Wednesday, 6 December 2017


सावीत्री Brahman of स्फुरणा from occurred आद्यशक्ति, which is the world of each of the substance of the root cause and the same by जड़- animate the creation speed, power, प्रगति- inspiration and the result is. Such as in the House keeping radio access to the relationship worldwide ether waves by installing देश- abroad with each broadcast to easily can hear, the same type atmskti wide Gayatri power relations installed by micro nature of all the movements to can learn and micro-power want folding the art of known to be on the mundane, mental and spiritual in the field can receive all properties are can get
. Way of it all be, his name is- practice. सावीत्री silence why many people think that our aim God receipt, self-philosophy and life Salvation. We Gayatri, the micro-nature affair pandemonium what purpose? US only God worship should. Think those should know that Brahman downright senselessly, निर्लेप, निरञ्जन, abstract, गुणातीत is. He is not to love, not malice. He only seer and the form. That the direct access may not because of the organism and Brahman between the micro-nature (energy) of the intense cover is. This cover to cross the nature of the means of the work will. Mind, wisdom, mind, ego, fantasy, note, micro-body, षट्चक्र, the presiding deity of attention statue, devotion, spirit, worship, fast, ritual, practice it all the Maya built are the same. All these except Brahman receipt how to be possible? Such as the Sky above in to access the aircraft requires, as Brahman receipt for प्रतिमामूलक worship of shelter to take it is. Gayatri conduct in the cross on the same Brahman interview is. The truth is that interview experience Gayatri of pregnancy in the same happens. Above to reach the micro इन्द्रियाँ and their experience power also lost days. So discharge and God receipt seeking also 'Gayatri mixed Brahma, the राधेश्याम, Sitaram, Lakshmi Narayan of the worship. Senselessly Brahman of सायुज्य the why would when Brahman
"a lot of having a' desire will all souls gathering your hold will. Before all souls सविकार Brahman in proximity, सारूप्य, सायुज्य etc. can be. Thus Gayatri mixed सविकार Brahman as our उपास्य goes live. His receipt of the instrument which also be, they all micro nature Gayatri by will be. So do think appropriate not Brahman receipt for Gayatri unnecessary. He is essential. Name of a ignore or oppose to, it is his desire, on Gayatri element escaped the other way to go impossible. Many people say that we selfless silence do. We have a fruit wish not, then micro nature of the shelter why take? Such people need to know that selfless silence the meaning of physical advantage not left behind spiritual practice of. Results without thinking if desired a work in a tendency to not only can; if get some also should be, so more time and power dissipation in addition, and some results not out. Selfless Karma implies divine, सतोगुणी, spiritual compliments from. Such greetings also Gayatri first footer of hrin element in the Muse of the leaps, so selfless expressions of worship also Gayatri area out is not. Mantra lore scientific know that the tongue from here, get their pronunciation Gorge, palate, मूर्धा, ओष्ठ, dental, जिह्वमूल etc. home various parts by happens.
The pronunciation times in the home of the parts of sound turns out, those parts of the pulse fiber body parts to spread. The dispersion in many ग्रन्थियाँ are which those utterances pressure has. Those of the Astral ग्रन्थियाँ patient or are deleted, their home from certain words faux or रुक- stop get, corresponding to stutter or lisp says. Body in a number of छोटी- large, दृश्य- invisible ग्रन्थियाँ are. Yogi people know that कोशों in a special शक्ति- store remains hidden. Sushumna affiliate षट्चक्र famous, such numberless ग्रन्थियाँ body in. A variety of words pronunciation these diverse ग्रन्थियों their impacts and its effect of those ग्रन्थियों of शक्ति- store जाग्रत् happens. Mantras formed the basis happened. Gayatri mantra 24 characters. These relations body is located in a 24 ग्रन्थियों by, which जाग्रत् on सद्बुद्धि publisher powers सतेज are. Gayatri mantra pronounced micro-body server 24 places to chime and lets him a स्वर- laheri occurs, the effect invisible world important elements on falls. This effect only सावीत्री silence of the fruit of the effect is for. Words in power: - terms of sound flow trivial thing is not. Word lore Acharya know here, how power and the uncharted activity by क्या- what results can be. Word Brahman stated. Brahman of स्फुरणा vibration generating activities. He vibration Brahman to hit H sounds as seven times ध्वनित happens. Such as watch pendant hour पेण्डुलम jumta the clock parts in the move produces lives, so he ऊँकार sound flow creation to run at speed does create. Later that flow hrin, srin, Clin three principal truth, range, तममयी currents flows. Thereafter her and also शाखा- प्रशाखाएँ are, which seed mantra name be called are. These sounds अपने- in your area creation of work operations are. Thus creating conduct work here element is by. Such elements of not trivial can be said. Gayatri glossary of such chosen शृंखलाबद्ध words from is created, which order and गुम्फन featuring due to its way of a wonderful the power flow generating activities. Lamps raag song unlit the lamp water are raised. मेघमल्हार songs from the rain to look.
वेणुनाद hearing snake wave takes, Antelope सुध- Mercury forget, cows more milking seem. Cuckoo bid to hear work expressions जाग्रत् gets. Soldiers step large walk word sound of iron bridge to fall can, so bridges to cross the time Army step is not included walking instruct you are given. US doctor Hutchinson the miscellaneous music sounds from a number of malignant and कष्टसाध्य patients good to success and reputation is obtained. India in तान्त्रिक people plate pitcher placing a special speed play and musical instruments of snake, Scorpion etc. toxic animals Pussy while, कण्ठमाला, विषवेल, भूतोन्माद etc. patients very by good become. Reason is that the words of vibration micro nature of their race other atoms the ethereal cruises while when its origin Center on a few moments in return, so it your type a special electric power filled in and conditions in accordance with the appropriate area on the power of a specific effects. Mantras by fantastic work to be the same reason. सावीत्री mantra by similar power of the emergence of. मन्त्रोच्चारण in the home of which अगं active are those parts of pulse fiber certain ग्रन्थियों to Tingle are. Them स्फुरण to be one of the Vedic meter of the sort compound सङ्गीत flow essential element spreads and a few moments occurring in the world orbiting back आते- come a homogenetic elements of the Army with brings, which is intended purpose of fulfillment in large assistant is.
Words music mighty कम्पनों of पंचभौतिक flow and self-power of the Astral nature of the spirit, meditation, worship on the basis was generated relationship, it is both the Gayatri power to do so strong make, which साधकों for divine boon proves. सावीत्री mantra is even more subtle blower due to the seeker of 'श्रद्धामय faith'. Believe all मनोवेत्ता are familiar with. We books and articles in such a must-see for example many times you have just proves that only faith based on the people fear because of unprovoked period home in the left and believe the half-dead people navajivan received. Ramayana in tulsidas live the 'भवानीशङ्करौ Vande श्रद्धाविश्वासरूपिणौ" sing the trust and confidence भवानी- Shankar the analogy given. Bush to ghost, rope snake, statue God made to the ability to believe in. Their beliefs to protect the money, comfort and lives up to हँसते- laugh lost give. Eklavya, Kabir etc. there are many examples, which appear that the master not only your faith based on the master by receipt of education more than learned make be. हिप्रोटिज्म basis of the patient to your word believe advisable to him arbitrary function able to take the same so. तान्त्रिक people mantra accomplishment of rigid silence by your mind how अगाध faith Jamat are. Usually which in mind that mantra per as deep respect frozen is that तान्त्रिक the mantra equally works.
The mantra of devotees तान्त्रिक miraculous working shows the mantra to अश्रद्धालु seeker whether hundred times बके, some benefits does not. Gayatri mantra regarding this fact is very extent works. When the seeker faith and assuredly worship is, the words of science and self-respect of both the importance of the United Gayatri effect of more rises and he is a unique power proves. Eternal परमात्मतत्त्व Brahman it everything was born. Creation to generate the idea of arise as Brahman a स्फुरणा occurred, whose name-the power. Power by two the creation generated हुई- a root second consciousness. Root creation of operation to power the nature and consciousness creation of operation to power the name of "Savitri' is. Mythology described in to get the creation of primitive dimension in the Lord of the navel in Lotus born. Lotus flower in Brahma, the, Brahma from Savitri was Savitri and Brahma combination around the Vedas born.
Veda of all kinds of ज्ञानों emergence of the. तदनन्तरं Brahma the पंचभौतिक creation of creation. The figurative saga the secret of it is- detached, senselessly, निर्विकल्प परमात्मतत्त्व the navel in से- Center in the land, the अन्तःकरण in Lotus born and floral like Bloom was. Shruti said that the creation of the early in the divine wish there was that 'एकोहं बहुस्याम्" I have a lot to go. It is his desire, स्फुरणा navel in the country from out स्फुटित was ie Lotus Latika occurred and Bud Bloom been. The Lotus flower on Brahma occur. These Brahma creation of construction Trinity power of the first part. Later this त्रिदेवी power origin, conditions and destroy works by the Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh as visible in the summer. Early a Lotus flower only Brahma only appear, because the first arising to power requirement was. Now Brahma work begins. He two the creation generated of-a consciousness, the second root. Consciousness power under all creatures tend to come, which will, cognition, अहंभावना is found. Consciousness of a free creation is, the world' प्राणमय thesaurus, "says. Nikhil in the world a consciousness element loaded, which 'life' name referred. Idea, resolution, expressions, this vital element of the three classes and truth, range, तम- three its characters. These elements of souls macro, subtle and the body are made. All kinds of creature that life element of चैतन्यता and life power obtain. Root creation for building Brahma the पञ्चभूतों built. Earth, water, air, fast, Sky by the world's all परमाणुमय substance made.
Solid, liquid, गैस- these three forms in nature of the nuclear your activity continue. River, Mountain, Earth, etc. all Pescara these पंचभौतिक atoms of the game. Creatures physical body these प्रकृतिजन्य पंचतत्त्वों are made. Action जड़- animate both creation in. प्राणमय consciousness creation अहंभाव, resolution and inspiration activities various forms appeared required to. भूतमय root creation power, stir and power these grounds by a variety of रंग- as, आकार- type बनते- deteriorating live. Root creation of the basis of nuclear and consciousness creation of the basis of resolution. Both based very subtle and very Hardy are. They are destroyed does not only version of lives. जड़- animate the creation in the creation of Brahma two powers working are (1) resolution power (2) nuclear power. These two in the first resolution power requirement was because without the consciousness of emergence wouldn't and without the consciousness of atomic use what happens?
 अचैतन्य creation your in अचैतन्य this week, because neither shall have the knowledge is not her a used." Consciousness "disclosure for the convenience of his साधन- content as" root "using happens. अस्तु, beginning in Brahma the consciousness made, knowledge of the resolution of the invention, the mythical language it is say that the first Vedas prakty happened. Mythology described in to get that Brahma the body of from a सर्वांग all taruni occurred, it is their अगं resulting from due to their daughter was. This taruni the help of his creation works continued. It after that alone ripe beauty woman looking at their minds of distracted and he him wife as Raman done. The sex of मैथुनी coordinator परमाणुमय पंचभौतिक creation occurred. The legend of figurative as to, mysterious puzzle not understand many people in your mind ancient elements to shallow and अश्रद्धा terms of view. They forget that Brahma a man is not nor them occurred power daughter or wife and don't पुरुष- woman like between them in the resort is. This creation construction period of a fact esoteric puzzle as figurative manner presented by the author has कलाकारिता introduction to have. Brahma senselessly divine power, the creation of construction activities.
This works to turn his two arms, which resolution and nuclear power says. Resolution power animate सत्- possible to Brahma daughter is. Nuclear power macro functional and तम- possible to Brahma the wife. Thus Gayatri and Savitri Brahma daughter and wife known were. Last pages told has been a अव्यय, senselessly, अजर- immortal God's more than one to go 'wish there. Brahman in स्फुरण that' एकोहं बहुस्याम् i'm alone, much to go. His it will only power became. This is good, स्फुरणा or power to the same ब्रह्म- wife says. Thus Brahman a two done. Now it लक्ष्मी- Narayan, सीता- Ram, राधे- black, उमा- Mahesh, शक्ति- Shiva, माया- Brahma, nature of God, etc. names Puss engaged. This power by a number of items and creatures of the building was, therefore, it also three parts of your divided had so many types of combination ready to be able to and a variety attributes, Karma, nature of the root, animate the matter of them. ब्रह्मशक्ति these three टुकड़े- (1) truth (2) range (3) तम- these three names calling are. Truth the meaning of-the God of divine element. Final the meaning of-the dead substances atoms in the existence. Range of the meaning of-the root substances and divine divine element of blending occurred fun supplier चैतन्यता.
 These three elements macro creation of the original reasons. Created after macro factor as a Clay, water, wind, अग्रि, आकाश- these five macro element and are generated. These elements of atoms and their words, as, juice, smell, touch तन्मात्राओं by the creation of all the work show. Nature two part-micro nature, which power flow, as life as communication works, the truth, range, तममयी is. Physical nature, which visual materials construction and is used, परमाणुमयी is. It soil, water, wind, etc. macro पंचतत्त्वों based on your activity continue holds. Rows above the reader understanding of be the first one Brahman was his स्फुरणा from adishakti the emergence happened. This adishakti name of the same Gayatri is. Such as Brahman his three part-the (1) सत्- which hrin or Muse say, (2) रज- the 'srin' or Lakshmi say, (3) तम- the 'Clin' or black says. In fact," truth "and" good "two Department were, in both meet which section occurred, he range called. Such as the Ganges, Yamuna where get there, their mixed stream Muse says. Muse as a separate River is not. Such as these two Rivers meet the Muse was, as truth and final the sum of range was born and त्रिधा nature called. अद्वैतवाद, dualism, त्रैतवाद very TIFF heard is virtually: understand the difference is just. Brahma, biology, nature of the three existed in.
The first one Brahman was, it's okay, so अद्वैतवाद also well. Behind Brahman and power (nature) two become so dualism also well. Nature and God संस्पर्श which रसानुभूति and चैतन्यता mixed range power occurred, he creatures called. Thus त्रैतवाद also well. Discharge on creatures power destroying is. It is clear that the living creatures of the current power mind, wisdom, mind, ego up-based, he is a mixture is just. तत्त्वदर्शन of serious theme by logging in the spirit of the Astral topics light on putting of the opportunity is not. These lines in the the macro and micro-nature of the distinction told, because of science part two here are the human द्विधा nature here is formed. पंचतत्त्वों by working to physical nature explore to man physicist called. His wisdom force पंचतत्त्वों the भेद- strains to learn from them several useful tool obtained. Chemicals, agriculture, power, vapor, crafts, music, language, literature, vehicles, housing, medical, government, astronomy, अस्त्र- arms, philosophy, land परिशोध etc. many kinds of सुख- means am extracted and rail, Motor, wire, post, radio, television, photos and more miscellaneous items to make बड़े- large access to build made. Wealth, सुख- facility and the rest of the instrument accessible in. This route which benefits, it classical language in प्रेय 'or' indulgence," says. It science physics is called. This macro nature of the use of learning is. Micro nature he who आद्यशक्ति Gayatri generated from the Muse, Lakshmi, Durga in बँटती is. It सर्वव्यापिनी शक्ति- निर्झरिणी पंचतत्त्वों more than subtle. Such as the Rivers flow, water waves air trauma due to 'कल- was from मिलती- similar sounds picking up the, so subtle nature of शक्ति- streams from three of the word sounds rising are.
Truth flow hrin, range flow' srin and final flow 'Clin "term मिलती- similar sound occurs. Even micro Brahman of ऊँकार sound flow. नादयोग of silence to ध्यानमग्न through these sounds hold and their support hold of the Astral nature to cross the ब्रह्मसायुज्य go to reach. It yoga practice path you further reading to get. Ancient times in our adorable ancestors has Saints his sharp terms of science of the Astral element caught was the same research and success in your powers to put was. Result of the current period glorious physics than many times benefits benefited from being able were. They आद्यशक्ति of the Astral power flows on your right to set used. It appears the fact that the human body in a variety of powers of the emergence of. Our ऋषिगण योग- silence of the body in different parts of hidden have the शक्ति- centers, chakras, ग्रन्थियों to, मातृकाओं to, ज्योतियों to, भ्रमरों to arouse and the wake of the power flow generated was her आद्यशक्ति the त्रिविध flows in with which require was more related to give were. Such as radio station ट्रान्समीटर access to the affiliate tax is given, both of electric power even in the category due to one another related to be, and those stations among of mutual conversation, सम्वादों the Exchange offer continuation of running it is similar silence by body under the hidden and तन्द्रित set of centers awakening by micro nature of power flows from affiliate gets, man and आद्यशक्ति together related to become. This relationship man that आद्यशक्ति the womb full of secrets to understand think your wish them by using the benefit may be. Since the world in which also something, all that आद्यशक्ति within, so he related person world all materials and means your affiliate can. Current period of scientific पंचतत्त्वों range limited to, physical nature with respect to install बड़ी- large precious machines power, vapor, gas, petrol etc. using some of the invention and do थोड़ा- which exploits are. It's way big श्रम- practicable, कष्ट- practicable, धन- practicable and time practicable is. It malfunction, टूट- foot and change wrangling also come day started lives. Them यन्त्रों established, security and construction for all the time work continue does. They change location and then also is difficult. All this mess Indian yoga science विज्ञानवेत्ताओं front were not. They have no access to help, without director, electricity, gas, and only your body शक्ति- centers relationship micro nature established by such amazing work take were, whose possible to today physicist understand not be able are able. Mahabharata and Lanka war in which अस्त्र- arms व्यवहृत were many of them थोड़ों of foggy as just unfolded. Radar, gas bomb, molecule bomb, disease germinal bombs, nuclear bomb, death Ray etc. foggy picture now ready to be found.
In ancient seductive arms, ब्रह्मपाश, नागपाश, वरुणास्त्र, आग्रेय Arrow, enemy dead tarkas returned to the sagittal etc. व्यवहृत were; शब्दवेध the prevalence was. Such अस्त्र- arms any precious machines, not mantra force run were, which enemy wherever he be hidden, ढूँढ़कर his self-destruct used. Lanka sitting in the Ravana and in the US sitting अहिरावण together well conversation used; them a radio or ट्रान्समीटर did not need. Aircraft without gasoline flying were. अष्ट- accomplishment and new fund योगशास्त्रों in जगह- place description. अग्रि sign in to do, water walk, air like fastest dudnha, invisible to grow, man पशु- bird and पशु- bird of human body change take, the body is very small or large, light, or bulky made up, the curse of forbidding generate give, gifts best of the benefits of receipt, death to stop taking, पुत्रेष्टि sacrifice, the future of knowledge, others अन्तस् identify, a moment in bountiful wealth, season, the city, जीव- जन्तुगण, monster etc. generate take, all the universe of movements to be familiar with any of the object version out, hunger, thirst, sleep, सर्दी- heat victory, in the Sky fly etc. many wonder full work only mantra force, योगशक्ति, the spirituality science were and scientific for the purposes of some sort of the machine, gas, electricity, etc. need not required was. It work body electric and nature of the Astral flow affiliate once easily become were. Indian science was, which is based था- silence. Silence by only' good 'element of the relationship having the above type of physical miracle are not, but' range" and "truth" field advantage and fun too abundant get can be. The loss, grief, separation, mind, disease, invasion, resistance, trauma, etc. nots circumstances पडक़र where simple मनोभूमि people death like mental distress find, there आत्मशक्तियों the use of the lore learn person discretion, knowledge, quietness, courage, hope and God faith based on these difficulties
 हँसते- laugh easily deducts and bad or normal circumstances in your joy to increase the path find extracts. He life so fun, hilarity and मजेदारी with spends, as poor millionaires also luck may not be. The physical and mental health initiative of the right poses, her big rich more than आनन्दमय life spend Fortunately unintended get gets. Range power of the use of knowing it benefits physics by benefits than more important. "Truth" element of the benefits to describe the stylus and the voice of both the power out. Divine divine elements of the spirit in the increases, the mercy, compassion, love, friendship, sacrifice, contentment, peace, service expressions, affinity, integrity, integrity, restraint, humility, purity, श्रमशीलता, piety and more virtues the amount of दिन- day large fast increases. Result in the world for praise, gratitude, प्रत्युपकार, faith, help, respect expressions mounting and प्रत्युपकार satisfied to live. In addition, it virtue own so sweet that the heart of these accommodation is the self-contentment of soft निर्झरिणी always flows live. There are people wants to live in a state visit, whether dead state, they जीवन- discharge, heaven, Bliss, brahmananda, self-philosophy, प्रभु- receipt, ब्रह्म- Nirvana, तुरीयावस्था, निर्विकल्प mausoleum of each receive lives. That's life of the target. It to find the spirit परितृप्ति fun in the Ocean enwrapped is. Spiritual, mental and worldly three types of सुख- means आद्यशक्ति Gayatri the truth, range, तममयी streams reach an seeker smooth can obtain. Muse, Lakshmi and black of सिद्धियाँ पृथक्- separate receive are. Western countries physicist 'Clin, "element of the black power explore the worship in enwrapped are. Rationalist, missionary, reform, गाँधीवादी, philanthropist, business, labor, udyami, Socialist, Communist it' srin 'power orderliness in, Lakshmi organizing are engaged in. Yogi, ब्रह्मवेत्ता, spiritualist, तत्त्वदर्शी, man, philosophy, परमार्थी person hrin element of, Muse of worship are. It's all three class Gayatri of आद्यशक्ति the one-a-phase worshipers are. Gayatri to' त्रिपदा" stated. His three steps.
 It Triveni above three purposes only to meet is. Mother child all works. You need it for him scavenger of, chefs of, Kahar of, babysitter, horse, donor, tailor, laundry of, janitor work playing guests. As those who atmskti to आद्यशक्ति with link of learning to know, they are your सुसन्तति proven to do. They Gayatri rupee सर्वशक्तिमयी mother from bountiful benefit you take. In the world suffering three reasons are (1) ignorance (2) Infirmary (3) absence. These three suffering to Gayatri of the Astral nature of the three sections of the utilization of deleted can be. Hrin ignorance, the srin lack, Clin Infirmary away and activities. Indian micro विद्या- experts micro nature on the right to the intended fun to get the science was invented, all the visions of extraordinary and is great. The invention of the name is- practice. Silence of accomplishment get. सावीत्री silence many attainments the mother is.सावीत्री Brahman of स्फुरणा from occurred आद्यशक्ति, which is the world of each of the substance of the root cause and the same by जड़- animate the creation speed, power, प्रगति- inspiration and the result is. Such as in the House keeping radio access to the relationship worldwide ether waves by installing देश- abroad with each broadcast to easily can hear, the same type atmskti wide Gayatri power relations installed by micro nature of all the movements to can learn and micro-power want folding the art of known to be on the mundane, mental and spiritual in the field can receive all properties are can get. Way of it all be, his name is- practice. सावीत्री silence why many people think that our aim God receipt, self-philosophy and life Salvation.
 We Gayatri, the micro-nature affair pandemonium what purpose? US only God worship should. Think those should know that Brahman downright senselessly, निर्लेप, निरञ्जन, abstract, गुणातीत is. He is not to love, not malice. He only seer and the form. That the direct access may not because of the organism and Brahman between the micro-nature (energy) of the intense cover is. This cover to cross the nature of the means of the work will. Mind, wisdom, mind, ego, fantasy, note, micro-body, षट्चक्र, the presiding deity of attention statue, devotion, spirit, worship, fast, ritual, practice it all the Maya built are the same. All these except Brahman receipt how to be possible? Such as the Sky above in to access the aircraft requires, as Brahman receipt for प्रतिमामूलक worship of shelter to take it is. Gayatri conduct in the cross on the same Brahman interview is. The truth is that interview experience Gayatri of pregnancy in the same happens. Above to reach the micro इन्द्रियाँ and their experience power also lost days. So discharge and God receipt seeking also 'Gayatri mixed Brahma, the राधेश्याम, Sitaram, Lakshmi Narayan of the worship. Senselessly Brahman of सायुज्य the why would when Brahman "a lot of having a' desire will all souls gathering your hold will. Before all souls सविकार Brahman in proximity, सारूप्य, सायुज्य etc. can be. Thus Gayatri mixed सविकार Brahman as our उपास्य goes live. His receipt of the instrument which also be, they all micro nature Gayatri by will be. So do think appropriate not Brahman receipt for Gayatri unnecessary. He is essential. Name of a ignore or oppose to, it is his desire, on Gayatri element escaped the other way to go impossible. Many people say that we selfless silence do. We have a fruit wish not, then micro nature of the shelter why take? Such people need to know that selfless silence the meaning of physical advantage not left behind spiritual practice of. Results without thinking if desired a work in a tendency to not only can; if get some also should be, so more time and power dissipation in addition, and some results not out. Selfless Karma implies divine, सतोगुणी, spiritual compliments from. Such greetings also Gayatri first footer of hrin element in the Muse of the leaps, so selfless expressions of worship also Gayatri area out is not. Mantra lore scientific know that the tongue from here, get their pronunciation Gorge, palate, मूर्धा, ओष्ठ, dental, जिह्वमूल etc. home various parts by happens. The pronunciation times in the home of the parts of sound turns out, those parts of the pulse fiber body parts to spread. The dispersion in many ग्रन्थियाँ are which those utterances pressure has. Those of the Astral ग्रन्थियाँ patient or are deleted, their home from certain words faux or रुक- stop get, corresponding to stutter or lisp says. Body in a number of छोटी- large, दृश्य- invisible ग्रन्थियाँ are. Yogi people know that कोशों in a special शक्ति- store remains hidden. Sushumna affiliate षट्चक्र famous, such numberless ग्रन्थियाँ body in. A variety of words pronunciation these diverse ग्रन्थियों their impacts and its effect of those ग्रन्थियों of शक्ति- store जाग्रत् happens. Mantras formed the basis happened. Gayatri mantra 24 characters. These relations body is located in a 24 ग्रन्थियों by, which जाग्रत् on सद्बुद्धि publisher powers सतेज are. Gayatri mantra pronounced micro-body server 24 places to chime and lets him a स्वर- laheri occurs, the effect invisible world important elements on falls. This effect only सावीत्री silence of the fruit of the effect is for. Words in power: - terms of sound flow trivial thing is not. Word lore Acharya know here, how power and the uncharted activity by क्या- what results can be. Word Brahman stated. Brahman of स्फुरणा vibration generating activities. He vibration Brahman to hit H sounds as seven times ध्वनित happens. Such as watch pendant hour पेण्डुलम jumta the clock parts in the move produces lives, so he ऊँकार sound flow creation to run at speed does create. Later that flow hrin, srin, Clin three principal truth, range, तममयी currents flows. Thereafter her and also शाखा- प्रशाखाएँ are, which seed mantra name be called are. These sounds अपने- in your area creation of work operations are. Thus creating conduct work here element is by. Such elements of not trivial can be said. Gayatri glossary of such chosen शृंखलाबद्ध words from is created, which order and गुम्फन featuring due to its way of a wonderful the power flow generating activities. Lamps raag song unlit the lamp water are raised. मेघमल्हार songs from the rain to look. वेणुनाद hearing snake wave takes, Antelope सुध- Mercury forget, cows more milking seem. Cuckoo bid to hear work expressions जाग्रत् gets. Soldiers step large walk word sound of iron bridge to fall can, so bridges to cross the time Army step is not included walking instruct you are given. US doctor Hutchinson the miscellaneous music sounds from a number of malignant and कष्टसाध्य patients good to success and reputation is obtained. India in तान्त्रिक people plate pitcher placing a special speed play and musical instruments of snake, Scorpion etc. toxic animals Pussy while, कण्ठमाला, विषवेल, भूतोन्माद etc. patients very by good become. Reason is that the words of vibration micro nature of their race other atoms the ethereal cruises while when its origin Center on a few moments in return, so it your type a special electric power filled in and conditions in accordance with the appropriate area on the power of a specific effects. Mantras by fantastic work to be the same reason. सावीत्री mantra by similar power of the emergence of. मन्त्रोच्चारण in the home of which अगं active are those parts of pulse fiber certain ग्रन्थियों to Tingle are. Them स्फुरण to be one of the Vedic meter of the sort compound सङ्गीत flow essential element spreads and a few moments occurring in the world orbiting back आते- come a homogenetic elements of the Army with brings, which is intended purpose of fulfillment in large assistant is. Words music mighty कम्पनों of पंचभौतिक flow and self-power of the Astral nature of the spirit, meditation, worship on the basis was generated relationship, it is both the Gayatri power to do so strong make, which साधकों for divine boon proves. सावीत्री mantra is even more subtle blower due to the seeker of 'श्रद्धामय faith'. Believe all मनोवेत्ता are familiar with. We books and articles in such a must-see for example many times you have just proves that only faith based on the people fear because of unprovoked period home in the left and believe the half-dead people navajivan received. Ramayana in tulsidas live the 'भवानीशङ्करौ Vande श्रद्धाविश्वासरूपिणौ" sing the trust and confidence भवानी- Shankar the analogy given. Bush to ghost, rope snake, statue God made to the ability to believe in. Their beliefs to protect the money, comfort and lives up to हँसते- laugh lost give. Eklavya, Kabir etc. there are many examples, which appear that the master not only your faith based on the master by receipt of education more than learned make be. हिप्रोटिज्म basis of the patient to your word believe advisable to him arbitrary function able to take the same so. तान्त्रिक people mantra accomplishment of rigid silence by your mind how अगाध faith Jamat are. Usually which in mind that mantra per as deep respect frozen is that तान्त्रिक the mantra equally works. The mantra of devotees तान्त्रिक miraculous working shows the mantra to अश्रद्धालु seeker whether hundred times बके, some benefits does not. Gayatri mantra regarding this fact is very extent works. When the seeker faith and assuredly worship is, the words of science and self-respect of both the importance of the United Gayatri effect of more rises and he is a unique power proves. Eternal परमात्मतत्त्व Brahman it everything was born. Creation to generate the idea of arise as Brahman a स्फुरणा occurred, whose name-the power. Power by two the creation generated हुई- a root second consciousness. Root creation of operation to power the nature and consciousness creation of operation to power the name of "Savitri' is. Mythology described in to get the creation of primitive dimension in the Lord of the navel in Lotus born. Lotus flower in Brahma, the, Brahma from Savitri was Savitri and Brahma combination around the Vedas born. Veda of all kinds of ज्ञानों emergence of the. तदनन्तरं Brahma the पंचभौतिक creation of creation. The figurative saga the secret of it is- detached, senselessly, निर्विकल्प परमात्मतत्त्व the navel in से- Center in the land, the अन्तःकरण in Lotus born and floral like Bloom was. Shruti said that the creation of the early in the divine wish there was that 'एकोहं बहुस्याम्" I have a lot to go. It is his desire, स्फुरणा navel in the country from out स्फुटित was ie Lotus Latika occurred and Bud Bloom been. The Lotus flower on Brahma occur. These Brahma creation of construction Trinity power of the first part. Later this त्रिदेवी power origin, conditions and destroy works by the Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh as visible in the summer. Early a Lotus flower only Brahma only appear, because the first arising to power requirement was. Now Brahma work begins. He two the creation generated of-a consciousness, the second root. Consciousness power under all creatures tend to come, which will, cognition, अहंभावना is found. Consciousness of a free creation is, the world' प्राणमय thesaurus, "says. Nikhil in the world a consciousness element loaded, which 'life' name referred. Idea, resolution, expressions, this vital element of the three classes and truth, range, तम- three its characters. These elements of souls macro, subtle and the body are made. All kinds of creature that life element of चैतन्यता and life power obtain. Root creation for building Brahma the पञ्चभूतों built. Earth, water, air, fast, Sky by the world's all परमाणुमय substance made. Solid, liquid, गैस- these three forms in nature of the nuclear your activity continue. River, Mountain, Earth, etc. all Pescara these पंचभौतिक atoms of the game. Creatures physical body these प्रकृतिजन्य पंचतत्त्वों are made. Action जड़- animate both creation in. प्राणमय consciousness creation अहंभाव, resolution and inspiration activities various forms appeared required to. भूतमय root creation power, stir and power these grounds by a variety of रंग- as, आकार- type बनते- deteriorating live. Root creation of the basis of nuclear and consciousness creation of the basis of resolution. Both based very subtle and very Hardy are. They are destroyed does not only version of lives. जड़- animate the creation in the creation of Brahma two powers working are (1) resolution power (2) nuclear power. These two in the first resolution power requirement was because without the consciousness of emergence wouldn't and without the consciousness of atomic use what happens? अचैतन्य creation your in अचैतन्य this week, because neither shall have the knowledge is not her a used." Consciousness "disclosure for the convenience of his साधन- content as" root "using happens. अस्तु, beginning in Brahma the consciousness made, knowledge of the resolution of the invention, the mythical language it is say that the first Vedas prakty happened. Mythology described in to get that Brahma the body of from a सर्वांग all taruni occurred, it is their अगं resulting from due to their daughter was. This taruni the help of his creation works continued. It after that alone ripe beauty woman looking at their minds of distracted and he him wife as Raman done. The sex of मैथुनी coordinator परमाणुमय पंचभौतिक creation occurred. The legend of figurative as to, mysterious puzzle not understand many people in your mind ancient elements to shallow and अश्रद्धा terms of view. They forget that Brahma a man is not nor them occurred power daughter or wife and don't पुरुष- woman like between them in the resort is. This creation construction period of a fact esoteric puzzle as figurative manner presented by the author has कलाकारिता introduction to have. Brahma senselessly divine power, the creation of construction activities. This works to turn his two arms, which resolution and nuclear power says. Resolution power animate सत्- possible to Brahma daughter is. Nuclear power macro functional and तम- possible to Brahma the wife. Thus Gayatri and Savitri Brahma daughter and wife known were. Last pages told has been a अव्यय, senselessly, अजर- immortal God's more than one to go 'wish there. Brahman in स्फुरण that' एकोहं बहुस्याम् i'm alone, much to go. His it will only power became. This is good, स्फुरणा or power to the same ब्रह्म- wife says. Thus Brahman a two done. Now it लक्ष्मी- Narayan, सीता- Ram, राधे- black, उमा- Mahesh, शक्ति- Shiva, माया- Brahma, nature of God, etc. names Puss engaged. This power by a number of items and creatures of the building was, therefore, it also three parts of your divided had so many types of combination ready to be able to and a variety attributes, Karma, nature of the root, animate the matter of them. ब्रह्मशक्ति these three टुकड़े- (1) truth (2) range (3) तम- these three names calling are. Truth the meaning of-the God of divine element. Final the meaning of-the dead substances atoms in the existence. Range of the meaning of-the root substances and divine divine element of blending occurred fun supplier चैतन्यता. These three elements macro creation of the original reasons. Created after macro factor as a Clay, water, wind, अग्रि, आकाश- these five macro element and are generated. These elements of atoms and their words, as, juice, smell, touch तन्मात्राओं by the creation of all the work show. Nature two part-micro nature, which power flow, as life as communication works, the truth, range, तममयी is. Physical nature, which visual materials construction and is used, परमाणुमयी is. It soil, water, wind, etc. macro पंचतत्त्वों based on your activity continue holds. Rows above the reader understanding of be the first one Brahman was his स्फुरणा from adishakti the emergence happened. This adishakti name of the same Gayatri is. Such as Brahman his three part-the (1) सत्- which hrin or Muse say, (2) रज- the 'srin' or Lakshmi say, (3) तम- the 'Clin' or black says. In fact," truth "and" good "two Department were, in both meet which section occurred, he range called. Such as the Ganges, Yamuna where get there, their mixed stream Muse says. Muse as a separate River is not. Such as these two Rivers meet the Muse was, as truth and final the sum of range was born and त्रिधा nature called. अद्वैतवाद, dualism, त्रैतवाद very TIFF heard is virtually: understand the difference is just. Brahma, biology, nature of the three existed in. The first one Brahman was, it's okay, so अद्वैतवाद also well. Behind Brahman and power (nature) two become so dualism also well. Nature and God संस्पर्श which रसानुभूति and चैतन्यता mixed range power occurred, he creatures called. Thus त्रैतवाद also well. Discharge on creatures power destroying is. It is clear that the living creatures of the current power mind, wisdom, mind, ego up-based, he is a mixture is just. तत्त्वदर्शन of serious theme by logging in the spirit of the Astral topics light on putting of the opportunity is not. These lines in the the macro and micro-nature of the distinction told, because of science part two here are the human द्विधा nature here is formed. पंचतत्त्वों by working to physical nature explore to man physicist called. His wisdom force पंचतत्त्वों the भेद- strains to learn from them several useful tool obtained. Chemicals, agriculture, power, vapor, crafts, music, language, literature, vehicles, housing, medical, government, astronomy, अस्त्र- arms, philosophy, land परिशोध etc. many kinds of सुख- means am extracted and rail, Motor, wire, post, radio, television, photos and more miscellaneous items to make बड़े- large access to build made. Wealth, सुख- facility and the rest of the instrument accessible in. This route which benefits, it classical language in प्रेय 'or' indulgence," says. It science physics is called. This macro nature of the use of learning is. Micro nature he who आद्यशक्ति Gayatri generated from the Muse, Lakshmi, Durga in बँटती is. It सर्वव्यापिनी शक्ति- निर्झरिणी पंचतत्त्वों more than subtle. Such as the Rivers flow, water waves air trauma due to 'कल- was from मिलती- similar sounds picking up the, so subtle nature of शक्ति- streams from three of the word sounds rising are. Truth flow hrin, range flow' srin and final flow 'Clin "term मिलती- similar sound occurs. Even micro Brahman of ऊँकार sound flow. नादयोग of silence to ध्यानमग्न through these sounds hold and their support hold of the Astral nature to cross the ब्रह्मसायुज्य go to reach. It yoga practice path you further reading to get. Ancient times in our adorable ancestors has Saints his sharp terms of science of the Astral element caught was the same research and success in your powers to put was. Result of the current period glorious physics than many times benefits benefited from being able were. They आद्यशक्ति of the Astral power flows on your right to set used. It appears the fact that the human body in a variety of powers of the emergence of. Our ऋषिगण योग- silence of the body in different parts of hidden have the शक्ति- centers, chakras, ग्रन्थियों to, मातृकाओं to, ज्योतियों to, भ्रमरों to arouse and the wake of the power flow generated was her आद्यशक्ति the त्रिविध flows in with which require was more related to give were. Such as radio station ट्रान्समीटर access to the affiliate tax is given, both of electric power even in the category due to one another related to be, and those stations among of mutual conversation, सम्वादों the Exchange offer continuation of running it is similar silence by body under the hidden and तन्द्रित set of centers awakening by micro nature of power flows from affiliate gets, man and आद्यशक्ति together related to become. This relationship man that आद्यशक्ति the womb full of secrets to understand think your wish them by using the benefit may be. Since the world in which also something, all that आद्यशक्ति within, so he related person world all materials and means your affiliate can. Current period of scientific पंचतत्त्वों range limited to, physical nature with respect to install बड़ी- large precious machines power, vapor, gas, petrol etc. using some of the invention and do थोड़ा- which exploits are. It's way big श्रम- practicable, कष्ट- practicable, धन- practicable and time practicable is. It malfunction, टूट- foot and change wrangling also come day started lives. Them यन्त्रों established, security and construction for all the time work continue does. They change location and then also is difficult. All this mess Indian yoga science विज्ञानवेत्ताओं front were not. They have no access to help, without director, electricity, gas, and only your body शक्ति- centers relationship micro nature established by such amazing work take were, whose possible to today physicist understand not be able are able. Mahabharata and Lanka war in which अस्त्र- arms व्यवहृत were many of them थोड़ों of foggy as just unfolded. Radar, gas bomb, molecule bomb, disease germinal bombs, nuclear bomb, death Ray etc. foggy picture now ready to be found. In ancient seductive arms, ब्रह्मपाश, नागपाश, वरुणास्त्र, आग्रेय Arrow, enemy dead tarkas returned to the sagittal etc. व्यवहृत were; शब्दवेध the prevalence was. Such अस्त्र- arms any precious machines, not mantra force run were, which enemy wherever he be hidden, ढूँढ़कर his self-destruct used. Lanka sitting in the Ravana and in the US sitting अहिरावण together well conversation used; them a radio or ट्रान्समीटर did not need. Aircraft without gasoline flying were. अष्ट- accomplishment and new fund योगशास्त्रों in जगह- place description. अग्रि sign in to do, water walk, air like fastest dudnha, invisible to grow, man पशु- bird and पशु- bird of human body change take, the body is very small or large, light, or bulky made up, the curse of forbidding generate give, gifts best of the benefits of receipt, death to stop taking, पुत्रेष्टि sacrifice, the future of knowledge, others अन्तस् identify, a moment in bountiful wealth, season, the city, जीव- जन्तुगण, monster etc. generate take, all the universe of movements to be familiar with any of the object version out, hunger, thirst, sleep, सर्दी- heat victory, in the Sky fly etc. many wonder full work only mantra force, योगशक्ति, the spirituality science were and scientific for the purposes of some sort of the machine, gas, electricity, etc. need not required was. It work body electric and nature of the Astral flow affiliate once easily become were. Indian science was, which is based था- silence. Silence by only' good 'element of the relationship having the above type of physical miracle are not, but' range" and "truth" field advantage and fun too abundant get can be. The loss, grief, separation, mind, disease, invasion, resistance, trauma, etc. nots circumstances पडक़र where simple मनोभूमि people death like mental distress find, there आत्मशक्तियों the use of the lore learn person discretion, knowledge, quietness, courage, hope and God faith based on these difficulties हँसते- laugh easily deducts and bad or normal circumstances in your joy to increase the path find extracts. He life so fun, hilarity and मजेदारी with spends, as poor millionaires also luck may not be. The physical and mental health initiative of the right poses, her big rich more than आनन्दमय life spend Fortunately unintended get gets. Range power of the use of knowing it benefits physics by benefits than more important. "Truth" element of the benefits to describe the stylus and the voice of both the power out. Divine divine elements of the spirit in the increases, the mercy, compassion, love, friendship, sacrifice, contentment, peace, service expressions, affinity, integrity, integrity, restraint, humility, purity, श्रमशीलता, piety and more virtues the amount of दिन- day large fast increases. Result in the world for praise, gratitude, प्रत्युपकार, faith, help, respect expressions mounting and प्रत्युपकार satisfied to live. In addition, it virtue own so sweet that the heart of these accommodation is the self-contentment of soft निर्झरिणी always flows live. There are people wants to live in a state visit, whether dead state, they जीवन- discharge, heaven, Bliss, brahmananda, self-philosophy, प्रभु- receipt, ब्रह्म- Nirvana, तुरीयावस्था, निर्विकल्प mausoleum of each receive lives. That's life of the target. It to find the spirit परितृप्ति fun in the Ocean enwrapped is. Spiritual, mental and worldly three types of सुख- means आद्यशक्ति Gayatri the truth, range, तममयी streams reach an seeker smooth can obtain. Muse, Lakshmi and black of सिद्धियाँ पृथक्- separate receive are. Western countries physicist 'Clin, "element of the black power explore the worship in enwrapped are. Rationalist, missionary, reform, गाँधीवादी, philanthropist, business, labor, udyami, Socialist, Communist it' srin 'power orderliness in, Lakshmi organizing are engaged in. Yogi, ब्रह्मवेत्ता, spiritualist, तत्त्वदर्शी, man, philosophy, परमार्थी person hrin element of, Muse of worship are. It's all three class Gayatri of आद्यशक्ति the one-a-phase worshipers are. Gayatri to' त्रिपदा" stated. His three steps. It Triveni above three purposes only to meet is. Mother child all works. You need it for him scavenger of, chefs of, Kahar of, babysitter, horse, donor, tailor, laundry of, janitor work playing guests. As those who atmskti to आद्यशक्ति with link of learning to know, they are your सुसन्तति proven to do. They Gayatri rupee सर्वशक्तिमयी mother from bountiful benefit you take. In the world suffering three reasons are (1) ignorance (2) Infirmary (3) absence. These three suffering to Gayatri of the Astral nature of the three sections of the utilization of deleted can be. Hrin ignorance, the srin lack, Clin Infirmary away and activities. Indian micro विद्या- experts micro nature on the right to the intended fun to get the science was invented, all the visions of extraordinary and is great. The invention of the name is- practice. Silence of accomplishment get. सावीत्री silence many attainments the mother is.

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