सांख्यकारिका quiz सङ्ग्र * question) * * सांख्यदर्शन the father who? * (A) kpilmuni (II) Bhardwaj (III) Bhowmick (D.) बादरायण last question: * kpilmuni * * question) * * श्रीमद्भागवद (3/24) according to Kapil Muni parents who? * (A) कर्दभ, वसुमती (II) कर्दभ, देवभूति (III) पंचशिख, देवहूति (D.) कर्दभ, देवहूति last question: * कर्दभ, देवहूति * * question) * * Kapil the sankhya preached who have? * (A) पंचशिख (II) demoniac (III) Sridhar (D.) परमर्षि last question: * demoniac * * question) * * तत्वसमास how formulas? * (A) 23 (II) 21 (III) 24 (D.) 22 last question: * 22 * * question) * * षड्दर्शन set who creation? * (A) पंचशिख (II) कल्हण (III) demoniac (D.) भद्रसूरी last question: * भद्रसूरी * * question) * * षड्दर्शन set of what certified is? * (A) demoniac the verse by their कालकल्वित composition (II) demoniac of verse (III) demoniac of sankhya scriptures knower be (D.) demoniac of scholarship last question: * demoniac the verse by their कालकल्वित composition * * question) * * "system" who creation? * (A) Kapil Muni (II) जैगीषव्य (III) demoniac (D.) पंचशिख last question: * Kapil Muni * * question) * * demoniac first pupils who were? * (A) पंचशिख (II) जैगीषव्य (III) वार्षगण्य (D.) ऐश्वरकृष्ण last question: * पंचशिख * * question) * * what Granth description certified that पँचशिख demoniac first disciples were? * (A) the Ramayana (II) स्कन्दपुराण (III) the Mahabharata (D.) श्रीमद्भागवद last question: * Mahabharata * * question) * * पाराशरगोत्र, Monk who has been said? * (A) जैगीषव्य (II) Kapil Muni (III) demoniac (D.) पँचशिख last question: * पँचशिख * * question) * * षष्टितन्त्र whose work is? * (A) kpilmuni (II) जैगीषव्य (III) demoniac (D.) पँचशिख last question: * पँचशिख * * question) * * संख्याचार्य Deval master of what is the name? * (A) पँचशिख (II) जैगीषव्य (III) demoniac (D.) kpilmuni last question: * जैगीषव्य * * question) * * सांख्यतत्वकौमुदि who creation? * (A) ईश्वरकृष्ण (II) जैगीषव्य (III) vachspati alloys (D.) वार्षगण्य last question: * vachspati alloy * * question) * * सांख्यकारिका कस्य work? * (A) जैगीषव्य (II) vachspati alloys (III) demoniac (D.) ईश्वरकृष्ण last question: * ईश्वरकृष्ण * * question) * * सांख्यकारिका of the oldest interpretation who has been regarded? * (A) संख्यप्रवचनसूत्र (II) माठरवृत्ति (III) तत्वसमास (D.) सांख्यसूत्र last question: * माठरवृत्ति * * question) * * माठरवृत्ति the creator Acharya माठर time what ruler of the time has been regarded? * (A) the Emperor Kanishka first century (II) Ashok (III) chandragupta Maurya (D.) harshavardhana last question: * Emperor Kanishka first century * * question) * * gold सप्तति, hiranya सप्तति and Kanak सप्तति what work other names? * (A) सांख्यकारिका (II) तत्वभाषा (III) सांख्यप्रवचनसूत्र (D.) तत्वसमास last question: * सांख्यकारिका * * question) * * सांख्यदर्शन, योगदर्शन which topic in different? * (A) प्रमाणविषय (II) पुरुषविषय (III) तत्वविष्य (D.) ईश्वरविषय last question: * ईश्वरविषय * * question) * * गौड़पादभाष्य whom were written? * (A) तर्कभाषा (II) सांख्यकारिका (III) तर्कसंग्रह (D.) reflection last question: * सांख्यकारिका * * question) * * सांख्यकारिका of कारिकाओं which verses? * (A) अनुष्टुप (II) Arya (III) बसन्ततिलका (D.) उपजाती last question: * Arya * * question) * * संख्यप्रवचनभाष्य who creation? * (A) विज्ञानभिक्षु (II) उत्प्लाचार्य (III) पँचशिख (D.) seer last question: * विज्ञानभिक्षु * * question) * * सांख्यसूत्र creator who? * (A) Kapil (II) विज्ञानभिक्षु (III) जैगीषव्य (D.) demoniac last question: * Kapil * * question) * * सांख्यदर्शन is considered to be? * (A) अद्वेतवादी (II) त्रैत plaintiff (III) द्वेताद्वेतवादी (D.) द्वेतवादी last answer: * द्वेतवादी * * question) * * सांख्यकारिका Chinese translation of what is the name? * (A) ताम्रसप्ताति (II) Kanak commentary (III) राजतसप्तति (D.) gold सप्तति last question: * gold सप्तति * * question) * * सांख्यकारिका how कारिकायें are? * (A) 71 (II) 77 (III) 70 (D.) 72 last question: * 70 * * question) * * do many types of? * (A) 3 (II) 5 (III) 4 (D.) 2 last question: * 3 * * question) * * the following what spiritual suffering? * (A) direct trans generated (II) snake मनुष्यादि generated (III) vata bile cuff's oddity caused (D.) storm storm generated from the last question: * vata bile cuff's oddity caused * * question) * * spiritual do many types of? * (A) 2 (II) 3 (III) 4 (D.) 1 last question: * 2 * * question) * * शारीरीक and mental do what difference are? * (A) आधिदैविक (II) any not (III) आधिभौतिक (D.) spiritual last question: * spiritual * * question) * * आत्मतत्व, ज्ञ, soul who has been said? * (A) nature (II) pathology (III) content (D.) guy last question: * guy * * question) * * content what? * (A) thick (II) guy nature (III) 16 disorder (D.) सूक्ष्मत्त्व last question: * 16 disorder * * question) * * sankhya how and who evidence to admit? * (A) 2, direct, estimates (II) 5, direct, estimates, the word, उपमान, अर्थापत्ति (III) 4, direct estimate words उपमान (D.) 3, direct estimate words last question: * 3, direct estimate words * * question) * * latent what? * (A) 16 disorder (II) thick element (III) nature (D.) guy last question: * nature * * question) * * sankhya in कुस evidence sightings stated? * (A) उपमान (II) direct (III) the words (D.) estimate the last question: * direct * * question) * * undo, शेषवत, सामान्यतो sightings whom distinguish are? * (A) word (II) direct (III) a not (D.) estimate of the last question: * estimated * * question) * * लिंगलिंगीपूर्वकम् whose symptoms? * (A) words (II) any not (III) estimates (D.) direct last question: * estimated * * question) * * boom and fire in sex what? * (A) any not (II) Dhoom fire both (III) fire only (D.) Dhoom last question: * Dhoom * * question) * * sex and gender in for what? * (A) sex (II) both (III) a not (D.) gender last question: * sex * * question) * * अन्वय and contrast what? * (A) to (II) .The of distinction (III) evidence of distinction (D.) practicable last question: * prevalence of distinction * * question) * * द्विविध coverage on the basis for how difference? * (A) 4 (II) 1 (III) 2 (D.) 3 last question: * 3 * * question) * * other views validated by अर्थापत्ति, absence, potential evidence of अंतर्भाव sankhya what evidence in assumes? * (A) any not (II) the words (III) direct (D.) estimate the last question: * estimated * * question) * * mythology valid evidence उपमान and ऐतिह्य of अंतर्भाव sankhya what evidence in assumes? * (A) direct (II) आप्तवचन (III) estimates (D.) no not last question: * आप्तवचन * * question) * * direct not how many reasons? * (A) 9 (II) 4 (III) 8 (D.) 7 last question: * 9 * * question) * * सत्कार्यवाद in favor of how logic given? * (A) to 5 (II) 4 (III) 6 (D.) 7 last question: * 5 * * question) * * sankhya total number of elements assumes? * (A) 26 (II) 25 (III) 24 (D.) 17 last question: * 5 * * question) * * sankhya total number of elements assumes? * (A) 26 (II) 25 (III) 24 (D.) 17 last question: * 25 * * question) * * sankhya according to the micro-body how many elements of the set? * (A) 16 (II) 21 (III) 17 (D.) 18 last question: * 18 * * question) * * sankhya according to Salvation how to distinguish are? * (A) 1 (II) 3 (III) 2 (D.) 4 last question: * 2 * * question) * * Karan how many types? * (A) 17 (II) 11 (III) 13 (D.) 12 last question: * 13 * ✔ * question) * * सांख्यअनुसार accomplishment how to distinguish are? * (A) 9 (II) 11 (III) 10 (D.) 8 last question: * 8 * ✔ * question) * * अविद्या how to distinguish are? * (A) 9 (II) 7 (III) 6 (D.) 8 last question: * 8 * ✔ * question) * * Tamas how to distinguish are? * (A) 6 (II) 8 (III) 9 (D.) 7 last question: * 8 * ✔ * question) * * appease how to distinguish are? * (A) 9 (II) 7 (III) 6 (D.) 8 last question: * 9 * ✔ * question) * * तामिस्र how to distinguish are? * (A) 9 (II) 18 (III) 7 (D.) 5 ऋ last question: * 18 * * question) * * senses how do? * (A) 10 (II) 5 (III) 6 (D.) 11 last question: * 11 * ✔ * question) * * content element how do? * (A) 22 (II) 21 (III) 24 (D.) 23 last question: * 23 * ✔ * question) * * pathology element how do? * (A) 16 (II) 22 (III) 17 (D.) 18 last question: * 16 * ✔ * question) * * Infirmary how to distinguish are? * (A) 27 (II) 25 (III) 28 (D.) 26 last question: * 28 * ✔ * question) * * बुद्धिसर्ग / प्रत्ययसर्ग कतिविध:? * (A) 10 (II) 9 (III) 50 (D.) 8 last question: * 50 * ✔ * question) * * sankhya in dancer who has been said? * (A) nature (II), Maya (III) sense (D.) mind last question: * nature * ✔ * question) * * content how do? * (A) 16 (II) 17 (III) 7 (D.) 23 last question: * 23 * ✔ * question) * * regulation to which properties? * (A) entity (II) Tamas (III) a not (D.) रजस last question: * Tamas * ✔ * question) * * भोक्तृभावात "" what accomplishment in the argument? * (A) guy (II) nature (III) a not (D.) 23 elements in favor of the last question: * guy * ✔ * question) * * 16 elements in what comes? * (A) nature guy senses स्थूलतत्व (II) कर्मेन्द्रियां, ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ, mind, सूक्ष्मत्त्व (III) स्थूलतत्व, nature, ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ (D.) 5 तन्मात्राएं, 11 senses last question: * 5 तन्मात्राएं, 11 senses * ✔ * question) * * intelligence how to distinguish are? * (A) to 5 (II) 3 (III) 4 (D.) 2 last question: * 2 * ✔ * question) * * intelligence both secrets pious and vengeful forms how to distinguish are? * (A) to 5 (II) 2 (III) 4√ (D.) 3 last question: * 4 * ✔ * question) * * ego pious carried out what is generated? * (A) तन्मात्राएं (II) कर्मेन्द्रियां (III) ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ (D.) 11 senses last question: * 11 senses * ✔ * question) * * physical creation how to distinguish are? * (A) 4 (II) 5 (III) 3 (D.) 2 last question: * 3 * ✔ * question) * * divine creation how to distinguish are? * (A) 6 (II) 7 (III) 9 (D.) 8 last question: * 8 * ✔ * question) * * reptiles what creation come? * (A) any not (II) तिर्यग (III) the divine (D.) मानुषी last question: * तिर्यग * ✔ * question) * * गांधर्व what creation come? * (A) मानुषी (II) the divine (III) a not (D.) तिर्यग last question: * divine * ✔ * question) * * what conscience belongs? * (A) ego (II) ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ (III) तन्मात्राएं (D.) कर्मेन्द्रियां last question ego अत्योत्तम * _ अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम् प्रश्नोत्तरी_ * question number 1 *.) * Rajasekhara has many कालीदासों have described? * (A) * 3 * ✔ (II) 4 (III) 6 (D.) 2 * question number 2 *.) * आपरितोषाद् विदषाम् ......... श्लोकस्य speaker of:? * (A) showgirl (II) * architect * ✔ (III) yarn (D.) dushyant * question number 3 *.) * Heigh रागपरिवाहिनी गीति: who said to been? * (A) Shakuntala for (II) * हंसपदिका for * ✔ (III) Priyamvada for (D.) वसुमती for httpanga * question number 4 *.) * King Laxman Singh अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तल translation when did? * (A) * 1863 * ✔ (II) 1865 (III) 1768 (D.) 1743 * question number 5 *.) * First points in the total number of verses of use happened? * (A) 32 (II) * 24 * ✔ (III) 35 (D.) 26 * question number 6 *.) * धर्मारण्य ..................... स्यंदनालोक Wall: spaces meet enter? * (A) * प्रविशति yards: * ✔ (II) yards: प्रविशति (III) Sage (D.) particle * question is number 7 *.) * Fifth points of what is the name किरातर्जुनीयम quiz * किरातार्जुनीयम् first Canto in which way is * वैदर्भी गौणी panchali Lahti * किरातार्जुनीयम् first Canto total number of staff are * 45 44 46✅ 47 * किरातार्जुनीयम् each Canto end of what the word is * Mr. श्रीय: लक्ष्मी✅ Shiva * लक्ष्मीपदांक whom poetry to have been told * भारवि✅ magh kalidasa भास * किरातार्जुनीयम् the last verses in which verses * वंशस्थ मंदाक्रांता पुष्पिताग्रा मालिनी✅ * King दुर्विनित the किरातार्जुनीयम what Canto commentary on written * 15 वे✅ 14 they 16 they 18 they * भारवि how did Canto in शिवस्तुति of * * first Canto in वंशस्थ verses how verses in * 44✅ 43 45 42 * 45 they verses in which verses * Malini पुष्पिताग्रा✅ वंशस्थ मंदाक्रा * not समयपरिक्षणम क्षमम which staff is * 42 43 45 46 method ...
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