Wednesday, 22 April 2015

श्वास'पीठ........{swamishishu swamishishuvidehanand

सन १९७८{१९९०} में मैंने_यहाँ_''0'''magnet'fiLd'''_को अभिजित'मुहर्त''में'''सम्श्धित''किया''जो''आगे_किसी_और_सिद्ध_को_
यह'मुहूर्त''सिंहस्थ''के''वर्ष'' २९.अक्षांश..त्रेक्ष...'में...' १२_वर्ष_में_१_बार_

Monday, 20 April 2015

श्रीदुर्गाराक्ताम्बराश्क्तिपिठ_स्वमिशिशुविदेहानंद 'सरस्वति 'तिवारी'महाराज'


अक्षय'तृतीया.....< अक्षय_'''त्रु ...टि....या...____

पूर्णतया'''' दूर_करने_वाली_यह____तृतीया___है...
{ आवरण 'पूर्ण }...कर''देती''है''''

Sunday, 19 April 2015


सिद्धो''की''पादशाही'''____सुगरा_भर''भर''पीवे......{ Τελειο }....परिपूर्ण'


Πολύ ωραίο..............

बहुत_व्यस्तम''अक्शोविः   ''यह''त्रेक्षक''के''अनात्र्गत''किन्तु'''
अनायास'''ही''कह''सकते''है''' बहुत_शानदार'''
Πολύ ωραίο______________ तिस्त्रोदित'''' प्र्भव''न्ष'''

कूल''कून्द्लिनी'''+ ध्योत्कान्षित___ही____रहेगी......

global..wrming..and spirichual..: ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं एं क्लिं व्ह्री_-0 S...

global..wrming..and spirichual..: ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं एं क्लिं व्ह्री_-0 S...: OM_H2ONAMAH''स्वामीशिशुविदेहानंद''सरस्वती'तिवारी'म हाराज' 12:19 AM   What is Kundalini? ...

global..wrming..and spirichual..: ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं एं क्लिं व्ह्री_-0 S...

global..wrming..and spirichual..: ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं एं क्लिं व्ह्री_-0 S...: OM_H2ONAMAH''स्वामीशिशुविदेहानंद''सरस्वती'तिवारी'म हाराज' 12:19 AM   What is Kundalini? ...

global..wrming..and spirichual..: आगच्छ _________'र्ध्व.....+++++++++++

global..wrming..and spirichual..: आगच्छ _________'र्ध्व.....+++++++++++: केन्द्रीय'शक्ति'_____++++++++++++++++++++ १ लिंग{योनी...... २ अंडकोष..{१} 3 अंडकोशिक {२} 4 गुदा'द्वार'................य...

आगच्छ _________'र्ध्व.....+++++++++++

१ लिंग{योनी......
२ अंडकोष..{१}
3 अंडकोशिक {२}
4 गुदा'द्वार'................यह'4''केंद्र 'की'नाड़ीयों'से'संलग्न'_spaynal'कॉर्ड.._के'१'सिरे'पर'एक'अतिसूक्ष्म_छेद_होता_है_वहा''से''प्राण'शक्ति''_स्पय्नल'कॉर्ड'_में_प्रविष्ट_होती_है_'यह'ब्रम्ह्नाडी_का-केन्द्रक_{ मूलाधार''का''जल'''}..__सु''षु''म्म्ना'''{corcsrejjn'MATTER}__पुरे_UNIVARSAL'''को'''चलाने_बनाने_की_शक्ति_रखता_है_सुषुम्ना'''+ ऊपर'कपाल{शिखा'भाग}_< निचे{जीभ}_क्षेत्रगत_tanal__यहाँ'''प्रा..णो..'र्ध्व'..ग...म...न...'''की''उर्ध्व'भुत''साधना'''की'''जाती''है'''
#@@@@# some text missing
{बाकि''गुरुकृपा''से'''ही'' मालूम_होगा__
यही_१_प्रप्ति''है''जिसे''कोई''छल'कपट''से''प्राप्त''नही''कर''सकता''यहाँ_'''''''स्वयं''''''''''को_सिद्ध_करना_पड़ता_है_''सद्गुरु''देने''पर''मजबूर'''{ प्रेम'कृपाभाव=मजबूर }..हो'''जाए'''

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

अधिक महिना ...........२|१|२६|४३|

प्रतिपदा___बुध्वासरान्वितायाम _आर्द्रा'नाम _नक्षत्रे_ २|६|३४|२९|
आंग्ल''दिनांकः 17|6|2015|

१७६२०१५= धन नाश { बुधवार_आर्द्रा'नक्षत्र}सुर्यस्प्ष्ट_२१२६४३
१६७२०१५= कार्य'सिद्धि {गुरुवार_पुनर्वसु'नक्षत्र}च्न्द्रस्प्ष्ट_२६३४२९
'मन्त्र_ॐ गोविन्दम'धरमवन्दे'गोपालं'गोप्'रूपी 'नमः |
गोकुलो'उत्सव'मिच्छामी'गोविन्दम'गोपिका'प्रियं'||.....प्रतिदिन_११ माला जाप करे....


संसाधनों''' द्वारा_कार्य_कर_रहा_हु_
आज_बेमोव्सम''बरसाते''''_+ बर्फवारी'''''___+ विप्लव____
और_लोग_प्रवचन'कारो''''' राजनेताओ___''और_भोन्दू''सायन्स''वालो''पर''''निर्भर_है_ठीक''है''तो''रोको''न....
इस''' वि__प्ल___व्____'''को'''''

Saturday, 11 April 2015

ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं एं क्लिं व्ह्री_-0 S D Q २ नमः

What is Kundalini?
Swamishishuvidehanand-sarswati tiwari'maharaj-karanjalad'datt
What is Kundalini? What is its power, its
Silence, what is its purpose, Kundalini awakening
What are the human impact on how the awakening
Does it make? - Are questions many Adiadiaese
Is desired.
Kundalini meditation human internal conversion and
Is a scientific process of awakening.
Kundalini awakening is the only object that
Man identified himself, his life profoundly
Got it. It is a spiritual journey that humans
Themselves with their own existence has to.
Where the bottom of each human spinal Janendriy
Bone begins, there is a gram equivalent pit
Says the reservoir. Is the center of the reservoir energy. This
The size of the tank, like a triangle. This is
Yoga is a bunch of nerves called the tuber. Similarly
Two and a half cycle of the Kundalini serpent
Chart hit, down by the home side, with ages
Unaware that he was asleep. Until sleep
Has been the remains of ignorance.
Located in the tank, it Kundalini
Is called. Within the human spine
Yoga is a pulse within Pola Haluske
The spinal cord is called pulse. Within this two and
Nerves - the Ida and Pingala, similarly as
Two different power within a thick wire
Including positive and negative electrodes are thin wire
Streams flow. Spinal cord at all pulse
Is not empty, there is zero, so the zero pulse
Is also known. Boasts plenty to zero within
Is. Ida and Pingala nerves respectively mind
Is the flow of life. Isiliye Ida and the Mnovha
Pingala Nadi says there's life.
At one corner of the tank, Ida, Pingala and one on
Of the spinal cord are Grinthiya. Our body is a
Is important. The life span of
Is the center of the entire body. The perineum
Call cycle. Triangle is a symbol of the vagina, so
Tantric cycle called the vagina. From here three
The nerves in the spinal cord via the above together
Has gone on. Go up to three different places
Are. Bai Dai temple temple of Ida and Pingala
In order to get through the circle and the three types
Spirit has been crossed minds of the stigma. Similarly
Thus the spinal cord through the back of the scalp pulse
Brahma has got to stoma. The idea that the divine waves
Third of the way into the brain from the spinal foramen
Mendula ablongata reach.
There are two parts to our body of knowledge fibers. First
Inside part and the second part of the brain and spinal cord
Chest, abdomen and pelvis is within. The first part Sseribo
Spinal System and the second part says
Sympathetic system call. Man Within
Desires, feelings, born and the first part of business
In the same sense, nutrition, digestion business other
In part moves. Words, juice, appearance, smell and touch
Knowledge of the brain and spinal cord nerve function business
The idea that there are also born here.
There are three parts of the brain - the brain, secondary
The brain and lower brain. The brain
The Sseribrm, secondary brain says Sseribelm
The brain called the medulla ablongata underachievement.
It is located on the top of the spine. The size
Hen's egg is equal. In a fluid
Is full of the unknown. Medical science
The fluid has not yet know. Yogi
It is called Sahasrara. The knowledge of fibers
Got to the front end and other spinal nerve
Brahman is the stigma out where to top
Practice. Equivalent to the location of the needle tip
Says the Brahmarandhra holes. Spirit through the stomata
ABC scattered individual views of the cosmos
Eclipse keeps.
The use of special breathing and meditation
First Kundalini through special process
The awakening, yet it is the rise
In order to penetrate cycles and then finally
Chinmaya cycle nature in order to master philosophy
It happens. At the end of the power of Shiva Sahasrara
There are great rapport union
Show original text

Monday, 6 April 2015

global..wrming..and spirichual..: Καλη επιτυχια!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

global..wrming..and spirichual..: Καλη επιτυχια!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: अनाहत''व्य्त्कारिताओ'से''व्यस्त' उय्त्प्रेरित'संचेत्नाये_जब_भी_ उन्न्मिलित_होती_है_तब_ दी_जाती_है_शुभकामनाये&...

Sunday, 5 April 2015


पश्चिम और ''पूर्व''में..इतना''ही''भेद'है''की'''
हम_आर्यावर्त'वासी'पूरेविश्व'को'' कुटुम्ब'''मानते''समझते''है''''

Friday, 3 April 2015

Καλη επιτυχια!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

उय्त्प्रेरित'संचेत्नाये_जब_भी_ उन्न्मिलित_होती_है_तब_
दी_जाती_है_शुभकामनाये''''+++++++++++++++++ Καλη επιτυχια!!__