Similarly world spirit of the power - define an भास is. Even though really soul - world of the relationship is not on the world of ubiquitous power - define get, so she soul the "full" is happening.} To quantify the spirit so "guy" like that bird nest by them, keeps the same spirit real - movable various the Pur ie body by the "अध्यासरूप" relationship of residence does. Hey सोम्य! Further Muni say "Hey Rajan!" Shruti also say also says that spirit similar while both worlds transmission by: it as attention and is as if Leela does. He स्वप्नावस्था find this जाग्रत् - public beyond gets. शरीरादि the death as because this is him denote this. Dream in to reach the spirit जाग्रत्'s death - forms of escape is. It now समझायेंगे. Attention to hear: Hey Rajan! विज्ञानमय etc. as that used to describe the guy unique while only dream and जाग्रत् in uniform staying such as well - sorrow indulges as the public and otherworldly also indulges. It is born, dies and perishes re-born! रेंहट {farmer farm in water impressing a means} like it's always the remains the same. Karma फाँस the spirit of time - bar many body assumed by and leaves. It is God but अज्ञानवश it संसरण keeps. However, this guy is complete, not comes not is not does not indulges, all disorders smoking is, However, the soul because your true nature of ignorance is therefore, it अन्तःकरण themselves एकमेक understanding takes, making it fruit, including the actions of receipt is.
{Ie मनोध्यासद्वारा कर्तृताध्यास and her भोक्तृताध्यास gets.} Sky virtually ever hot {or frosty} is not the hot water in the Sky think values hot. Such as this spirit really God, but अविद्या the impact of it wisdom तादात्म्याध्यास have which it works of the subject and fruit experiencer made lives. It is the same to prove that the wisdom attention is the spirit note that the bit think and playful there is also playful happened - which think. Such as Kamini follow does have its sit sits on, it running your if the rear - behind the walking think since the Enchanted is similar wisdom Enchanted spirit of wisdom अनुशरण does. {This to my satsang friends Mr. sanjay tiwari live in particular attention will.} Hey Rajan! Wisdom एकमेक was he स्वप्रकाश आत्मदेव when dream ie "तैजस" name is the self-manufactured by इन्द्रजालतुल्य diverse dreams watches. The time it is not difficult to this जाग्रदवस्था of the world लाँध is like a King boat {River, etc. to cross the instrument} by very deep River crossing be. Boat place here wisdom is. जाग्रत् in the world अध्यात्मदृष्टि of the head of physical body. Planet - अतिग्रह called sense and subject also जाग्रत् world gross made are. It प्रपञ्च Nana like spread {अधिदेव, अधिभूत etc; ghost future, etc; आमुष्मिक ie, each other public than regard having etc; आर्थाक, social, etc.}. अविध्यात्मक death of it as ie work. {However, dreams do the same, However, he कार्योपाधि disruption of.} Water bubbles like it's always destroy are lives.
Disease etc. full - completion of this pain caused lives. Such जाग्रल्लोक big easy spirit leaves when dream is reached. {Shruti the "स्वप्नो भूत्वा said that just compatible like" children through, youth the "and so on, because the spirit of the state to get that name also assimilated. Hey King! Dream indulgence who works at the end of जाग्रत् in indulgence provided to work dream to view the soul to wake up give. Mother's womb born while such as the spirit macro in the body pride is, as dreams wake up while. If he नानाविध sins ie suffering with gets. Dreams come to the guy to जाग्रत् who suffer get them what used to describe be! They all thro are. Until it is the ultimate guy physical body तादात्म्याध्यास leaves not until eternal sorrow finds. This body when he reversal - does whether a dream, and conditions in be or die be - he momentarily in दुःखहेतुभूत many sins and a lot of suffering leaves. {A lot of sin assembled by guy to suffer give. So many even when देहोत्क्रमण to meet their reach goes away. Although Karma the hooks only does, However, implies that फलभोग for देहतादात्म्य essentially as देहे the same" भोगायतन "is. So देहाध्यान erased be so Karma - fruits exfoliation अर्थसिद्ध is.} A country in chaos, etc. to much trouble are and the country fascination be कारण-" this is my native is "etc. अभिमानवश the location of हेयता not accept the reason - any person on the settle for the day - night her nuisances of and suffering of the face., Such as the divine strong fascination suffer from the body just been so many reasons to be varied sorrow being able. The wise man उपद्रवयुक्त country elsewhere quiet held in the country goes he सोपद्रव country of sorrow not finds. Such as when आत्मदेव the body slips this body due all suffering and their हेतुओं to {winter - warmth etc.} never received.
{Implies that when death or gold on the body - used sorrow discounts are then अध्यास disappear on what to say! व्यवहारदृष्टि to remember be that the awareness of experience in made with Karma not stay on gold possible is the body eateth to work at the end of the die possible happens. It's not like that country part go so there are suffering escape are well soy or dead to offer. Or country escape from the place the nature of trance practice, भूमिकारोहरण can understand and while staying sad to avoid the place without भूमिकारोहण the जीवन्मुक: tone-practice of knowledge परिचय- part3 sushumna परिचय- the time nose both holes equal tone go so it sushumna tone says. The time free fruit who works to accomplishment quickly get is like religion who work in God's concentrate and yoga-practice, etc. to be. विशेष- work lunar and सूर्य' pulse should they सुषुम्ना' time at all don't not so its opposite effect. Tone run knowledge परिचय- if someone wants to know what time which tone is going so it to learn how very simple. Most of the first nose a hole off by the second aperture of 2-4 times loud breath collect. Then holes off by the same way to the second aperture of 2-4 times loud breath collect. Nose which opening breathing and leave easily look must understand that side of the tone is going on and the side of breathing and leave in trouble off her should. Wish according to breath speed change परिचय- if someone is your choice of your breath of walking speed wants to change its 3 forms of-the respiratory speed change विधि- nose the side of the hole breath running, then the other side of the nose holes to thumb down should and the side of breath going to be there is from air inside draw should. He side of the hole pressing the nose the second aperture of air out should. Sometime similar from the nose a hole breath taking another breath taking respiratory speed of course is changed.
The side of the nose holes breath going to be the same sides soccer nose a hole breath ranging from each other to quit action to breath speed quickly is changed. Nose the side of the opening of breath going to be just the same sides a while to lie of breath walk change the speed of days. Oxygen to sushumna in to transmit the method: परिचय- oxygen to sushumna pulse to collect the first to nose any one hole off by the second aperture breathing of action and then immediately stop holes to open the second aperture of breath out here. The nose the side of the opening of breath left to the same brea the second aperture of breath out to leave. In this way nose a hole breath taking other respiratory extract and then the other respiratory the first to leave about 50 tim
(1) the rig Veda branch: Maharishi पतञ्जलि according to the rig Veda 21 branches, but five only branches name are available: --- (1) शाकल (2) बाष्कल (3) आश्वलायन (4) शांखायन (5) माण्डूकायन currently only शाकल branch is available only! Rig Veda Brahmin ============= (1) ऐतरेय Brahmin (2) शांखायन Brahmin rig Veda the आरण्यक =============== (1) ऐतरेय आरण्यक (2) शांखायन आरण्यक rig Veda the upanishads =============== (1) ऐतरेय upanishad (2) कौषीतकि upanishad rig Veda God ============ तिस्र Yew देवताः ITI नैरुक्ताः! (1) fire (पृथिवी local) (2) Indra or air (space local) (3) the Sun (द्यु local) rig Veda multi-use verses ================ (1) Gayatri, (2) उष्णिक् (3) अनुष्टुप्, (4) त्रिष्टुप् (5) बृहती, (6) develops, (7) line, the rig Veda the mantras three Department =================== (1) प्रत्यक्षकृत mantra (2) परोक्षकृत mantra (3) spiritual mantra rig Veda division of ============== (1) अष्टक order: ---- 8 अष्टक 64 chapter 2006 square (2) मण्डलक्रम: --- 10 board 85 अनुवाक 1028 sukta 10580 - 1
yajurveda general introduction: yajurvवेदाacrifice Karma useful for Granth is. गद्यात्मक part of the "यजुः" it is said. यजुुस् preponderance of due to it "yajurveda" it is said. यजुष् other अर्थः --- (1.) यजुर्यजतेः (निरुक्त - 7.12) (sacrifice affiliate mantras to यजुष् says.) (2.) इज्यते अनेनेति यजुः. (Who mantras to sacrifice done them यजुष् says.) (3.) अनियताक्षरावसानो यजुः. (Who mantras in पद्यों like letter-number set is not, they यजुष् are.) (4.) शेषे यजुःशब्दः. (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.37) (पद्यबन्ध and गीति devoid of मन्त्रात्मक composition यजुष् says.) (5.) एकप्रयोजनं साकांक्षं पदजातमेकं यजुः. (A reason to say the साकांक्ष a post-group यजुः say.) The Vedas two traditions are: --- Krishna and Shukla. Shukla yajurveda pure as mantra just compiled, but Krishna yajurveda in mantras with Brahmin mixed. Branches: --- ======= Maharishi पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य in yajurveda of 101 branches described is, but availability is low. (1) Shukla yajurveda: --- ============= its total 16 branches told are, but currently 2 the branches are available --- (1.) माध्यन्दिन (वाजसनेयी) branch, (2.) काण्व branch. माध्यन्दिन-branch of the main Sage yajnavalkya are. These mithila residents were. His father वाजसनि were so yajnavalkya वाजसनेय called. Their name of this yajurveda to वाजसनेयी branch also says. Yajnavalkya Rishi the Aditya Sage it a day in the Central part had received, so it माध्यन्दिन branch has been said. This is a branch of the most promotional answer in India. काण्व Sage's father बोधायन were. काण्व master yajnavalkya were the same. काण्व-branch of the most promotional Maharashtra are in. (2) Krishna yajurveda: ---- ============ its total 85 branches told are but currently 4 branches only available --- (1.) तैत्तिरीय code, (2.) मैत्रायणी -संहिता, (3.) step-code, (4.) कपिष्ठल code, Shukla and Krishna yajurveda differences in: --- ===================== (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेद =========== (1.) it Aditya community of representatives Granth is. (2.) the sacrifice I used to mantra is. (3.) it is purely is, that is only mantra is a mixture is not. (4.) this Granth the realization Aditya from occurred. Aditya Shukla is, therefore, the name Shukla-यदुर्वेद placed. Accuracy of the reason it Shukla stated. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part no, that is purely is. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ========== (1.) it Brahman-community of representatives Granth is. (2.) it mantras with Brahmin also mixed, so mix due to Krishna said. (3.) Aditya light in contrast to be than it Krishna said. (4.) it disorganized. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part, namely purely is not unclean is mixed. Mantra: --- ===== (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेदः --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद of वाजसनेयी-branch in total --- 40 chapters, 1 9 75 mantra are. वाजयनेयी code in the letter 2,88,000 (two million, अट्ठासी thousand) are. काण्व-branch in 40 the chapters, but mantra 2086 are. अनुवाक --- 328 are. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेदः-- ========== तैत्तिरीय-branch in total 7 Canto, the 44 प्रपाठक are, 631 अनुवाक are. मैत्रायणी-branch in total 4 Canto, the 54 प्रपाठक are, 3144 mantra are. काठक (step) code in total 5 section, the locale 40, the word of 13 to 53 subsection, the 843 अनुवाक are, 3028 mantra are. कपिष्ठल incomplete is available as. There are 6 अष्टक is available only, 48 chapter on the end is. Brahmin: --- ========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद ------ शतपथ Brahmin कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय Brahmin, मैत्रायणी, step and कपिष्ठल four codes in which Brahmin part, the same कृष्णयजुर्वेद Brahmin is. आरण्यक: --- ========== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- बृहदारण्यक कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय आरण्यक upanishad: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- ईशोपनिषद्, बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद्, प्रश्नोपनिषद्. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय upanishad, महानारायण, मैत्रायणीय, कठोपनिषद्, श्वेताश्वरोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र: --- ========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, हिरण्यकेशी (सत्याषाढ), Bhardwaj, वैखानस, वाधुल, human, मैत्रायणी, warah. गृह्यसूत्र: --- ======= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, सत्याषाढ, वैखानस, step. धर्मसूत्र: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- no. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- वसिष्ठ-formula. शुल्वसूत्र: --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana. कृष्णयजुर्वेद --- बोधायन, आपस्तम्ब, human, मैत्रायणी, warah a
Sama: general introduction: ==
Vedic वाङ्मय I Sama the location of the most important. Gita (10.22) in Krishna himself for Sama said --- the "वेदानां सामवेदो s स्मि." The Vedas the importance of this is greater than that Sama to द्यु stated, while the rig Veda to पृथिवी said --- the "material or असौ द्युलोकः, ऋगयम् भूलोकः." (ताण्ड्य-Brahmin - 4.3.5) Sama Vedas essence. All the Vedas juice or abstract Sama the --- the "सर्वेषामं or एष वेदानां रसो यत् material." (शतपथ --- (गोपथ-Brahmin - 2.5.7) Sama for गीतियुक्त must --- the "गीतिषु samakya." (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.36) the rig Veda and Sama of the integral relations are. Sama without sacrifice does not --- "नासामा यज्ञो भवति." (शतपथ - that guy "material" knows, the Vedas the secret life finds --- the "सामानि Yo वेत्ति session Veda तत्त्वम्." (बृहद्देवता) "material" literally means --- the gods are pleased to anthem. Sama light Aditya Sage heart in. Acharya सायण according to the rig Veda the sung to mantras to "material" says --- "ऋच्यध्यूढं material." Ie hymns on the same material dependent is. Sama worship of the Vedas is. (1.) Sama's Sage --- Aditya, Sama the Sun and Sama the mantra of the Sun Rays are --- "(आदित्यस्य) अर्चिः सामानि." (शतपथ - (2.) Sama singer ऋत्विज् --- उद्गाता, (3.) Sama God --- Aditya. Sama the origin of the Sun was. It is the Sun-son. The Sun power --- the "सूर्यात् सामवेदः अजायत." (शतपथ --- (4.) Sage diameter of Sama study made --- जैमिनि to. जैमिनि the Sama education your son सुमन्तु to, सुमन्तु the सुन्वान् and सुन्वान् his son sukrma given. Sama expand the same sukrma Sage has had. Sukrma two disciples were --- हिरण्यनाभ कौशल्य औ पौष्यञ्जि. हिरण्यनाभ of pupil integrated was. Integrated by Sama 24 kinds of anthem vowels of enforcement did. Integrated lots of आनुयायी in. They follower samvedi Masters to "कार्त" called ---- "चतुर्विंशतिधा yen प्रोक्ता global सामसंहिताः. स्मृतास्ते प्राच्यसामानः कार्ता नामेह सामगाः." (मत्स्यपुराणः --- 4 9 .67) (5.) branches --- Sage पतञ्जलि according to Sama of 1000 thousand branches Suzanne --- "सहस्रवर्त्मा सामवेदः" (महाभाष्य). Currently its three branches समुपलब्ध --- the (a) कौथुम, (II) राणायणीय, (III) जैमिनीय, कौथुम branch according to Sama two parts --- (a) पूर्वार्चिक, (2.) उत्तरार्चिक. (A) पूर्वार्चिकः ---- there are a total of four Canto are --- (a) igneous, (II) ऐन्द्र, (III) पावमान (D.) आरण्य-Canto. Appendix as 10 mantra महानाम्नी आर्चिक are. पूर्वार्चिक 6 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 650 are. प्रपाठकों in chapter, chapters in section are that "दशति" called, blocks in mantra are. It प्रपाठकों different name. In which the God of the primacy is, the same name. Such as --- (a) the first प्रपाठक name - "igneous-festival" are, because it fire affiliate mantra are. In God fire is the same. It has a total of 114 mantra are. (II) II fourth प्रपाठक name --- "ऐन्द्र-festival", as these Indra of स्तुतियाँ were you. In God Indra the same. There are 352 mantra are. (III) पञ्चम प्रपाठक name ---- "पवमान-festival", because it Mon praise have been. In God Mon the same. It has a total of 11 9 mantra are. (D.) sixth प्रपाठक name --- "अरण्यपर्व", because it अरण्यगान of the mantra is. In God Indra, fire and Mon are. It has a total of 55 mantra are. (ङ) महानाम्नी आर्चिक --- this Appendix are. In God Indra are. It has a total of 10 mantra guest. Thus overall पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra in. It means that the first to पञ्चम प्रपाठक up mantras the anthem villages in may. Therefore, they are "ग्रामगान" says. सामगान four kinds --- (a) ग्रामगेय anthem - it "प्रकृतिगान" and "वेयगान" also says. It's village or public places rhymes was. (II) आरण्यगान or आरण्यक गेयगान --- it forests or Holy places rhymes was. It "रहस्यगान" also says. (III) उहगान --- "Ooh" means --- the विचारपूर्वक configuration. It सोमयाग or special religious opportunities rhymes was. (D.) उह्यगान or रहस्यगान --- mystical due to the public places not rhymes was. (II) उत्तरार्चिक ---- there are a total of 21 chapter 9 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 1225 are. It has a total of 400 sukta are. पूर्वार्चिक in hymns of meter gods according to, while उत्तरार्चिक in sacrifices according. पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra, while उत्तार्चिक in 1225 mantra are. Both together 1875 in. पूर्वार्चिक of 267 mantras the frequency of उत्तरार्चिक occurred. 1504 mantra rig Veda the input is. सामवेदस्थ सामगान mantras 5 part ---- (a) offer --- the anthem "presenter" called ऋत्विक् does. It "I am ओग्नाइ" from the beginning of. (II) उद्गीथ --- it material of the principal ऋत्विक् उद्गाता sing is. It "AUM" from the beginning of. (III) pratihara ---- the anthem "प्रतिहर्ता" called ऋत्विक् does. It's two mantras to add as link is. Finally "AUM" said is. (D.) nuisance ---- the anthem उद्गाता as possible. (ङ) died ---- the anthem three Ritwik the --- presenter, उद्गाता and प्रतिहर्ता. (6.) Sama total mantra ---- 1875 are. Rig Veda the input mantra - the 1771 Sama your mantra - the 104 = 1875 rig Veda compiled from 1771 mantras in the than 267 mantra पुनरुक्त are. Sama your 104 mantras of 5 mantra पुनरुक्त guest. Thus पुनरुक्त mantras number of 272 is. सारांशतः --- Sama in ऋग्वेदीय mantra 1504 + पुनरुक्त 267 total of = 1771 Sama your mantra - 99 + पुनरुक्त 5, thus total of = 104 both together total mantra of --- 1771 + 104 = 1875 Sama in the rig Veda from the most mantra rig Veda the 8th and 9th board of. 8th board 450 mantra were, 9th system of 645 mantra for the day. 1 ranked system of 237 mantra for the day. 10th system of 110 mantra for the day. Sama total letter 4000 * 36 = 1,44,000 (a million, चौवालीस thousand (you. Sama 450 mantras the anthem may not, namely the lyrical not. कौथुम branch in total mantra 1875, the while जैमिनीय branch in 1687 mantra is the same. Thus जैमिनीय-branch 188 mantra is low. जैमिनीय branch songs of 3681 are as follows, while कौथुमीय only 2722 are the same, namely जैमिनीय-branch 9 5 9 anthem-type more. जैमिनीय-branch code, Brahmin, श्रौतसूत्र and गृह्यसूत्र all are available, but कौथुमीय not. ब्राह्मणः-- पञ्चविंश (ताण्ड्य) महाब्राह्मण, षड्विंश, सामविधान, आर्षेय, देवताध्याय, seed, जैमिनीय, तलवकार. आरण्यक no. Upanishad --- छान्दोग्य, केनोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र --- खादिर, लाट्यायन, द्राह्यायण. गृह्यसूत्र ---- खादिर, गोभिल, Gautam. धर्मसूत्र --- Gautam. शुल्वसूत्र no. Sama three major teachings get --- (a) समत्व a sense of wake up to. (II) coordination of the spirit. Spouse to collect. Society collecting. Everyone mix. A different do not. (III) material life is. In life प्राणशक्ति of the major importance. Creature same won.: Atharva Veda a general introduction:
atharva Veda the meaning of - अथर्वों the Vedas, in the Vedas अन्यतम atharva Veda a onerous specification containing. Atharva Veda means --- अथर्वों the Vedas (knowledge), and अङ्गिरों the knowledge that अभिचार mantras related knowledge. (1.) अथर्वन् --- stability with yoga. निरुक्त (11.18) according to "थर्व" metal it here is made, which means --- the speed or try. Therefore, "अथर्वन्" word - the stability. It means that the Vedas stability or चित्तवृत्तियों the निरोधरूपी sum of teaching is, he अथर्वन् Veda --- the "अथर्वाणो s थर्वणवन्तः. थर्वतिश्चरतिकर्मा, तत्प्रतिषेधः." निरुक्त (11.18) (2.) गोपथ-Brahmin according to --- proximal soul your in to see or Veda he which soul your in view of the lore of preaching to be. Ancient times in अथर्वन् words priests emblematic of the. Another name ======= अथर्वाङ्गिरस्, अाङ्गिरसवेद, ब्रह्मवेद, भृग्वाङ्गिरोवेद, क्षत्रवेद, भैषज्य Vedas, छन्दो Vedas, महीवेद main Sage --- अङ्गिरा, ऋत्विक् --- Brahma creator Brahman by the Vedas knowledge of the first अङ्गिरा Sage given. Branches ===== Sage पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य the Vedas 9 branches told you, namely thus --- the (1.) पैप्लाद, (2.) तौद, (स्तौद) (3.) मौद, (4.) शौनकीय, (5.) jajl, (6.) Nimbus, (7.) ब्रह्मवद, (8.) देवदर्श, (9.) चारणवैद्य. These currently only 2 branches available are: - शौनकीय and पैप्लाद. Remaining Muslim आक्रान्ताओं not deleted. Nowadays all India year शौनकीय-branch of the prevalent and that atharva Veda is. (1.) शौनकीय-branch =========== Canto --- 20, sukta --- 730, mantra --- 5 9 87, (2.) पैप्लाद -शाखा --- it is incomplete. The circulation पतञ्जलि the time. उपवेद --- अर्थर्वेद ========= गोपथ-Brahmin (1.1.10) in the five उपवेदों describe the --- the सर्पवेद, पिशाचवेद, असुरवेद, इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद. शतपथ-Brahmin ( in these उपवेदों name came --- the सर्पविद्यावेद, देवजनविद्यावेद, (रक्षोवेद or राक्षसवेद), मायावेद (असुरवेद or जादुविद्यावेद), इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद Sage diameter of the knowledge सुमन्तु has Brahmin --- गोपथ-Brahmin आरण्यक --- no upanishad --- मुण्डकोपनिषद्, माण्डूक्योपनिषद् श्रौतसूत्र --- वैतान गृह्यसूत्र --- Kaushik, धर्मसूत्र --- no. शुल्वसूत्र --- no. अथर्वा Sage great scientist were. He defeats-Dham on the first fire was invented. He अरणि-मन्थन of fire and water मन्थन from aqueous-power was invented --- (1.) "अग्निर्जातो अथर्वणा" (ऋग्वेदः --- 10.21.5) (2.) "अथर्वा त्व प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda - 11.32) (3.) अथर्वा Sage the only exploration by पुरीष्य fire (natural gas ie, oil and natural gas) invented - the "पुरीष्यो s theory विश्वभरा अथर्वा त्वा प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda --- 11.32) (4.) we the fire by sacrifice do the fire in the first अथर्वा the sacrifice did --- "यज्ञैरथर्वा प्रथमः पथस्तते." (ऋग्वेदः --- 1.83.5) अथर्वा Sage spiritualism first promotional were. अथर्वा Sage approach comprehensive was. He lives in each field work did. Atharva Veda the sukta =========== (1.) पृथिवी-sukta, other name --- land sukta (12.1) total 63 mantra. (2.) celibacy-sukta --- (11.5) total 26 mantra. (3.) time-sukta --दो sukta are --- 11.53 and 11.54, total mantra 15 (4.) marriage sukta --- meet the 14 th Canto. There are 2 sukta 13 9 mantra are. (5.) व्रात्य-sukta --- 15 Canto 1 18 up to सूक्तों 230 mantra is, all of these व्रात्य sukta are. (6.) मधुविद्या-sukta --- 9th Canto the sukta 1 24 mantras it sukta is. (7.) theosophy-sukta --- atharva Veda many सूक्तों in theosophy detailed description. Vedic civilization and culture detailed knowledge for atharva Veda around the Vedas in the most useful. Atharva Veda social and political status of the most beautiful illustration does. Atharva Veda a type of encyclopedia. It सार्वजनीन Veda is. It has all the characters and all ashrams detailed description. This is one Vedas which is a temporal and otherworldly both areas describes the. || चत्वारो वेदाः ||: rig Veda general introduction: ================== (1) the rig Veda branch: ================== Maharishi पतञ्जलि according to the rig Veda 21 branches, but five only branches name are available: --- (1) शाकल (2) बाष्कल (3) आश्वलायन (4) शांखायन (5) माण्डूकायन currently only शाकल branch is available only! Rig Veda Brahmin ============= (1) ऐतरेय Brahmin (2) शांखायन Brahmin rig Veda the आरण्यक =============== (1) ऐतरेय आरण्यक (2) शांखायन आरण्यक rig Veda the upanishads =============== (1) ऐतरेय upanishad (2) कौषीतकि upanishad rig Veda God ============ तिस्र Yew देवताः ITI नैरुक्ताः! (1) fire (पृथिवी local) (2) Indra or air (space local) (3) the Sun (द्यु local) rig Veda multi-use verses ================ (1) Gayatri, (2) उष्णिक् (3) अनुष्टुप्, (4) त्रिष्टुप् (5) बृहती, (6) develops, (7) line, the rig Veda the mantras three Department =================== (1) प्रत्यक्षकृत mantra (2) परोक्षकृत mantra (3) spiritual mantra rig Veda division of ============== (1) अष्टक order: ---- 8 अष्टक 64 chapter 2006 square (2) मण्डलक्रम: --- 10 board 85 अनुवाक 1028 sukta 10580 --- 1/4 yajurveda general introduction: yajurveda sacrifice Karma useful for Granth is. गद्यात्मक part of the "यजुः" it is said. यजुुस् preponderance of due to it "yajurveda" it is said. यजुष् other अर्थः --- (1.) यजुर्यजतेः (निरुक्त - 7.12) (sacrifice affiliate mantras to यजुष् says.) (2.) इज्यते अनेनेति यजुः. (Who mantras to sacrifice done them यजुष् says.) (3.) अनियताक्षरावसानो यजुः. (Who mantras in पद्यों like letter-number set is not, they यजुष् are.) (4.) शेषे यजुःशब्दः. (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.37) (पद्यबन्ध and गीति devoid of मन्त्रात्मक composition यजुष् says.) (5.) एकप्रयोजनं साकांक्षं पदजातमेकं यजुः. (A reason to say the साकांक्ष a post-group यजुः say.) The Vedas two traditions are: --- Krishna and Shukla. Shukla yajurveda pure as mantra just compiled, but Krishna yajurveda in mantras with Brahmin mixed. Branches: --- ======= Maharishi पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य in yajurveda of 101 branches described is, but availability is low. (1) Shukla yajurveda: --- ============= its total 16 branches told are, but currently 2 the branches are available --- (1.) माध्यन्दिन (वाजसनेयी) branch, (2.) काण्व branch. माध्यन्दिन-branch of the main Sage yajnavalkya are. These mithila residents were. His father वाजसनि were so yajnavalkya वाजसनेय called. Their name of this yajurveda to वाजसनेयी branch also says. Yajnavalkya Rishi the Aditya Sage it a day in the Central part had received, so it माध्यन्दिन branch has been said. This is a branch of the most promotional answer in India. काण्व Sage's father बोधायन were. काण्व master yajnavalkya were the same. काण्व-branch of the most promotional Maharashtra are in. (2) Krishna yajurveda: ---- ============ its total 85 branches told are but currently 4 branches only available --- (1.) तैत्तिरीय code, (2.) मैत्रायणी -संहिता, (3.) step-code, (4.) कपिष्ठल code, Shukla and Krishna yajurveda differences in: --- (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेद =========== (1.) it Aditya community of representatives Granth is. (2.) the sacrifice I used to mantra is. (3.) it is purely is, that is only mantra is a mixture is not. (4.) this Granth the realization Aditya from occurred. Aditya Shukla is, therefore, the name Shukla-यदुर्वेद placed. Accuracy of the reason it Shukla stated. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part no, that is purely is. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ========== (1.) it Brahman-community of representatives Granth is. (2.) it mantras with Brahmin also mixed, so mix due to Krishna said. (3.) Aditya light in contrast to be than it Krishna said. (4.) it disorganized. (5.) the interpretation, description and विनियोगात्मक part, namely purely is not unclean is mixed. Mantra: --- ===== (1.) शुक्लयजुर्वेदः --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद of वाजसनेयी-branch in total --- 40 chapters, 1 9 75 mantra are. वाजयनेयी code in the letter 2,88,000 (two million, अट्ठासी thousand) are. काण्व-branch in 40 the chapters, but mantra 2086 are. अनुवाक --- 328 are. (2.) कृष्णयजुर्वेदः-- ========== तैत्तिरीय-branch in total 7 Canto, the 44 प्रपाठक are, 631 अनुवाक are. मैत्रायणी-branch in total 4 Canto, the 54 प्रपाठक are, 3144 mantra are. काठक (step) code in total 5 section, the locale 40, the word of 13 to 53 subsection, the 843 अनुवाक are, 3028 mantra are. कपिष्ठल incomplete is available as. There are 6 अष्टक is available only, 48 chapter on the end is. Brahmin: ---
========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद ------ शतपथ Brahmin कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय Brahmin, मैत्रायणी, step and कपिष्ठल four codes in which Brahmin part, the same कृष्णयजुर्वेद Brahmin is. आरण्यक: --- ========== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- बृहदारण्यक कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय आरण्यक upanishad: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद ---- ईशोपनिषद्, बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद्, प्रश्नोपनिषद्. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- तैत्तिरीय upanishad, महानारायण, मैत्रायणीय, कठोपनिषद्, श्वेताश्वरोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र: --- ========= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, हिरण्यकेशी (सत्याषाढ), Bhardwaj, वैखानस, वाधुल, human, मैत्रायणी, warah. गृह्यसूत्र: --- ======= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana (पारस्कर) कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- आपस्तम्ब, बोधायन, सत्याषाढ, वैखानस, step. धर्मसूत्र: --- ======== शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- no. कृष्णयजुर्वेद ---- वसिष्ठ-formula. शुल्वसूत्र: --- ============= शुक्लयजुर्वेद --- katyayana. कृष्णयजुर्वेद --- बोधायन, आपस्तम्ब, human, मैत्रायणी, warah and वाधुल.
Sama: general introduction:
Vedic वाङ्मय I Sama the location of the most important. Gita (10.22) in Krishna himself for Sama said --- the "वेदानां सामवेदो s स्मि." The Vedas the importance of this is greater than that Sama to द्यु stated, while the rig Veda to पृथिवी said --- the "material or असौ द्युलोकः, ऋगयम् भूलोकः." (ताण्ड्य-Brahmin - 4.3.5) Sama Vedas essence. All the Vedas juice or abstract Sama the --- the "सर्वेषामं or एष वेदानां रसो यत् material." (शतपथ --- (गोपथ-Brahmin - 2.5.7) Sama for गीतियुक्त must --- the "गीतिषु samakya." (पूर्वमीमांसा - 2.1.36) the rig Veda and Sama of the integral relations are. Sama without sacrifice does not --- "नासामा यज्ञो भवति." (शतपथ - that guy "material" knows, the Vedas the secret life finds --- the "सामानि Yo वेत्ति session Veda तत्त्वम्." (बृहद्देवता) "material" literally means --- the gods are pleased to anthem. Sama light Aditya Sage heart in. Acharya सायण according to the rig Veda the sung to mantras to "material" says --- "ऋच्यध्यूढं material." Ie hymns on the same material dependent is. Sama worship of the Vedas is. (1.) Sama's Sage --- Aditya, Sama the Sun and Sama the mantra of the Sun Rays are --- "(आदित्यस्य) अर्चिः सामानि." (शतपथ - (2.) Sama singer ऋत्विज् --- उद्गाता, (3.) Sama God --- Aditya. Sama the origin of the Sun was. It is the Sun-son. The Sun power --- the "सूर्यात् सामवेदः अजायत." (शतपथ --- (4.) Sage diameter of the Sama study made --- जैमिनि to. जैमिनि the Sama education your son सुमन्तु to, सुमन्तु the सुन्वान् and सुन्वान् his son sukrma given. Sama expand the same sukrma Sage has had. Sukrma two disciples were --- हिरण्यनाभ कौशल्य औ पौष्यञ्जि. हिरण्यनाभ of pupil integrated was. Integrated by Sama 24 kinds of anthem vowels of enforcement did. Integrated lots of आनुयायी in. They follower samvedi Masters to "कार्त" called ---- "चतुर्विंशतिधा yen प्रोक्ता global सामसंहिताः. स्मृतास्ते प्राच्यसामानः कार्ता नामेह सामगाः." (मत्स्यपुराणः --- 4 9 .67) (5.) branches --- Sage पतञ्जलि according to Sama of 1000 thousand branches Suzanne --- "सहस्रवर्त्मा सामवेदः" (महाभाष्य). Currently its three branches समुपलब्ध --- the (a) कौथुम, (II) राणायणीय, (III) जैमिनीय, कौथुम branch according to Sama two parts --- (a) पूर्वार्चिक, (2.) उत्तरार्चिक. (A) पूर्वार्चिकः ---- there are a total of four Canto are --- (a) igneous, (II) ऐन्द्र, (III) पावमान (D.) आरण्य-Canto. Appendix as 10 mantra महानाम्नी आर्चिक are. पूर्वार्चिक 6 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 650 are. प्रपाठकों in chapter, chapters in section are that "दशति" called, blocks in mantra are. It प्रपाठकों different name. In which the God of the primacy is, the same name. Such as --- (a) the first प्रपाठक name - "igneous-festival" are, because it fire affiliate mantra are. In God fire is the same. It has a total of 114 mantra are. (II) II fourth प्रपाठक name --- "ऐन्द्र-festival", as these Indra of स्तुतियाँ were you. In God Indra the same. There are 352 mantra are. (III) पञ्चम प्रपाठक name ----
"पवमान-festival", because it Mon praise have been. In God Mon the same. It has a total of 11 9 mantra are. (D.) sixth प्रपाठक name --- "अरण्यपर्व", because it अरण्यगान of the mantra is. In God Indra, fire and Mon are. It has a total of 55 mantra are. (ङ) महानाम्नी आर्चिक --- this Appendix are. In God Indra are. It has a total of 10 mantra guest. Thus overall पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra in. It means that the first to पञ्चम प्रपाठक up mantras the anthem villages in may. So they "ग्रामगान" says. सामगान four kinds --- (a) ग्रामगेय anthem - it "प्रकृतिगान" and "वेयगान" also says. It's village or public places rhymes was. (II) आरण्यगान or आरण्यक गेयगान --- it forests or Holy places rhymes was. It "रहस्यगान" also says. (III) उहगान --- "Ooh" means --- the विचारपूर्वक configuration. It सोमयाग or special religious opportunities rhymes was. (D.) उह्यगान or रहस्यगान --- mystical due to the public places not rhymes was. (II) उत्तरार्चिक ---- there are a total of 21 chapter 9 प्रपाठक are. Total mantra 1225 are. It has a total of 400 sukta are. पूर्वार्चिक in hymns of meter gods according to, while उत्तरार्चिक in sacrifices according. पूर्वार्चिक 650 mantra, while उत्तार्चिक in 1225 mantra are. Both together 1875 in. पूर्वार्चिक of 267 mantras the frequency of उत्तरार्चिक occurred. 1504 mantra rig Veda the input is. साममवेदस्थ सामगान mantras 5 part
(a) offer --- the anthem "presenter" called ऋत्विक् does. It "I am ओग्नाइ" from the beginning of. (II) उद्गीथ --- it material of the principal ऋत्विक् उद्गाता sing is. It "AUM" from the beginning of. (III) pratihara ---- the anthem "प्रतिहर्ता" called ऋत्विक् does. It's two mantras to add as link is. Finally "AUM" said is. (D.) nuisance ---- the anthem उद्गाता as possible. (ङ) died ---- the anthem three Ritwik the --- presenter, उद्गाता and प्रतिहर्ता. (6.) Sama total mantra ---- 1875 are. Rig Veda the input mantra - the 1771 Sama your mantra - the 104 = 1875 rig Veda compiled from 1771 mantras in the than 267 mantra पुनरुक्त are. Sama your 104 mantras of 5 mantra पुनरुक्त guest. Thus पुनरुक्त mantras number of 272 is. सारांशतः --- Sama in ऋग्वेदीय mantra 1504 + पुनरुक्त 267 total of = 1771 Sama your mantra - 99 + पुनरुक्त 5, thus total of = 104 both together total mantra of --- 1771 + 104 = 1875 Sama in the rig Veda from the most mantra rig Veda the 8th and 9th board of. 8th board 450 mantra were, 9th system of 645 mantra for the day. 1 ranked system of 237 mantra for the day. 10th system of 110 mantra for the day. Sama total letter 4000 * 36 = 1,44,000 (a million, चौवालीस thousand (you. Sama 450 mantras the anthem may not, namely the lyrical not. कौथुम branch in total mantra 1875, the while जैमिनीय branch in 1687 mantra is the same. Thus जैमिनीय-branch 188 mantra is low. जैमिनीय branch songs of 3681 are as follows, while कौथुमीय only 2722 are the same, namely
जैमिनीय-branch 9 5 9 anthem-type more. जैमिनीय-branch code, Brahmin, श्रौतसूत्र and गृह्यसूत्र all are available, but कौथुमीय not. ब्राह्मणः-- पञ्चविंश (ताण्ड्य) महाब्राह्मण, षड्विंश, सामविधान, आर्षेय, देवताध्याय, seed, जैमिनीय, तलवकार. आरण्यक no. Upanishad --- छान्दोग्य, केनोपनिषद्. श्रौतसूत्र --- खादिर, लाट्यायन, द्राह्यायण. गृह्यसूत्र ---- खादिर, गोभिल, Gautam. धर्मसूत्र --- Gautam. शुल्वसूत्र no. Sama three major teachings get --- (a) समत्व a sense of wake up to. (II) coordination of the spirit. Spouse to collect. Society collecting. Everyone mix. A different do not. (III) material life is. In life प्राणशक्ति of the major importance. Creature same won.: Atharva Veda a general introduction:
atharva Veda the meaning of - अथर्वों the Vedas, in the Vedas अन्यतम atharva Veda a onerous specification containing. Atharva Veda means --- अथर्वों the Vedas (knowledge), and अङ्गिरों the knowledge that अभिचार mantras related knowledge. (1.) अथर्वन् --- stability with yoga. निरुक्त (11.18) according to "थर्व" metal it here is made, which means --- the speed or try. Therefore, "अथर्वन्" word - the stability. It means that the Vedas stability or चित्तवृत्तियों the निरोधरूपी sum of teaching is, he अथर्वन् Veda --- the "अथर्वाणो s थर्वणवन्तः. थर्वतिश्चरतिकर्मा, तत्प्रतिषेधः." निरुक्त (11.18) (2.) गोपथ-Brahmin according to --- proximal soul your in to see or Veda he which soul your in view of the lore of preaching to be. Ancient times in अथर्वन् words priests emblematic of the. Another name अथर्वाङ्गिरस्, अाङ्गिरसवेद, ब्रह्मवेद, भृग्वाङ्गिरोवेद, क्षत्रवेद, भैषज्य Vedas, छन्दो Vedas, महीवेद main Sage --- अङ्गिरा, ऋत्विक् --- Brahma creator Brahman by the Vedas knowledge of the first अङ्गिरा Sage given. Branches ===== Sage पतञ्जलि the महाभाष्य the Vedas 9 branches told you, namely thus --- the (1.) पैप्लाद, (2.) तौद, (स्तौद) (3.) मौद, (4.) शौनकीय, (5.) jajl, (6.) Nimbus, (7.) ब्रह्मवद, (8.) देवदर्श, (9.) चारणवैद्य. These currently only 2 branches available are: - शौनकीय and पैप्लाद. Remaining Muslim आक्रान्ताओं not deleted. Nowadays all India year शौनकीय-branch of the prevalent and that atharva Veda is. (1.) शौनकीय-brCanto --- 20, sukta --- 730, mantra --- 5 9 87, (2.) पैप्लाद -शाखा --- it is incomplete. The circulation पतञ्जलि the time. उपवेद --- अर्थर्वेद ========= गोपथ-Brahmin (1.1.10) in the five उपवेदों describe the --- the सर्पवेद, पिशाचवेद, असुरवेद, इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद. शतपथ-Brahmin ( in these उपवेदों name came --- the सर्पविद्यावेद, देवजनविद्यावेद, (रक्षोवेद or राक्षसवेद), मायावेद (असुरवेद or जादुविद्यावेद), इतिहासवेद, पुराणवेद Sage diameter of the knowledge सुमन्तु has Brahmin --- गोपथ-Brahmin आरण्यक --- no upanishad --- मुण्डकोपनिषद्, माण्डूक्योपनिषद् श्रौतसूत्र --- वैतान गृह्यसूत्र --- Kaushik, धर्मसूत्र --- no. शुल्वसूत्र --- no.
अथर्वा Sage great scientist were. He defeats-Dham on the first fire was invented. He अरणि-मन्थन of fire and water मन्थन from aqueous-power was invented --- (1.) "अग्निर्जातो अथर्वणा" (ऋग्वेदः --- 10.21.5) (2.) "अथर्वा त्व प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda - 11.32) (3.) अथर्वा Sage the only exploration by पुरीष्य fire (natural gas ie, oil and natural gas) invented - the "पुरीष्यो s theory विश्वभरा अथर्वा त्वा प्रथमो निरमन्थदग्ने." (Yajurveda --- 11.32) (4.) we the fire by sacrifice do the fire in the first अथर्वा the sacrifice did --- "यज्ञैरथर्वा प्रथमः पथस्तते." (ऋग्वेदः --- 1.83.5) अथर्वा Sage spiritualism first promotional were. अथर्वा Sage approach comprehensive was. He lives in each field work did. Atharva Veda the sukta
(1.) पृथिवी-sukta, other name --- land sukta (12.1) total 63 mantra. (2.) celibacy-sukta --- (11.5) total 26 mantra. (3.) time-sukta --दो sukta are --- 11.53 and 11.54, total mantra 15 (4.) marriage sukta --- meet the 14 th Canto. There are 2 sukta 13 9 mantra are. (5.) व्रात्य-sukta --- 15 Canto 1 18 up to सूक्तों 230 mantra is, all of these व्रात्य sukta are. (6.) मधुविद्या-sukta --- 9th Canto the sukta 1 24 mantras it sukta is. (7.) theosophy-sukta --- atharva Veda many सूक्तों in theosophy detailed description. Vedic civilization and culture detailed knowledge for atharva Veda around the Vedas in the most useful. Atharva Veda social and political status of the most beautiful illustration does. Atharva Veda a type of encyclopedia. It सार्वजनीन Veda is. It has all the characters and all ashrams detailed description. This is one Vedas which is a temporal and otherworldly both areas describes the
yogeshwar anandji Narayan! Gurudev God says - in my celibatajnavalkya King of the parent to explain: Hey Rajan! It's soul आनन्दरूप ultimate guy आत्मदेव "अन्तर्ज्योति" is. Shruti did said. घटादि objects publisher of the light is called them other which substance तैजस are not them "अज्योति" considered. Soul "light" so Shruti said that he all publishers - the सूर्यादि ज्योतियों also and घटादि अज्योतियों also. चेतनरूप of this all जडवर्ग the singular is. Soul light not only "अन्तर्" said: it is secret: out of the body which आदित्यादि ज्योतियाँ he such items to publish the whose power those ज्योतियों of power for absolute is. आत्मरूप light such not. He all विवर्तोपादान or अधिष्ठान is, therefore, all of the "within the" is. He which publishes his power आत्मसत्ता than the summer. {Other light प्रकाश्य out of staying her published by the atmprkash प्रकाश्यों within staying them published by the sense. अधिष्ठान to अध्यस्त the "within the" so say factor is अनुस्यूत happens.} Not only आत्मरूप light not only others, but yourself also publish the others ज्योतियाँ such, not because of its accomplishment for them चित्प्रकाश need persists. स्वप्रकाश of external light from the absolute soul values in the light is, therefore, it too "light" not saying "अन्तर्ज्योति" said. Shruti who soul "अन्तर्ज्योति" said her that means. Hey Rajan! Shruti the soul "guy" said, it means also conveys this light soul Shruti the "old" so that the light of the same and inanimate world is full. {Turquoise gem test stated is that the net cow's milk to enter the whole milk gem color दीखने think.
There are literally not gem splashed is not milk deteriorated, the only so believe there is. Similarly world spirit of the power - define an भास is. Even though really soul - world of the relationship is not on the world of ubiquitous power - define get, so she soul the "full" is happening.} To quantify the spirit so "guy" like that bird nest by them, keeps the same spirit real - movable various the Pur ie body by the "अध्यासरूप" relationship of residence does. Hey सोम्य! Further Muni say "Hey Rajan!" Shruti also say also says that spirit similar while both worlds transmission by: it as attention and is as if Leela does. He स्वप्नावस्था find this जाग्रत् - public beyond gets. शरीरादि the death as because this is him denote this. Dream in to reach the spirit जाग्रत्'s death - forms of escape is. It now समझायेंगे. Attention to hear: Hey Rajan! विज्ञानमय etc. as that used to describe the guy unique while only dream and जाग्रत् in uniform staying such as well - sorrow indulges as the public and otherworldly also indulges. It is born, dies and perishes re-born! रेंहट {farmer farm in water impressing a means} like it's always the remains the same. Karma फाँस the spirit of time - bar many body assumed by and leaves. It is God but अज्ञानवश it संसरण keeps. However, this guy is complete, not comes not is not does not indulges, all disorders smoking is, However, the soul because your true nature of ignorance is therefore, it अन्तःकरण themselves एकमेक understanding takes, making it fruit, including the actions of receipt is.
{Ie मनोध्यासद्वारा कर्तृताध्यास and her भोक्तृताध्यास gets.} Sky virtually ever hot {or frosty} is not the hot water in the Sky think values hot. Such as this spirit really God, but अविद्या the impact of it wisdom तादात्म्याध्यास have which it works of the subject and fruit experiencer made lives. It is the same to prove that the wisdom attention is the spirit note that the bit think and playful there is also playful happened - which think. Such as Kamini follow does have its sit sits on, it running your if the rear - behind the walking think since the Enchanted is similar wisdom Enchanted spirit of wisdom अनुशरण does. {This to my satsang friends Mr. sanjay tiwari live in particular attention will.} Hey Rajan! Wisdom एकमेक was he स्वप्रकाश आत्मदेव when dream ie "तैजस" name is the self-manufactured by इन्द्रजालतुल्य diverse dreams watches. The time it is not difficult to this जाग्रदवस्था of the world लाँध is like a King boat {River, etc. to cross the instrument} by very deep River crossing be. Boat place here wisdom is. जाग्रत् in the world अध्यात्मदृष्टि of the head of physical body. Planet - अतिग्रह called sense and subject also जाग्रत् world gross made are. It प्रपञ्च Nana like spread {अधिदेव, अधिभूत etc; ghost future, etc; आमुष्मिक ie, each other public than regard having etc; आर्थाक, social, etc.}. अविध्यात्मक death of it as ie work. {However, dreams do the same, However, he कार्योपाधि disruption of.} Water bubbles like it's always destroy are lives.
Disease etc. full - completion of this pain caused lives. Such जाग्रल्लोक big easy spirit leaves when dream is reached. {Shruti the "स्वप्नो भूत्वा said that just compatible like" children through, youth the "and so on, because the spirit of the state to get that name also assimilated. Hey King! Dream indulgence who works at the end of जाग्रत् in indulgence provided to work dream to view the soul to wake up give. Mother's womb born while such as the spirit macro in the body pride is, as dreams wake up while. If he नानाविध sins ie suffering with gets. Dreams come to the guy to जाग्रत् who suffer get them what used to describe be! They all thro are. Until it is the ultimate guy physical body तादात्म्याध्यास leaves not until eternal sorrow finds. This body when he reversal - does whether a dream, and conditions in be or die be - he momentarily in दुःखहेतुभूत many sins and a lot of suffering leaves. {A lot of sin assembled by guy to suffer give. So many even when देहोत्क्रमण to meet their reach goes away. Although Karma the hooks only does, However, implies that फलभोग for देहतादात्म्य essentially as देहे the same" भोगायतन "is. So देहाध्यान erased be so Karma - fruits exfoliation अर्थसिद्ध is.} A country in chaos, etc. to much trouble are and the country fascination be कारण-" this is my native is "etc. अभिमानवश the location of हेयता not accept the reason - any person on the settle for the day - night her nuisances of and suffering of the face., Such as the divine strong fascination suffer from the body just been so many reasons to be varied sorrow being able. The wise man उपद्रवयुक्त country elsewhere quiet held in the country goes he सोपद्रव country of sorrow not finds. Such as when आत्मदेव the body slips this body due all suffering and their हेतुओं to {winter - warmth etc.} never received.
{Implies that when death or gold on the body - used sorrow discounts are then अध्यास disappear on what to say! व्यवहारदृष्टि to remember be that the awareness of experience in made with Karma not stay on gold possible is the body eateth to work at the end of the die possible happens. It's not like that country part go so there are suffering escape are well soy or dead to offer. Or country escape from the place the nature of trance practice, भूमिकारोहरण can understand and while staying sad to avoid the place without भूमिकारोहण the जीवन्मुक: tone-practice of knowledge परिचय- part3 sushumna परिचय- the time nose both holes equal tone go so it sushumna tone says. The time free fruit who works to accomplishment quickly get is like religion who work in God's concentrate and yoga-practice, etc. to be. विशेष- work lunar and सूर्य' pulse should they सुषुम्ना' time at all don't not so its opposite effect. Tone run knowledge परिचय- if someone wants to know what time which tone is going so it to learn how very simple. Most of the first nose a hole off by the second aperture of 2-4 times loud breath collect. Then holes off by the same way to the second aperture of 2-4 times loud breath collect. Nose which opening breathing and leave easily look must understand that side of the tone is going on and the side of breathing and leave in trouble off her should. Wish according to breath speed change परिचय- if someone is your choice of your breath of walking speed wants to change its 3 forms of-the respiratory speed change विधि- nose the side of the hole breath running, then the other side of the nose holes to thumb down should and the side of breath going to be there is from air inside draw should. He side of the hole pressing the nose the second aperture of air out should. Sometime similar from the nose a hole breath taking another breath taking respiratory speed of course is changed.
The side of the nose holes breath going to be the same sides soccer nose a hole breath ranging from each other to quit action to breath speed quickly is changed. Nose the side of the opening of breath going to be just the same sides a while to lie of breath walk change the speed of days. Oxygen to sushumna in to transmit the method: परिचय- oxygen to sushumna pulse to collect the first to nose any one hole off by the second aperture breathing of action and then immediately stop holes to open the second aperture of breath out here. The nose the side of the opening of breath left to the same brea the second aperture of breath out to leave. In this way nose a hole breath taking other respiratory extract and then the other respiratory the first to leave about 50 tim
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